How's that hope and change working out?


Staff member
if I wanted republican email forwards I'd give my dad my email address
I get both RNC & DNC emails. And it's interesting to see what each send out. Republicans send out almost exclusively, "OBAMA SUUUUX!" but are all from RNC. Democrats have forwarded my email to and a few other things. I get FAR more Democratic emails than I do Republican, which I suppose shouldn't be that much of a surprise. But the number of emails from the Dems are so many and they all ask for money.


Staff member
I've got one uncle who forwards every Anti-obama tidbit he comes across. Ironically, I'm usually the one who has to go to bat "defending obama" by pointing out the untruths and fallacies.


Staff member
The democratic emails I get are all about signing petitions and giving money. The republican ones are all bullshit talking points against Obama. It's really quite an interesting departure.


Staff member
The democratic emails I get are all about signing petitions and giving money. The republican ones are all bullshit talking points against Obama. It's really quite an interesting departure.
What a difference a decade makes, eh?
I've got one uncle who forwards every Anti-obama tidbit he comes across. Ironically, I'm usually the one who has to go to bat "defending obama" by pointing out the untruths and fallacies.
I have the same thing in Belgian politics. I'm certainly not a right wing nut, but I find myself constantly having to "defend" our right wing nationalist party because they get slandered with so many untruths and misdirections it gets irksome. It's OK not to like them, claiming their program is "the same" as that of 1930's Hitler isn't very nice - especially when your own party's program actually has more points in common with that of Stalin than theirs with that of Hitler.
The democratic emails I get are all about signing petitions and giving money. The republican ones are all bullshit talking points against Obama. It's really quite an interesting departure.
Ugh, the amount of spam I get from the "Obama camp" is just so annoying. Even after asking to be removed from their mailing list, they still send me "super duper important" e-mails.
I've got one uncle who forwards every Anti-obama tidbit he comes across. Ironically, I'm usually the one who has to go to bat "defending obama" by pointing out the untruths and fallacies.
I have the same thing in Belgian politics. I'm certainly not a right wing nut, but I find myself constantly having to "defend" our right wing nationalist party because they get slandered with so many untruths and misdirections it gets irksome. It's OK not to like them, claiming their program is "the same" as that of 1930's Hitler isn't very nice - especially when your own party's program actually has more points in common with that of Stalin than theirs with that of Hitler.
Generally in such a situation, I answer, "I'm a conservative/liberal/libertarian/socialist/regressive/despot/anarchist, not a partisan." Having xyz values doesn't mean you don't respect/appreciate the truth and understand the values/actions of those you disagree with, especially since 'your' guy will do things you don't like, and the 'other' guy will do things you like.
Generally in such a situation, I answer, "I'm a conservative/liberal/libertarian/socialist/regressive/despot/anarchist, not a partisan." Having xyz values doesn't mean you don't respect/appreciate the truth and understand the values/actions of those you disagree with, especially since 'your' guy will do things you don't like, and the 'other' guy will do things you like.
Absolutely; I live by Voltaire's words...But in modern day Internet politics/discussions, that's impossible. You're with us or with them. You're a good guy or a Slave to Evil.

...In my case, I'm a slave to evil - the weasels were just too cute ;)


Staff member
Extreme positions are not succeeded by moderate ones, but by contrary extreme positions. - Nietzsche

The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments. - also Nietzsche

Take note, uncle Herb.
Absolutely; I live by Voltaire's words...But in modern day Internet politics/discussions, that's impossible. You're with us or with them. You're a good guy or a Slave to Evil.

...In my case, I'm a slave to evil - the weasels were just too cute ;)
You are probably referring to a quotation from Evelyn Beatrice Hall, misattributed to Voltaire because it appears in her book, The Friends of Voltaire. However, the point is well-taken, and I agree.
HAHAHA Nobody is libertarian because public school indoctrination starts early and the concept of laissez faire just won't fly in the modern day. When the concepts and ideologies behind the parties are analyzed in-depth, none of it really seems to hold up in the real world. Liberal democrats suck big business off until they ejaculate money everywhere, then rail against big business Republicans. Conservative republicans expand government every chance they get, then blame democrats for the explosive growth. Both sides are morally bankrupt liars looking to line their pockets at the taxpayer's expense, as usual.

Libertarians are rarely heard from, because they are busy leading happy, contented, self reliant and productive lives far, far away from all the douchebags in DC. The very idea of BECOMING a politician is anathema to the libertarian ideal, which is literally ''fuck off.'' That is the one and only concept that libertarians share: We wish to be left alone and we wish to leave you well enough alone. It's about a half-step up from capitalistic anarchism.

But that just won't work for DC, so they whip the low information voters into a frenzy with hot-button issues like abortion, gay marriage and legalizing cannabis, which is enough to keep their tiny little minds away from the real issues (and there are plenty to choose from). It's so sad, but the whole thing is a popularity contest and nobody of any substance is ever actually up for any meaningful elected position.

Anybody that blindly follows any type of party line is an absolute fool, and will soon be parted from his money.[DOUBLEPOST=1396556402,1396556292][/DOUBLEPOST]
Better idea, just show up to the polls and don't vote for one of the big two candidates. All you're doing there is saying you're ok with the politician you voted for. People who vote "for the lesser of two evils" are only supporting the existing system. Vote for a third party or leave the ballot blank. Show that you care, but are not satisified.

An optimist, eh?
Absolutely; I live by Voltaire's words...But in modern day Internet politics/discussions, that's impossible. You're with us or with them. You're a good guy or a Slave to Evil.

...In my case, I'm a slave to evil - the weasels were just too cute ;)
And this is why I love you. :heart:
HAHAHA Nobody is libertarian because public school indoctrination starts early and the concept of laissez faire just won't fly in the modern day. When the concepts and ideologies behind the parties are analyzed in-depth, none of it really seems to hold up in the real world. Liberal democrats suck big business off until they ejaculate money everywhere, then rail against big business Republicans. Conservative republicans expand government every chance they get, then blame democrats for the explosive growth. Both sides are morally bankrupt liars looking to line their pockets at the taxpayer's expense, as usual.

Libertarians are rarely heard from, because they are busy leading happy, contented, self reliant and productive lives far, far away from all the douchebags in DC. The very idea of BECOMING a politician is anathema to the libertarian ideal, which is literally ''fuck off.'' That is the one and only concept that libertarians share: We wish to be left alone and we wish to leave you well enough alone. It's about a half-step up from capitalistic anarchism.

But that just won't work for DC, so they whip the low information voters into a frenzy with hot-button issues like abortion, gay marriage and legalizing cannabis, which is enough to keep their tiny little minds away from the real issues (and there are plenty to choose from). It's so sad, but the whole thing is a popularity contest and nobody of any substance is ever actually up for any meaningful elected position.

Anybody that blindly follows any type of party line is an absolute fool, and will soon be parted from his money.[DOUBLEPOST=1396556402,1396556292][/DOUBLEPOST]

An optimist, eh?

I tink you are mischtaken...



Staff member
Am I missing something?
It would seem so. 80% of men recognize that room, and especially that couch.

Incidentally, here's a fun fact I learned this week.. did you know that if you use Chrome, and you right click an image and then tap "S", it will open a reverse-image-search in a new tab, telling you what it thinks the picture is? I though that was pretty cool.
Incidentally, here's a fun fact I learned this week.. did you know that if you use Chrome, and you right click an image and then tap "S", it will open a reverse-image-search in a new tab, telling you what it thinks the picture is? I though that was pretty cool.
No lie, you just made this entire thread worth its weight in bitcoin.
It would seem so. 80% of men recognize that room, and especially that couch.

Incidentally, here's a fun fact I learned this week.. did you know that if you use Chrome, and you right click an image and then tap "S", it will open a reverse-image-search in a new tab, telling you what it thinks the picture is? I though that was pretty cool.
I probably should not have done that with that photo at work.


It is a good trick.

Anyway, I don't watch a lot of porn, so... But hey.

Now I know!