The funny thing is that insurance is inherently socialist on it's own by definition. Right now (without the "obamacare" the young and healthy subsidize the old and infirm. Why? Why can't I get on a healthcare plan that doesn't pay for old people and sick people, the kinds of folks that drive up my costs? I'm not running a god damned charity.
Fuck them.
Yes, except the same applies to every other piece of tax, ever, everywhere. Why am I paying for putting down roads? I use the tram. Why do I have to pay for cultural stuff? I just sit in front of my tv. Why should I pay for the army? I don't care if Iraqis kill Kuwaiti by the hundreds. Why should I pay those greenhouse taxes? I don't care if the world goes to hell after my death. Why should I pay for NASA? I don't care if anyone ever goes to the moon. Why should I pay for schools? I don't have children. Why should I pay for [etc].
All taxes are ways of sharing costs of things that society, as a whole, needs. Individuals are paying for things they don't need/use/want, but on the other side, there's people paying for things you need/want, keeping it more affordable for you.
Yes, there's certianly a point of diminishing returns, and there's definitely things a government shouldn't be enforcing; things that're better off on the open market, and so on and so forth. Deciding which those are, is what most of politics is all about. Tax the poor, tax the rich, tax corporations, tax based on income, tax based on capital, tax flatly based on nothing at all, abolish the army to lower taxes, abolish health care to lower taxes, abolish all public schooling to lower taxes - it's all options, and they're all opinions (though not all of them intelligent ones). Saying this is evil because you're forced to pay for something you don't want in general, is either moronic, or reflecting a personal view of anarchism or extreme libertarianism (which are more or less the same anyway
Anyway, it'll take time to sort out; going this sort of mixed public private route certainly holds dangers nobody can properly assess, for the simple reason that al lthe rest of the world knows it's silly - but whichever way it plays out (this system works, it's changed to a more tried system, whatever), I'm convinced that, IF it stands, the vast majority of Americans will benefit enormously from this. Anyone who's relatively poor and wants to abolish this or fight it, is shooting themselves in the foot.