Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

There's also the simple fact that for most of fly-over America, there really... isn't much to cheer about in your small town except the local sports team. It's even still seen as -the- way to leave poverty in some situations. As such, high school sports programs often become institutions in and of themselves, even if the school's sports department doesn't have much of a legacy at all.
If you ever drive between Houston and Dallas, there's a point just outside of either city where, for hours, all you hear on the radio is high school football. These guys dissect players, scores, and games with the gravitas and intensity that you see from the talking heads on nationalized televised games.
I bolded the ones that I know for sure you’re wrong about, and I assume gymnastics too since men and women don’t even do the same events. If you’re comparing the top women athletes to a regular Joe then they’ll obviously be better, but compared to the absolute best men, they won’t come close.
But will they? We were talking about, hypothetically, grouping things by similar weight class, and also, in a lot of sports, women don't receive the same financing to train or the opportunities. I'm not saying it would be equal in every way; with professionals, you're getting the best of the best, but I don't think it would eliminate all women as stated above.
So, are we about ready to just stop segregating athletic competition by gender? Seems it would simplify everything.
Not necessarily "sports" but I've been saying there shouldn't be gender split divisions in pro-wrestling anymore. If they can have Rey Mysterio have a believably fighting chance against Big Show or Brock Lesnar, you can have women wrestle the guys just fine.
Couldn’t think of smaller stakes than “a couple women might lose their scholarships to trans athletes”

Oh no they’ll have to get a smaller scholarship for a different school or perish the thought they might have to be a walk on for the team. The horror the absolute horror. You see a bunch of people identifying as the opposite sex and then not living as that sex then it might be something that doesn’t have pathetically small stakes but so far nobody has ever shown an example of that being the case.

Well aside from that one Nazi.


Apparently the Olympian was probably intersex. So we’re back to no examples.
(*Is it really a sport? Debatable.)
I'm in motorsports. It's a sport. It's physically and mentally exhausting, and I'm just in amateur SCCA rallycross. At the pro level of motorsports, you have to be physically/mentally fit like any other athlete. (At varying levels, apparently IndyCars just murder F1 drivers because IndyCars don't have power steering.)

Motorsports is weird. I think there's still a macho association with cars (and people are often shocked when they find out I compete in motorsports). SCCA autocross has Ladies classes (which are optional, women can compete in the regular classes), and I've seen interviews with women who believe that they need Ladies classes because men are naturally more competitive drivers. I know women drivers who prove them wrong, but it's hard to change attitudes. We don't have Ladies classes at all in RX, and we have a multi-year National Champ who is a woman (in a mod class, which is highly competitive). And I've known men who aren't super competitive and just show up to drive for funsies. I think experience and attitude, rather than gender, matters in motorsports.
Trump sues Hillary Clinton and DNC, alleging conspiracy to link his campaign to Russia

You know what? Good. I hope he loses, but she countersues him for harassment ("Lock her up!") and defamation (for alleging that she was responsible for the Benghazi attacks). I'm sure he thinks whatever he says is protected speech, though, the big fucking baby.

If he really wants to have candidates sued for saying things that are not 100% proven, he'll open the door for hundreds of people to sue him. Media companies, Puerto Ricans, all Africans, the people of Baltimore, immunologists... the list goes on and on.


Staff member
What alternate reality is the Orange County Register publishing in?
Conservative Disney employees fear reprisals in ‘Don’t Say Gay’ debate, petition says

Apparently in this alternate reality Disney has opposed the "Don't Say Gay" bill, instead of spending a lot of money supporting it, and the employees who fear being fired are the conservatives, and not the LGBTQ+ cast members who staged a walk-out to protest Disney's support of "Don't Say Gay".
I was born and raised Baptist. For the foreigners here, Baptists tend to be white, evangelical, and conservative. They are raised to see the world in terms of good and evil, and to believe that the secular world is out to get them. Most of that type are afraid of being persecuted, harassed, or fired because that's exactly what they would do to others given the opportunity.

I'm so glad I escaped from that world. It is exhausting.
Yes, let's not forget who the REAL victims are here.

People paying higher prices for their graphics cards because of international trade sanctions?

People having to accept women talking back to them as if they're equals?

People not having their chosen representative represent them because of technicalities like "other voters" or "that position is illegal"?

White educated christian men seeing black, female, uneducated, non-English speaking or non-christian people get the jobs they themselves deserve, because of crap like "competence", "quality" or "work ethics"?

Look,, you're going to have to be more precise. There are simply too many real suffering groups around these days. Maybe the Russians who saw their hard-earned money and yachts they suffered and struggled for seized by foreign governments simply because of a special peace keeping operation?


Staff member
I was born and raised Baptist. For the foreigners here, Baptists tend to be white, evangelical, and conservative. They are raised to see the world in terms of good and evil, and to believe that the secular world is out to get them. Most of that type are afraid of being persecuted, harassed, or fired because that's exactly what they would do to others given the opportunity.

I'm so glad I escaped from that world. It is exhausting.
Was your particular denomination of Baptist one of the "Dancing is sin" variety?
The white, Christian persecution fetish is definitely exhausting.

Conservative family watching TV, commercials come on, two white actors selling chips, white guy selling a car, white actress talking about hair products, white family shilling hot dogs, white actor selling reverse mortgages, then suddenly a black guy appears in the last commercial for a sushi restaurant.

Stepdad "Damn woke liberals keep erasing white people from commercials."
Was your particular denomination of Baptist one of the "Dancing is sin" variety?
No, but we did take Sunday school field trips to the local creationist museum.

My wife's family rail against "cancel culture" but don't see a problem with firing teachers who teach history that might make white parents uncomfortable. I'm glad I won't have to see them very often.
There is a train of thought, and I happen to agree with it, that those who rail against change and equality (be it racial, women's, LGBTQ, other religions, etc.) do so because they fear it will give others the right to treat them or view them the same bigoted way they treat others. You can always tell who's who because the people that are okay or non-plussed by changes were already viewing these "others" as equal humans to begin with.

I once read a discussion that stated a lot of homophobic men fear that acceptance of homosexuality will mean gay men can treat them the way they treat women. If you're scared you're going to get treated the way you treat other people, MAYBE the problem is YOU.
There is a train of thought, and I happen to agree with it, that those who rail against change and equality (be it racial, women's, LGBTQ, other religions, etc.) do so because they fear it will give others the right to treat them or view them the same bigoted way they treat others. You can always tell who's who because the people that are okay or non-plussed by changes were already viewing these "others" as equal humans to begin with.

I once read a discussion that stated a lot of homophobic men fear that acceptance of homosexuality will mean gay men can treat them the way they treat women. If you're scared you're going to get treated the way you treat other people, MAYBE the problem is YOU.
It isn't as if bigoted people are very self aware
There's also the simple fact that for most of fly-over America, there really... isn't much to cheer about in your small town except the local sports team. It's even still seen as -the- way to leave poverty in some situations. As such, high school sports programs often become institutions in and of themselves, even if the school's sports department doesn't have much of a legacy at all.
When I taught high school in a rural district I saw what you mean. Friday night football was the one thing except for church that brought the community together. My worst students were almost invariably football or basketball players. Ever since middle school, when it was discovered that they could run fast and jump high, everyone in town treated them like gods. I'd write them up for misbehavior or cheating and the disciplinary reports somehow went missing.
Hey, remember this dude? His name is Robert Foster and used to be a member of the Mississippi House (after losing his 2019 gubernatorial bid).
Here's a recent tweet of his (as an image because it might not stay up on twitter):

When contacted about this by a local newspaper, this was his response:
"I said what I said," he wrote, adding to what he had tweeted. "The law should be changed so that anyone trying to sexually groom children and/or advocating to put men pretending to be women in locker rooms and bathrooms with young women should receive the death penalty by firing squad."
Here's what he had to say about masks back in 2020:
maskoff.png I guess what I'm saying is, if you live in MS (or know someone who does), you might want to suggest that if this guy shows up on your (their) ballot that they pick someone else, instead.


When even Kavanaugh manages to fall on the right side of an argument, the dissenters really ought to consider... oh who am I kidding, they're bought and paid for.
On the one hand, duh.
On the other hand, international law clearly states that a device member HAS to refuse an illegal or immoral order (see: a whole bunch of German soldiers claiming they were "just following orders" after WWII), so I doubt necessarily agree with the reasoning that obeying should be a reflex without thought.
Oh the gripping hand... How did this ever make it to a civilian Court? Refusal to follow orders should be brought before a Court martial.


Staff member
On the one hand, duh.
On the other hand, international law clearly states that a device member HAS to refuse an illegal or immoral order (see: a whole bunch of German soldiers claiming they were "just following orders" after WWII), so I doubt necessarily agree with the reasoning that obeying should be a reflex without thought.
Oh the gripping hand... How did this ever make it to a civilian Court? Refusal to follow orders should be brought before a Court martial.
They didn't paint it as an illegal order, however. They said they should be exempt from it on religious grounds.

The lower court granted this.

The supreme court's decision was not that the decision was wrong, but that the lower court did not have authority because it is a civilian court... exactly the question you raised in your final line.
Starting to notice a trend here.

Big name, often right-wing jackass / politician / comedian keeps saying that Twitter is censoring free speech and canceling the truth.

Big name creates alternate social media platform that's entire modus operandi is centered around free speech.

Big name decides he does not like countering voices on his platform, and either starts with a straight up ban on certain topics (Anti-Trump) or slowly starts banning people that don't fit the sites ideals, thus countering the supposed modus operandi.

Big name now only have people spouting off racist, homophobic, treasonous, threatening, etc opinions, making the site highly unattractive to advertisers, so big name starts banning or deleting those tweets too.

Big name shuts down site or sells it off due to lack of money, site either fades into a niche or dies entirely.

Now with Truth Social barely making a blip even with Donald Trump supporting it, Elon Musk feels he might have to step in. You know, the guy that is so into free speech that he got a youtuber cancelled for being critical of him and even cancelled a Tesla order for a journalist because he didn't like how an article painted him. Just the paragon of free speech here.


Staff member
Some desperate couples have been getting jobs at Starbucks simply because in some states Starbucks is the only employer covering IVF treatments on their health insurance.

But some part time Starbucks employees can't get enough hours to cover the premiums. Some people end up owing money to Starbucks for working there.

Some desperate couples have been getting jobs at Starbucks simply because in some states Starbucks is the only employer covering IVF treatments on their health insurance.

But some part time Starbucks employees can't get enough hours to cover the premiums. Some people end up owing money to Starbucks for working there.

$30,000 for ivf treatments?! I feel like I know a guy that can find you a baby for less.


Staff member
$30,000 for ivf treatments?! I feel like I know a guy that can find you a baby for less.
I'd point out that there are lots of kids waiting for foster parents, too, but something tells me the people considering work at Starbucks probably wouldn't get approved for adoption either - I've heard the agencies are pretty uncompromising when it comes to income levels.

The real issue though, IMO, is that your insurance premiums are that high whether you get IVF or not.

And it all loops back around to the reason for health care costs being what they are is because the providers and insurers colluded to inflate their profits as much as possible at the expense of patients.