
Welp, I'm exhausted. I biked 28.66 KM today, from Dartmouth to Halifax, and rode the heck around Halifax for some errands.

Is the weather going to play nice for a while now? Or is it all nice until it gets cold again (which, I must admit, I have no idea when that would happen.)
Yesterday was a bit rough. I couldn't get in the right headspace for distance riding and got going late, which threw off my schedule for the rest of the day. Even when I got going, my focus wasn't great and I didn't really get centered. Because I was running late, I had to deal with more wind and darkness than I had originally wanted to. Spent more miles "annoyed cycling" than I care to admit. (Don't bike angry.)

christmas century 2024-04-14.jpg

(161.9 km)
As i seem to do every couple of months, I've been getting back into DDP Yoga. The app has new workout schedule options: Plus. Beginner Plus, Intermediate Plus, Advanced Plus. Basically the same level of progression, but with more workouts during the week. Fewer rest days. Which is fine for me, since I enjoy doing even a little bit of yoga every day. At least when I'm actively doing yoga.

Tonight, I did the 25-minute Fat Burner workout. It's a little more challenging than the intro 20-minute Energy as it incorporates more postures and more slow burn push-ups. But I did it.

I've also been incorporating blocks into my routine a little more. For example, I learned from another yoga program that I could have blocks under my hands for plank or even downward facing dog. It adds a new element that i hadn't tried before and gives me new challenges in postures I'm very familiar with.

I also figured out a way to engage my core more in almost every posture. Even just standing or in a lunge pose. My core is on fire by the time I'm done a workout and I love it.
One of my best friends inspired me to start intermittent fasting. I've done it before, but it's been years. So, I'll be fasting from 8 PM to 12 noon the next day. 16 hours.

It's 11:15 AM as of this writing and it's driving me nuts. I've been downing water like a camel.
back when I was thin and young, I usually ate one meal a day. And everyone gave me hell over it. My most recent wife insisted on 3 squares a day, and I got to the biggest I've ever been.

On the diabetes meds, I'm back down to one meal a day, and when I told my doc about it she shrugged and went "That's basically intermittent fasting anyway and your blood work looks good"


good luck on your new regime...it'll take some time for your body to get used to the new schedule.
back when I was thin and young, I usually ate one meal a day. And everyone gave me hell over it. My most recent wife insisted on 3 squares a day, and I got to the biggest I've ever been.

On the diabetes meds, I'm back down to one meal a day, and when I told my doc about it she shrugged and went "That's basically intermittent fasting anyway and your blood work looks good"


good luck on your new regime...it'll take some time for your body to get used to the new schedule.
I'm usually okay with two meals. My biggest problem has ALWAYS been snacking. The snack machine at work, eating popcorn while watching a movie, having a BIG sweet tooth. I recognize it all adds up. And I stress eat. Or if I'm depressed, I just don't care what I eat.
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Goal achieved--please try to ignore my ugly toenails lol
haven't posted in a while, because it seemed I was stuck at this weight for a couple months. So, the other day I finally decided to replace all my 2xl shirts in the closet with clothes that actually fit. Imagine my surprise when I was wearing a L and not the XL i thought I'd have dropped to.

So i decided to check...
haven't posted in a while, because it seemed I was stuck at this weight for a couple months. So, the other day I finally decided to replace all my 2xl shirts in the closet with clothes that actually fit. Imagine my surprise when I was wearing a L and not the XL i thought I'd have dropped to.

So i decided to check...
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When I was that low, I could fit into some M sizes, depending on the brand.
Health o Meter model 32910001 part number 12175, accuracy of 1 kg up to 100 kg and 1% of reading after 100 kg. Display resolution of 0.1 kg or 0.2 lbs.
Health o Meter model 32910001 part number 12175, accuracy of 1 kg up to 100 kg and 1% of reading after 100 kg. Display resolution of 0.1 kg or 0.2 lbs.
Yes but you neglect to say whether it is pronounced "HEALTH-oh-mee-ter" or "health-AHH-muh-ter."

A reminder to all here that a pound of fat contains something like 3200 calories, so losing a pound (of fat, not water weight) requires skipping almost two days' worth of caloric intake without triggering the body's starvation response AND without skipping your daily requirement of things like protein, vitamins/minerals, etc.

3.2lb/1.5kg weight loss over about a month is right on target with the whole recommended "aim for one pound per week" guideline.

A reminder to all here that a pound of fat contains something like 3200 calories, so losing a pound (of fat, not water weight) requires skipping almost two days' worth of caloric intake without triggering the body's starvation response AND without skipping your daily requirement of things like protein, vitamins/minerals, etc.

3.2lb/1.5kg weight loss over about a month is right on target with the whole recommended "aim for one pound per week" guideline.

If you see from the graph there, I've lost about 2 pounds just this week. I started intermittent fasting on Monday, and stopped going to the vending machine for snacks. And I've been doing more yoga and biking, so I'm burning more calories (between 3,300 and 4,300 a day). From my own experience, I often lose quite a bit of weight early into a new regime, and then it cools down and plateaus for awhile. So I feel like this first week, I'm on the right track.
Tracking my progress is always a funny thing. I don't expect huge changes from one day to the next, but it's interesting seeing a gradual progression. I'm also well aware it's not an exact science, but it's interesting to see certain trends.

I use Fitbit's Aria 2. I weighed myself this morning and I was two pounds heavier. Not unexpected, as I celebrated getting home from my bikepacking trip with an order of pizza and other greasy food. But weirdly enough, my fat percentage dropped like 0.5% since yesterday.

Again, I know it's not an exact science, I know weight fluctuates, and there could have been a weird glitch with the scale itself. But it was funny to see it change that much in a day when it's barely moved the needle since I started losing weight. I'm sure it'll be different again tomorrow.

Are you making sure to weigh yourself at the same time of day wearing the same type of clothing as well? That can make your results more consistent but it will still fluxuate.
I weighed myself this morning and I was two pounds heavier. Not unexpected, as I celebrated getting home from my bikepacking trip with an order of pizza and other greasy food. But weirdly enough, my fat percentage dropped like 0.5% since yesterday.

That actually makes sense. Gaining two pounds overnight basically means you're retaining water (pizza is salty). Water counts as lean mass. The scale measures more lean mass, so your fat mass dropped as a percentage of body weight.
Are you making sure to weigh yourself at the same time of day wearing the same type of clothing as well? That can make your results more consistent but it will still fluxuate.
Every morning, yeah. Usually after I step out of the shower and towel off, so my "attire" is always consistent. :p
Bodies are biochemical factories. Even you eat the exact same thing every day, and drink the exact same fluids at the exact same times, your weight will fluctuate up and down on a day-to-day basis. Long term trends are what are most important.

I used to have a friend who went on a weight loss journey, and I tried to explain that to her, and that even if she weighed every day and did everything right, there would be some days she went up for no reason and that it was nothing to be concerned about. And she'd still call me crying and freaking out if she went up a half pound one day, and then say she was just gonna give up because she couldn't lose weight. (hard eyeroll here)
I weigh myself first thing after going to the bathroom Saturday morning. I do not step on a scale at any other time. Your weight fluctuates daily but if you’re trending up or down you should see it weekly.
Starting my third week back at BJJ after my mother-in-law's funeral. Trying to undo at least SOME of the damage I did to my body over the previous month and a half, where we were basically living off of Timmies and McDs.

It goes away SO quickly, but I feel it coming back.
Today, I biked about 50 KM to my yoga rock and back home. Hiked about 20 minutes on the trail to said yoga rock, and 20 minutes back. Swam for about 5 minutes (just to cool off). And did the 45 minute DDP Yoga Synergy workout at my rock.

I'm exhausted, but proud of myself. :D
That sounds like a great mix of activities. Good work!
Today, I biked about 50 KM to my yoga rock and back home. Hiked about 20 minutes on the trail to said yoga rock, and 20 minutes back. Swam for about 5 minutes (just to cool off). And did the 45 minute DDP Yoga Synergy workout at my rock.

I'm exhausted, but proud of myself. :D
Muscles: I've decided you're having a lazy day today.
Me: But I could...
Muscles: Nope! You're having a lazy day!
Me: What if I...
Muscles: You're! Having! A! Lazy! Day!
Me: I might do a little...
Muscles: LAZY! DAY! El-ay-zed-why...
Me: Okay, okay! Geez!
Me: Hmm, what should I do on my day off during a heat wave warning?
Also Me: What if we...biked about 50 KM to and from your parents place?
Me: In 30°C heat?
Also Me: Yup!
Me: *sigh* All right, let's do it.
Also Me: What, really?
Me: Yeah, I won't even try arguing this time.
Me: Hmm, what should I do on my day off during a heat wave warning?
Also Me: What if we...biked about 50 KM to and from your parents place?
Me: In 30°C heat?
Also Me: Yup!
Me: *sigh* All right, let's do it.
Also Me: What, really?
Me: Yeah, I won't even try arguing this time.
See? It's second nature already. Way to go!