[PC Game] Halforums House 3: Halforums Academy Character Creation Thread

Given the shortage of actual females, which Contingency plan do you favor?

  • #4: Rule 63 - Some have already volunteered for their char to switch genders

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • #5: Yaoi - It's a HF fanfic shipper's dream! Halforums Hetalia madness!

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
Body type: Average

Skin tone: Pale

Hair Chocolate Brown, short conservative hair cut parts on the side, full beard(if possible)
Eyes are Dark Blue
Glasses: thin framed

Team options: Kendo

Personality type:
*Eloquent - A brisk, polite, outgoing personality who deals well with others (IE: Itsuki Koizumi)

Scholastic Aptitude 4: Smart

Athletic Aptitude 3: Average

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Self Centeredness: Average

Morality/Virtue: Flexible morality

Sociability: Average

Subconscious Traits (Pick up to 2, optional):
*Dirty minded (more positive reaction to discussions/displays of a sexual nature),
*Serious (more positive reaction to discussions pertaining to studies or sports, less interested in trivial distractions like love and sex)
Female if needed:
Growth: Medium

Weight: Average

Skin Tone: Pale

Eye Color: dark blue
Hair Color: Chocolate Brown
Hair Length/Style:Long
Glasses: yes
frame thickness: thin
Eye Size:Medium

Team Options: Swimming

Scholastic Aptitude 4: Smart

Athletic Aptitude 3: Average

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Self Centeredness: Average

Morality/Virtue: Flexible morality

Sociability: Average

Personality Type (pick one):
Friendly and Outgoing

Subconscious Traits (Pick up to 2, optional):
*Serious (more positive reaction to discussions pertaining to studies or sports, less interested in trivial distractions like love and sex),
*Calm (Resistant to anger, not compatible with Irritable, but combined with Forceful returns violence to normal),

Physical tastes:
Glasses: Either
Height: Doesn't Matter
Physique: Doesn't Matter
Eye size: Doesn't Matter
Hair length: Long
Hair coloration: Doesn't Matter
Skin tone: Doesn't Matter

Personality Tastes: Surprise me, in real life I dont have any friends so I have no idea what my tastes are.(none)

my picture:
Last edited:


Staff member
Alright, here's the next batch.

Terrik (boy we're just swimming in brown haired guys with glasses ain't we):

Bones (Full beard? FULL BEARD?! YOU WANT A FULL BEARD?!! YOU. ARE. A. JAPANESE. 9TH. GRADER. /smack. In all seriousness, no, there are no facial hair options.):

And the new and "improved" Bhamv3. They didn't quite go to basketball size, since your frame is small and skinny, but they're bigger than any girl your size could ever be comfortable with, so there you go.

Five guys left to make, when they get off the stick and get around to it.


Staff member
You could always make my hair blue or something.
I may end up having to tweak hair colors some on the guys if we get a lot more "short brown hair" male characters, it'll be hard to tell who's who at a glance.

I guess that's kinda accurate for the setting tho, isn't it, eh?
On the, uh, basketballs front, I've legit had basketballs since before highschool (part of the 'more mature than her classmates' characteristic), so, ya, get that slider moving on up please. Beside, they'll balance out better with the larger frame.


Staff member
On the, uh, basketballs front, I've legit had basketballs since before highschool (part of the 'more mature than her classmates' characteristic), so, ya, get that slider moving on up please. Beside, they'll balance out better with the larger frame.
Unless otherwise specified, always pick only one option from each.

Body type: Tall

Skin tone: Average

Short hair, buzzed if possible, blue (if brown is getting too prevalent). Blue eyes. I look like this.

Glasses: None

Team options: Baseball

Personality type:Eloquent

Scholastic Aptitude 0-5: 4

Athletic Aptitude 0-5: 3

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Self Centeredness: Samaritan

Morality/Virtue: Average

Sociability: Introvert

Subconscious Traits (Pick up to 2, optional):
*Jealous (Hones in on the person he likes, reacts more emphatically to relationship developments both good and bad),
*Calm (Resistant to anger, not compatible with Irritable, but does reduce violence in Forceful),

Applies to both genders, for purposes of both love and friendship. Affects both first impression and later approval gain (people with traits that match taste get larger approval boosts for the same social outcomes).

Physical tastes:
Glasses: Either
Height: Tall
Physique: Doesn't Matter
Eye size: Doesn't Matter
Hair length: Either
Hair coloration: Dark
Skin tone: Doesn't Matter

Personality Tastes:
The Plucky Tomboy
Childish and Sweet
The Brash Flirt
Friendly and Outgoing
The Social Climber


Staff member
"Corrected" Dirona:


That's 75% on the slider, BTW. 100% envelops your arm from wrist to elbow, pretty much.[DOUBLEPOST=1380858767,1380858299][/DOUBLEPOST]Gusto:

Brown buzzed was no problem, only other guy with buzzed hair is Cheesy, and his hair is black (and has an easily distinguishable build).


Staff member
That's... eerily accurate, particularly when there is good structural engineering involved. TBH 65-70% would probably be closer to reality, but hey, why not inflate things a bit in a game? :)
Moderately NSFW:

A somewhat more informative view for you (still 75%).
Do things like bust size have any effect on the game? Does it play into preferences at all or attempts for romance/friendship at all?


Staff member
Alright, @blotsfan , @Espy , @BananaHands , and @ThatNickGuy :

This is official notice: Class registration deadline is FRIDAY, 7pm central. After that, slots are first come first served and the guy on the waiting list pretty much has his profile finished, and if he finishes before you guys he'll get one of your slots and whoever is slowest with their character sheet gets to wait for somebody to die so they can transfer in.

I'm starting the game friday night even if there are desks empty.
On one hand, I could be more popular with the boys... on the other, it would make me the target of all the jealous kids! It's basically a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. I suppose this is why they call it a booby trap.


Staff member
On one hand, I could be more popular with the boys... on the other, it would make me the target of all the jealous kids! It's basically a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. I suppose this is why they call it a booby trap.
Yeah. We only got 3 RL lady volunteers as it is. I thought it would simplify, further de-pornify, and un-creepify it a little further if I just left out that part and set everybody to "no preference" on that physical trait. It just struck me as having an even higher "creepy chick repellant" factor than already inherent in using a hentai game to be going around asking over and over saying "ok, and on a scale of 1-100 how big are your boobs?" and asking every single player "Do you like big boobs or little boobs?"

So basically I just left that part out of character creation and tried to eyeball realistic proportions for all players and having them not be a factor in physical tastes.

Don't even get me started on how many dicks I've seen over the last two days.
Sorry, was away from the computer when y'all posted that update.

Yeah... I went with the evil trait because you'd added the "not-necessarily violent" caveat there. In that case.... hrmmm... change Evil to "Control Freak"

As for the female type, I tossed her in as a chance to equalize the numbers, should you need her. Consider her a third-stringer? *grins* (And hair color for her would be blue. Because of reasons.)


Staff member
Sorry, was away from the computer when y'all posted that update.

Yeah... I went with the evil trait because you'd added the "not-necessarily violent" caveat there. In that case.... hrmmm... change Evil to "Control Freak"

As for the female type, I tossed her in as a chance to equalize the numbers, should you need her. Consider her a third-stringer? *grins* (And hair color for her would be blue. Because of reasons.)
The Janine Melnitz hairstyle was very difficult to replicate, this is as close as I could come.

Honestly, I really wasn't stressed - was just giving a reference point. *grins*

Looks like I'm getting 63'd as well? *chuckles* Oughtta be interesting.


(honestly, I hadn't been thinking of that when I picked the pseudonym on the fly. But it works, because I do routinely use the "Nooooooope!")


Staff member
Honestly, I really wasn't stressed - was just giving a reference point. *grins*

Looks like I'm getting 63'd as well? *chuckles* Oughtta be interesting.
Yup. You volunteered, boys still outnumber girls (though now with you it's close to even), so I snagged it.

Of course, if these CHUCKLEBUTTS who are MIA don't get off their keysters and roll up their character sheets, we'll be down 4 boys and I might have to change you back.
No worries either way. If anime has taught me anything, it's that every class has at least one seat available, and a transfer student WILL come in in the middle of the year.
Yup. You volunteered, boys still outnumber girls (though now with you it's close to even), so I snagged it.

Of course, if these CHUCKLEBUTTS who are MIA don't get off their keysters and roll up their character sheets, we'll be down 4 boys and I might have to change you back.