He'll drink it anyway. Possibly through the back of his head, even.Somebody's tea is about to start tasting funny
Nah. It's just another hot zone or proxy conflict for Cold War 2. Like Korea, Vietnam or Afghanistan before for CW1 and arguably Syria for CW2.Welp, countrys calling their officials back and telling their citizens to leave the Ukraine. Looks like WWIII will start soon.
What do you mean? It already is. It hasn't been over $100 since 2014.A LOT is gonna end once oil sinks below $100/barrel.
I know we've talked about it some in other threads, but I'm honestly surprised more hasn't fallen apart as a result of the drop in oil prices, and faster. Yes, more even than Venezuela.It already is.
They're providing security assistance for the free people's Republics, against western agression, you mean.And now Russia is officially invading Ukraine.
In response, the West will send a strongly worded letter.You mean the threat of sanctions had no effect on the decisions of a nation whose economy had already collapsed?? Surely you jest.
Written by Neville Chamberlain?In response, the West will send a strongly worded letter.
I think we've been pretty clear that we expect them (and all of Europe) to make diplomatic harrumphs while Ukraine ceases to exist.I guess I'm not sure what people expect the US to do?
I'm sure we'll also accept extra refugees to help ease the humanitarian crisis.I think we've been pretty clear that we expect them (and all of Europe) to make diplomatic harrumphs while Ukraine ceases to exist.
Oh, they are claiming that the website designer who wants to refuse gay customers is an artist, and therefore forcing him to take them as customers is violating his artistic expression protected under the 1st amendment. That's the new angle of attack for this particular turd. But of course now there's a strong conservative majority, so it's likely to be rolled back.And now the Supreme Court is going to hear a case from another bigoted business owner who doesn't want to serve gay people. The conservatives on the Court will bend over backwards to allow discrimination so long as it's in the name of "sincerely held religious beliefs."
It's not like the average person has much they can do in this situation short of becoming a soldier of fortune and joining the front linesLots and lots of "I Stand with Ukraine" posts on imgur today. And it all reminds me of this -