General Empyrion Thread

Unless they actually DO something (such as help with in-atmo flight) or have an inordinate amount of HP, I couldn’t care less.



Staff member
Unless they actually DO something (such as help with in-atmo flight) or have an inordinate amount of HP, I couldn’t care less.

Wing blocks are useful for being a cheap way to increase the front silhouette size of your fighter, so that you can put its weapons out on wingtips and such, thus making it less likely to get defanged in one AE homing missile salvo. They weigh less than steel blocks, but are larger in size, and because structural integrity isn't a thing for ships, they don't really matter if they get blown off - the weapons at their tips will remain functional as they hover at the same relative position.

But, that said, ain't a one of those example SVs I'd EVER take into PvP combat. Maybe not even POI attacks. Big bubble cockpits, unshielded and up front? Might as well slather myself in barbecue sauce and kick a lion in the balls.

But I guess the point was, those are all actually the exact same SV, just with different wing blocks attached, to demonstrate the aesthetic differences that are possible just with the different wings.
Those look great. And worthless.
Yeah. Functionally, there’s nothing they do that it looks like I couldn’t do using wall blocks, except that I guess the wings look cooler doing it. Again, barring any measurable improvement in usefulness, they’re just like adding LEDs to fans/RAM/MLBs...pretty, but not much else.



Staff member
Yeah. Functionally, there’s nothing they do that it looks like I couldn’t do using wall blocks, except that I guess the wings look cooler doing it. Again, barring any measurable improvement in usefulness, they’re just like adding LEDs to fans/RAM/MLBs...pretty, but not much else.

They weigh less and cost less in resources vs a comperable amount of steel/hardened steel blocks to cover the same area.

Weight is definitely a big factor in designing fighters, it governs how quickly you can dodge/change directions, which is the only way for a fighter to really survive.

Unless you're making a CV-sized SV with multiple layers of hardened steel, taking even one or two hits in the wrong area can be the end of the ship. With these, you can spread critical systems/targets out over a wider area without dramatically increasing the mass of the ship, keeping it agile.
There’s a chance that could fall under the heading of “measurable improvement in usefulness,” but of course I’m still going to withhold final judgement until I get to put some to use (and then revise as the patches continue to drop, of course).



Staff member
I mean, it would be nice if they generated lift or something, so that you could, say, get up to speed and not have to have your downward thrusters bellowing full blast, and save on power.
I mean, it would be nice if they generated lift or something, so that you could, say, get up to speed and not have to have your downward thrusters bellowing full blast, and save on power.
This is what I hope will happen as well (modified by atmospheric density, of course), but I’m not putting any money on it.



Staff member
Aaaand another one.

Update: July 24, 2018 - Alpha 8.2.3: Build 1789

Bug Fixes:
- Improvement of dedi lags
- Removed double disconnect network packet
- Fixed exceptions


Staff member
Remember the good old days when a company would make a game and then put it out? Maybe a patch or two later (if we are in the internet age)? But games were actually shipped complete?

Those were good days.


Staff member
Remember the good old days when a company would make a game and then put it out? Maybe a patch or two later (if we are in the internet age)? But games were actually shipped complete?

Those were good days.
I definitely feel ya on this, and 90% of Early Access games...

But on the other hand, if the Early Access/Kickstarter model wasn't a thing, we probably wouldn't have gotten the following games AT ALL - Don't Starve, Minecraft, Subnautica, Beseige, The Long Dark, Prison Architect, Kerbal Space Program, Darkest Dungeon, Rimworld, Factorio, Divinity: Original Sin, Path of Exile, Stardew Valley, or heck.. Space Engineers and Empyrion. Plus, a number of other indie games that were quite enjoyable.


Staff member
Had fun running POIs last night, but running them with Crazy_Deviant and Shadows is nerve-wracking.

Then add in Crazy_Deviant...

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Staff member
At one point I moved to General channel 2 because they were bothering me. It took like 10 minutes and EVERYONE was down in 2 with nobody left up in the main General chat. I almost went down to your chat but didn't want to have us both narrating what was going on in our respective streams.


Staff member
At one point I moved to General channel 2 because they were bothering me. It took like 10 minutes and EVERYONE was down in 2 with nobody left up in the main General chat. I almost went down to your chat but didn't want to have us both narrating what was going on in our respective streams.
Well, you do have a chat only your faction can enter ;) Of course, that won't stop CD, but...


Staff member
They don't usually bother me that much but last night it was Shadows, C_D, Bones, and Xellos. It was...rough.


Staff member
On a different subject, I learned the real terms for the different kinds of deposits today. Voxel and SSOR.

Voxel = painted dirt textures, like mining an asteroid, gives resources in drips and drabs as terrain is deformed
SSOR = "Some Sort of Resource" Chunks/Berries that give resources all at once when destroyed by a drill


Staff member
Heard a rumor from another admin that doing a "soft wipe" might be enough to kickstart the regeneration of POIs and asteroids.

There's several steps to that, but it would not result in losing any player structures. I'm trying the first step right now - I've manually set every single playfield to wipe POIs and reset them the next time that playfield is loaded. I'm crossing my fingers that will be enough.

If not, though, the next step is a ground wipe/reset, which would return all the voxels on a playfield back to their original state. SUPPOSEDLY a hotfix a few builds ago will prevent the ground from "regrowing" back into underground bases and whatnot, but I would rather not risk it if I don't have to. It'd be an inconvenience for many users to have to re-dig out their underground/mountainside bases, I know.

So, here's hoping.

If not, well, we can just keep hoping for a fix in a future patch, and I can just do a global POI reset myself every day or so.


Staff member
God I'm an idiot. That whole link that I did? Yeah, it's not DISCORD that we need to show on the overlay, it's the TWITCH chat we need. Augh! I R not smrt.


Staff member
God I'm an idiot. That whole link that I did? Yeah, it's not DISCORD that we need to show on the overlay, it's the TWITCH chat we need. Augh! I R not smrt.
Well, actually, I'd like the discord voice widget in it too, so it'd pop up on my twitch stream with who's talking... So that's useful. But like I told you before, getting twitch chat to show up in your stream is easy. You do the same process with a browser source, but instead you get the chatbox widget from streamlabs, it will give you a URL to put there, then you just resize it to where you want it to be.

But yeah, neither will actually make that stuff show up ON YOUR GAME SCREEN, which is what I think you're trying to go for.


Staff member

Yeah, I knew that and I need to slow the hell down and read.

I want to be able to see when people chat on my GAME screen, not just my stream.


Staff member
And I think I've tried to look for this before and heard you can't do it. I refuse to believe it's not possible. Damn it.


Staff member
And I think I've tried to look for this before and heard you can't do it. I refuse to believe it's not possible. Damn it.
Well, there are ways that purport to be able to do it, but none of them are perfect. Even Discord's overlay system doesn't work with Empyrion (though that's more Empyrion's fault, it DOES work with L4D2, for example). I've been screwing around with Teamviewer/Ventrilo/Discord overlays for as long as I can remember and have, at best, gotten mixed results on getting them to work in-game.

However, you can also get chatty to pop up chat messages in a little notification box temporarily in the corner of your screen. Doesn't work so great for me because I keep chatty open on my second monitor, so the notification popup appears in the bottom corner of THAT screen instead of the one I'm playing on, but if you put it on the same monitor as the game, maybe that'll work for you.

Also, I think it's possible to tell Chatty to be "always on top," which would then make it show on top of whatever game you're playing (but then it'd also show up that way on your stream since you use screen capture instead of game capture).


Staff member
Nother day, nother update.

Update: July 26, 2018 - Alpha 8.2.3 Build 1791

Bug Fixes:
- Asteroid regen no longer working for 8.0 saves in MP
- other small bugs

Please note: This regeneration fix is working for most but not all cases. We're sorry for that and will release a better fix hopefully tomorrow.


Staff member
Well, there are ways that purport to be able to do it, but none of them are perfect. Even Discord's overlay system doesn't work with Empyrion (though that's more Empyrion's fault, it DOES work with L4D2, for example). I've been screwing around with Teamviewer/Ventrilo/Discord overlays for as long as I can remember and have, at best, gotten mixed results on getting them to work in-game.

However, you can also get chatty to pop up chat messages in a little notification box temporarily in the corner of your screen. Doesn't work so great for me because I keep chatty open on my second monitor, so the notification popup appears in the bottom corner of THAT screen instead of the one I'm playing on, but if you put it on the same monitor as the game, maybe that'll work for you.

Also, I think it's possible to tell Chatty to be "always on top," which would then make it show on top of whatever game you're playing (but then it'd also show up that way on your stream since you use screen capture instead of game capture).
I did exactly this last night and it worked like a damned charm! I put Chatty on my main screen, Bear gave me an idea which worked so I can game capture instead of display capture, and now everything works. Holy crap!


Staff member
I did exactly this last night and it worked like a damned charm! I put Chatty on my main screen, Bear gave me an idea which worked so I can game capture instead of display capture, and now everything works. Holy crap!
Just so I know for future reference, what was Bear's idea that let you get Game Capture working? A lot of people have had problems getting game capture to work on windows 10, and so far the conventional wisdom on the subject is just "uninstall it and reinstall it and repeat until it magically starts working."