Don't worry about it too much. Most of the country knows that sites like that are completely off-base and way out of touch. It's like being a fairly liberal person in Washington state. Sure, I identify as a liberal. That doesn't mean that I want to abolish gun ownership or that I don't support the troops; but if you say the word liberal, that's what everyone around here automatically assumes you stand for. That and criminalizing religion, getting rid of road funds, replacing highways with bike trails, jacking up the tax rate through the roof.Ok, I can't read that link at work, but oh wow I wish I could.
Also that freerepublic site is pretty depressing since I consider myself a bit of a conservative. Morons like that give us a bad name.
Do these people know anything about the Canadian government?
Looking at that account, it has to be a poser.Stolen shamelessly.
It's not a free speech site at all. That is very, very, very clear from my 10 years posting on there. It's a Conservative Pissing Contest, every one one upping each other in order to be more 'conservative' than the last person, and then the least conservative person gets banned. Libertarians are not allowed.The precedent started by this (creating mandatory fees based on certain actions) isn't really that bothersome to me because it still requires congress to enact it, and there are already a TON of examples of this in existence (tax brakes based on actions). All you have to do is look to your own taxes:
Are you married?
Do you own a home?
Do you earn through short term or long term capital gains?
Do you correctly manage gift contributions to members of your household to avoid estate taxes?
Have you incorporated yourself and itemized deductions based on "business" expenses?
And that's just personal taxes. Corporate taxes have millions of these kinds of things. The government has used the tax system as a motivating factor for years. The only difference with this one is that it's viewed as an additional tax/fine if you don't do it instead of a credit/exemption if you DO do it.
Nothing new.
Also I have changed my mind on Free Republic. I think it's beautiful and I have made an account. We shall see how "free" their speech really is there.
Edit: First post in , on the death panel thread:
"I don't understand how Obama can get a Peace Prize when he is using this legislation to PERSONALLY murder people"
Also that is one of the worst formatted forums I have ever seen. Their webdesigner should not work in web design.
just leaving this out theremy 10 years posting on there. .
But he's killing them for Peace, Charlie! Like Megaman!also that freep dude is actually accidentally right. Obama getting the peace prize is a fucking joke since he can't reach orgasm without killing an arab with an unmanned drone.
If you call a Pashtun an Arab, he'd likely gut you.also that freep dude is actually accidentally right. Obama getting the peace prize is a fucking joke since he can't reach orgasm without killing an arab with an unmanned drone.
Don't expect Charlie to worry about actual facts and details.If you call a Pashtun an Arab, he'd likely gut you.
That has always worked for me.yes I'm clearly being 100% factual and not exagerrating stuff for jokes when I say Obama can't achieve erection without murdering people with missles
This chain of events relies on the Health Care Industry having enough saved up to last months/years with vastly decreased income, while still paying out to the people who actually kept it (who can now freely shop around for lowers rates, which would surely arise as the desperation increased). It would basically become a game of Chicken with the election to see who could survive longer: the companies or the politicians. And even than it comes down how the people are going to vote.Call me cynical, but here's how I think this entire thing will play out:
- Before the mandate goes into effect, companies will have to insure people they normally wouldn't. Without the large pool of people to even things out yet, health insurance prices go up significantly.
- The mandate goes into effect. Many large corporations choose to pay the much cheaper fine instead of paying for high-priced health insurance for their low-income employees.
- These uninsured low-income employees couldn't afford their own health insurance to begin with, and also must pay the fine, causing huge financial issues for these families.
- The "almost everyone has health insurance" goal never pans out. Even if the insurance companies would have lowered prices had the goal been reached, they aren't able to do so.
- Insurance prices continue to rise.
- I point back to this post and tell everyone "I told you so."
- I win all the internets.
If you call a Pashtun an Arab, he'd likely gut you.
Coupled with my similar term on Democratic Underground and I listen to retards on both sides of the political spectrum.just leaving this out there
m8, that was a joke from a comedy death ray impersonation of an insane Gary Busey. Except instead of talking about health care he was said "when he is personally firebombing people". Which was basically what you just said.also that freep dude is actually accidentally right.
It just makes him a racist for thinking everyone in the Middle East is an Arab.Doesn't change his point though
Call me cynical, but here's how I think this entire thing will play out:
- Before the mandate goes into effect, companies will have to insure people they normally wouldn't. Without the large pool of people to even things out yet, health insurance prices go up significantly.
- The mandate goes into effect. Many large corporations choose to pay the much cheaper fine instead of paying for high-priced health insurance for their low-income employees.
- These uninsured low-income employees couldn't afford their own health insurance to begin with, and also must pay the fine, causing huge financial issues for these families.
- The "almost everyone has health insurance" goal never pans out. Even if the insurance companies would have lowered prices had the goal been reached, they aren't able to do so.
- Insurance prices continue to rise.
- I point back to this post and tell everyone "I told you so."
- I win all the internets.
for once I wish your delusional theory was absolutely correct*Democrats say "see, we tried leaving it in the free market, but it couldn't perform under the ludicrous limitations and requirements we set, so guess we have to have single payer now."
Which has been the plan all along.
No, I'm pretty sure the process ends with me winning all the internets.*Democrats say "see, we tried leaving it in the free market, but it couldn't perform under the ludicrous limitations and requirements we set, so guess we have to have single payer now."
Which has been the plan all along.
None of this changes the fact that Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama assassinates people in the Middle East like it's going out of style and actively fights to keep it possible.m8, that was a joke from a comedy death ray impersonation of an insane Gary Busey. Except instead of talking about health care he was said "when he is personally firebombing people". Which was basically what you just said.
You just unironically agreed with a farsical charicature of an insane Garey Busey.
I've noticed that most people don't care when it's the guy on their side of the aisle blatantly violating human rights and international treaties.None of this changes the fact that Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama assassinates people in the Middle East like it's going out of style and actively fights to keep it possible.
None of this changes the fact that Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama assassinates people in the Middle East like it's going out of style and actively fights to keep it possible.
This is's definitely not going out of style.None of this changes the fact that Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama assassinates people in the Middle East like it's going out of style and actively fights to keep it possible.
We would but SOCIALISM. Even if it would be cheaper in the long run. Even if it would bring down medical prices for everyone, because your no longer paying for the guy who didn't pay. Even if it would allow the government to negotiate for prescription drug prices.This mandated private insurance thing sounds batshit loony to me. Just do actual socialized medicine with optional private insurance like the rest of civilization. Jesus.
That means letting the Ruskies win. Ain't gonna do that.This mandated private insurance thing sounds batshit loony to me. Just do actual socialized medicine with optional private insurance like the rest of civilization. Jesus.
You mean he takes time out his busy schedule of ruling the world to personally assassinate people in the Middle East? Sounds like he's a Superhero or Supervillain depending your view.None of this changes the fact that Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama assassinates people in the Middle East like it's going out of style and actively fights to keep it possible.