My god, that's an amazing bunch of stupidity right there.Someone stuck a Tea Party picture in your immigration article.Obama/Media vs Arizona/America said:
My god, that's an amazing bunch of stupidity right there.Someone stuck a Tea Party picture in your immigration article.Obama/Media vs Arizona/America said:
Okay, is that really a protest sign in Arizona? Or is it some asshole trying to discredit protesters with a ridiculous sign?Apparently America owes illegal immigrants Health Care, Jobs, Food, and House. I sure hope Hugh Laurie has a clear calendar, that's a lot of work!
It's just so stupid that I can't believe it was sincere. It had to be a hyperbolic statement made by someone else to mock the protest, right? Right?Honestly I couldn't say. Could be either. You know what I say about people carrying signs during work hours...
Struggle against Capitalism and Imperialism, huh? Well, you made the capitalism part clear... but the imperialism? That must be because the United States is "occupying" lands that should rightfully be the "Republica del Norte" or some other such hogwash.I want to start off by saying that the young man who spoke a little while ago was one of my students. That made me so proud, because you know, our people have strong leaders for years and years to come. As a [Spanish] militant com barrio - a revolutionary Mexican organization here -- we understand what the camarade's saying. This is not just about Mexico. It is a global struggle against imperialism and capitalism.
But we know that all that is happening within the context of where we now stand -- this stolen, occupied Mexico. And the message that we bring is that we want to bring a little bit more of a revolutionary context to this. Why is it that these people, these frail, racist white people, want to keep us out of this country? It's not simply that it's the color of our skin. It's not simply that they want to exploit us. I'll tell you why. It's because on this planet right now, 6 billion people, at the forefront of the revolutionary movement -- is La Raza.
When you hear from our commandantes, Fidel Castro Ruz, Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Brazil, Equador, you name it, we have nine, nine left of center governments in Latin America right now. And they know something that one young Argentine, Che Guevara, said. It was called the domino theory. And he knew that every single country would go revolutionary, one after the other, after the other, after the other.
So what do they fear? They know that every single country, they know that we will no longer fall for these lies called borders. We know that an El Salvadoran, a Guatemalan, a Nicaraguan, an American -- there's no damn difference. We are all one people.
So, with that in mind, we see ourselves, all of us here, as the northern front of a Latin American revolutionary movement...
It's not a "public" school. It's a government school. A Catholic school is run by catholics, and also teaches its students to embrace Catholicism and how it tells you to live your life. A Hebrew school is run by Jews and also teaches its students to embrace Judaism and how it tells you to live your life. A government school is run by government, and also teaches its students to embrace government authority and how it tells you to live your life.By the way, you sound like even more of a loon than usual when you insist on saying "government school." Or do you complain when people go to "government libraries" and get degrees from "government universities?"
Like hell they do. What they want is to take what they believe is theirs, which is most of Texas and California. What's they'd want it for is beyond me... it was worthless when we got it and it'd be next to worthless after we left. Mexico isn't exactly in any position to do anything with the territory ether.The groups name is La Raza, meaning "The Race" or "The People." They just want equality.
Like hell they do. What they want is to take what they believe is theirs, which is most of Texas and California. What's they'd want it for is beyond me... it was worthless when we got it and it'd be next to worthless after we left. Mexico isn't exactly in any position to do anything with the territory ether.[/QUOTE]The groups name is La Raza, meaning "The Race" or "The People." They just want equality.
Like hell they do. What they want is to take what they believe is theirs, which is most of Texas and California. What's they'd want it for is beyond me... it was worthless when we got it and it'd be next to worthless after we left. Mexico isn't exactly in any position to do anything with the territory ether.[/QUOTE]The groups name is La Raza, meaning "The Race" or "The People." They just want equality.
Like hell they do. What they want is to take what they believe is theirs, which is most of Texas and California. What's they'd want it for is beyond me... it was worthless when we got it and it'd be next to worthless after we left. Mexico isn't exactly in any position to do anything with the territory ether.[/QUOTE]The groups name is La Raza, meaning "The Race" or "The People." They just want equality.
Like hell they do. What they want is to take what they believe is theirs, which is most of Texas and California. What's they'd want it for is beyond me... it was worthless when we got it and it'd be next to worthless after we left. Mexico isn't exactly in any position to do anything with the territory ether.[/QUOTE]The groups name is La Raza, meaning "The Race" or "The People." They just want equality.
I'm worried that the unions might try and cut a retaliatory slash into limiting hirings and retentions of Teach For America and NYC Teaching Fellows teachers. They're non-union, paid lower, and tend to perform better, so the union thinks of them as scabs.Have you noticed the up-tick in stories about teachers union lately? The stories usually follow a similar pattern: Some entity recognizes the failing condition of its government schools, a lawmaker proposes a change to those government schools, the teachers unions get upset because they suddenly have to worry about their job security, the teachers unions fight tooth-and-nail against changes that would foster better education for school children, politicians see their campaign coffers starting to dwindle and start worrying about their reelection campaign, politicians cave to teachers unions, government education continues to be a miserable failure.
Latest case? Charter schools good! Bloomberg say New York want more Charter School! He want raise, maybe remove cap on number of charter schools! But UNION HAET CHARTAR SCHOOL RAAAAAAR!
Only in the mind of a union thug would a vote for charter schools mean a vote \"against teachers and students\" but \"for big corporations.\"
Neither would I.Barack Obama won't golf with Rush Limbaugh.
Wait, what?Ever play pin the tail on the donkey? Can't anymore in Great Britain. It's a health and safety violation. Thanks, nanny state!
All this article states is that pin the tail on the donkey sales are down and pinata sales are up, followed by different groups trying to analyze the sales patterns of party games for children. There is no law on the books in the UK prohibiting or limiting the sale of pin the tail on the donkey.The traditional children's party game pin the tail on the donkey is under threat because parents consider it a health and safety risk.
The claim comes from retailers and parenting experts who say mothers and fathers are increasingly reluctant to put pins into the hands of youngsters.
The notion that today's children have to be wrapped in cotton wool and cannot be trusted with a pin will surprise the millions who played the game as children.
Tesco claims that sales of pin the tail on the donkey games have been outpaced by the pinata, an import from Mexico.
Two years ago pin the tail on the donkey games were outselling the pinatas at a ratio of six to four.
But sales of the Mexican party product have jumped 70 per cent in the past year and they now outsell the traditional favourite.
The supermarket's childrens' party buyer, Vicki Rolston, said: 'Some parents don't want to make pin the tail on the donkey games because of safety concerns.'
Nicola Lammond, of the parents' website, confirmed this, saying: 'Pin the tail on the donkey is a safety issue for some mums. If they have the game at all they prefer to make or buy versions with blue tac rather than pins.'
But some parents will wonder why the traditional game is considered more dangerous than the pinata.
In the Mexican game, players have to batter brightly-coloured objects such as bulls and unicorns with a hammer until they burst open and sweets or toys fall out.
Nice catch. I'm sure Gas will be along shortly to claim he trolled you and it was all part of his master plan, or some bullshit like that.Wait, what?
Did you even read your own articles (judging from your track record in this thread, of course you haven't).
I agree with the work their ass off, in the culinary world central american and Mexican workers are very appreciated cause they are willing to put in the hard work and start from the bottom. Less likely than a culinary school grad to want to start off washing dishes for 1-2 years.Meh, everyone slips up sooner or later.
Anyways, that Mexico should take back California/Texas thing makes me chuckle. So you have these people that are like "Those states should belong to us! Viva la mexico!" while they flee their own country to get here because Mexico is so bad. It reminds me of a scene from "The Hammer" -
"You guys sure seem to love Nicaragua except for the part where you risked your lives not to live there any more. "
Anyways, as a Texan I can say I love immigrants, I want as many of them as are willing to come here. In many ways immigrants represent the American Dream to me. They come here with nothing and work their asses off to get a better life for their children. And yeah, there are some bad ones, but its not really that many.
The only beef I have with them are the cultural differences, like driving standards and a lack of courtesy for littering/standards of cleanliness, but I think the same could be said of 90% of douchebags driving trucks and/or europeans, and I just suck it up because there are some great stuff you get from the cultural differences as well (viva la tacquerias!)
I go running at a park by my house and the only people who hang out there are all these mexican families, and its awesome. They are grilling all the time, or playng soccer, or teaching their kids how to fly kites, or just hanging out. I just don't see other people doing that anymore.
Bring 'em on in, there's plenty of space for hard working people that pay taxes (and yes, even illegal immigrants do pay taxes either through property or payroll taxes and I seriously doubt any of them are applying for a refund on their income taxes. Just because you are here illegally doesn't mean you get all you income in cash, many of them have fake social security numbers and get a paycheck just like everyone else.)
Those people probably needed drowningI saw this today and it made me think of Gas.
At last, we are having the right argument for our time. Virtually everybody who is in touch with political reality now accepts that the old contest - socialism vs capitalism - is over. We all believe, with greater or lesser degrees of enthusiasm, in free-market economics. So the real source of contention that remains is the size and role of the state.
Anyone who thinks that this is a puny arena - that the boundaries of debate have shrunk to a less inspirational, purely managerial scale - is mistaken. The passion with which those on the Left are now defending their new turf should make it clear: this fight will be to the death because the power of government to control social and economic outcomes is seen by them as the last plausible incarnation of their moral world-view...
The tragic inevitability of government intervention is that when you create a permanent agency to deal with a problem it has an inherent tendency to make the problem itself permanent. This is not only for self-serving reasons - to justify its own continued existence - but because it prefers to deal in fixed entities such as poverty, deprivation, or educational inequality, rather than to view the infinite range of human possibilities and personal circumstances as a dynamic, ever-changing spectrum in which individual vagaries matter more than any total result.
Well it's only the Second Amendment. It's not like it's the Fifteenth or anything.Chicago Mayor Daley is determined to circumvent the Supreme Court's gun law decision by any means possible.