I will answer every question asked of me in this thread honestly.

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Do you want to be married one day?

If yes, do you think you'd want children?

If you were getting an exotic pet, what would it be?

Is football your favorite sport? If yes, why? If no, what is, and why?
Do you want to be married one day?

If yes, do you think you'd want children?

If you were getting an exotic pet, what would it be?

Is football your favorite sport? If yes, why? If no, what is, and why?
I really don't know about the marriage. I'd like to think there's someone out there that I'll be in a relationship with FOREVER, but I don't think I've met them yet.

I am not really interested in fathering children right now. In fact, I'd get a vasectomy if I could afford it easily! If I change my mind, I'll adopt.

Does a snake really count as exotic at this point? If so, yes. It's the only thing really.

Hockey is my favorite sport, since it's a lot more fluid, less stoppages, etc. I like the flow of the game a little better than football.

*knock knock* Oy, Charles! Why aren't you answering our questions/dancing for us?

I got offline for the night like RIGHT after that post last night. And somehow "new posts" this morning failed me.
Gonna do to you what I did with Cajun and get a few questions out of you.

What are the top 3 question's you'd ask me if I had a "Ask Shegokigo Anything: The Unabridged Truth" thread.
Gonna do to you what I did with Cajun and get a few questions out of you.

What are the top 3 question's you'd ask me if I had a "Ask Shegokigo Anything: The Unabridged Truth" thread.
I. I am kinda blanking on this one. I haven't asked many questions in the AMA threads to be honest.

If we got a halforums texas meet together somehow, would you come?
Nintendo or Sega?
What's your favorite thing about living in Texas?


Staff member
Gonna do to you what I did with Cajun and get a few questions out of you.

What are the top 3 question's you'd ask me if I had a "Ask Shegokigo Anything: The Unabridged Truth" thread.
Why the fuxck would you just not make your own thread then, instead of hijacking other folks?
1: You know, I've really considered it, especially since I'm going to be moving even closer to the groups in SA/Austin/Dallas. Although, if I'm not mistaken, most of the Texans are "danglers" so I'm not sure if I'd be interested enough. :slywink:

2: Funny that you ask, through the SNES N64/Sega Gensis/CD 'wars' I was pretty Pro-Sega. It had the better Mortal Kombats, it had better RPGs, and it had really interesting "original" IPs.

3: No major natural disasters? Honestly there isn't much, I'd like to leave as soon as it becomes possible if I could. Though I do fantasize over how long it'd take to catch me if I were to go out into the true rural countryside areas and get "creative" with the few houses out there.


Staff member
Why the fuxck would you just not make your own thread then, instead of hijacking other folks?
I gave my reason in the Cajun thread. Also, there are a few people here I'd really am interested to get opinions on, instead of the masses on whole.[/quote]

Attention whoring cowardice! Gotcha. :boink:

Back to topic...whats your favorite beer?
Back to topic...whats your favorite beer?

Probably Warsteiner or Yuengling(which I can't get in Texas FUCK MY LIFE). I've taken a liking to Dos Equis and Shiner Bock down here in Texas too.

This should be kind of offset with the admission I have not tried that many different kinds of beers :(
Excellent. I hate beer snobs.
There was also this Russian beer that I can't pronounce or attempt to spell that I purchased a keg of once since it was the cheapest keg in the store. I was bracing myself for it to be worse than PBR, but it was actually pretty good.

ALSO I am kind of a mildish beer snob, I'm not a huge fan of Bud/Miller/Coors/PBR/Natty Light at all :sick:

---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 PM ----------

Which actor do you prefer (as per acting ability)... Russell Crowe or Tom Cruise?
This is kind of a random pairing, but one that is oddly hard for me to choose right off the top of my head. Let me pull up both their IMDBs real fast.

Tom Cruise by a hair. He has a couple more great performances, and also has the ability to make fun of himself, which I could never see Crowe do, which gives a couple points in his favor.
How do you feel about Memento not getting an academy award nomination in 2001 for best picture? Did you like the movie? What did you think of Guy Pierce's performance?
How do you feel about Memento not getting an academy award nomination in 2001 for best picture? Did you like the movie? What did you think of Guy Pierce's performance?
It's actually my favorite movie from 2001. The only nominated movie from then I've seen though is Fellowship of the Ring, so I hesitate to be righteously angry about its snub.

I loved Pearce's performance in the movie. It was definitely good, and the movie hinged on him a great deal. You didn't ask, but as far as Best Actor that year, I'd still take Denzel over him in a second.
It’s a great movie and quite deserving in its nomination but not so much for its win. Crowe did his thing and was spectacular at it and his support actors were just incredible. Definitely a movie to watch, even if you’re not a Crowe fan which I believe you may not be. If you do want to catch a few of his movies, definitely see this along with L.A Confidential, The Insider and the much underrated Cinderella Man.

Who are your favorite actors btw? Why? Which movies?
Who are your favorite actors btw? Why? Which movies?
I think my favorite actor, just as an actor, and not for his body of work is probably Nicholas Cage. Okay stop laughing, hear me out.

Nicholas Cage knows exactly what movie he's in at all times. He is perfect at acting right at the level of the movie. He trolls movies like Ghost Rider, National Treasure, Wicker Man. And he wins fuckin' Oscars for Leaving Las Vegas and Adaptation(wait shit!) and Bad Lieutenant(cross fingers).
Hey Charlie! What's the scariest thing you've ever read/watched/seen in real life?
Fun fact: My subdivision/neighborhood/piece of Nashville suburbia growing up was built on a slave plantation. Not too deep in the woods around was an honest-to-god Slave Graveyard. It was CREEPY AS FUCK, and I visited it and did stupid kid stuff (not like desecrating the graves or that) most halloweens, and some other random dark and boring nights. SO, basically what I'm getting at is that these woods around the back of my house/the neighborhood are already kind of creepy.

So one day, a friend and I are exploring the woods. And we find what looks like an old house foundation. Not a structure, just the foundation, and a large stone chimney. There's some aluminum siding all put together looking into a shack. We get kind of scared, but go poking around, and it looks fairly lived in. Some random food stuffs around the area. Some clothes too. We get a little weirded out, feel like we're being watched or wandering into some sort of Jason Voorhees trap, but we can't see anyone or anything around us. We eventually scamper back home.

Not long later. Maybe a couple days, a week tops, we come back with 3-4 more people to show this to them. We get to the foundation thing, and the aluminum siding/pieces or whatever are all flat. All over the stone foundation. No clothes, no trash, no foodstuff or evidence of life like before. No sign of life. We're kind of weirded out now. The other friends don't believe us, and go to work playing with the aluminum things to make a secret clubhouse. First friend and I are kind of like uhhhh... looking around for any sign of whoever made the first shack, but there's nothing else. So we join in. We make a decent-ish clubhouse, and go there over the next couple days. A couple of us, including me, decide to spend a night out there. Until the day we showed up, and the shack was apart again. All the stuff flat on the foundation, not in a way that would have fallen down from wind or an animal or something knocking into it. Deliberately taken apart. This was enough to convince the other kids that something weird was happening and we didn't want to run into whoever or whatever was fucking with the shack.

Looking back it could have been shiftless, harmless hobos, or even more likely, another group of kids investigating the woods, but that scared the fuck out of me back then.

Charlie have you ever narrowly escaped DEATH?
I've been within a 1/4 mile of a tornado three times.
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