I will answer every question asked of me in this thread honestly.

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Are you part of the negative minority? 2nd part..who is in this negative minority that is bringing about the doom of this forum?


Staff member
He just meant that it would be funny to watch you chase a lobster across a kitchen floor. And it would.
So what do you think of these new rules?
They're fine, we'll see how the points stuff goes down.

Can we be best bros?
I ain't some kind of bro slut, you can't just jump right into best bro status, I'm not that easy.....

psychological trauma at chaz calling me Woody Allen
Does the trauma stem from your antisemitism?[/QUOTE]

I was being facetious BUT I was actually called jew-nose for a while growing up
Okay mr CDS
1) Ever met an aussie in your travels? What did you think?
2) Ever tried an aussie beer? What was it and what do ya think?
3) Is this a knife?
4) Name a movie that you really love but would never tell anybody that you feel that way about it.
5) Worst Movie you have ever seen?
Okay mr CDS
1) Ever met an aussie in your travels? What did you think?
2) Ever tried an aussie beer? What was it and what do ya think?
3) Is this a knife?
4) Name a movie that you really love but would never tell anybody that you feel that way about it.
5) Worst Movie you have ever seen?
1) Yeah, at college there was an Aussie guy that came to where I worked a lot and shot the shit a few days. I remember that we talked about Rugby some, but it was a bit ago.

2) I haven't tried any aussie beer. I'm curious about Foster's, it's the only one I know of off the top of my head/have seen ads for.

3) No, THIS is a knife

4) I'm pretty open about my shitty movies I enjoy! I was championing 2012 in a couple different threads. I guess Rounders is somewhat of a secret favorite movie of mine. It's not much more above a standard "sports" movie, but I love poker, it got me into poker, and John Malkovich is goofy as hell in it.

5) There's a 3-way tie between Epic Movie, Disaster Movie, and Meet the Spartans


Staff member
This is an interesting thread, and you have a good attitude about it. Also, I enjoyed the podcast I did with yall a while ago.

That said, here's question 1

Mind if I take this up a notch?


Staff member
This is an interesting thread, and you have a good attitude about it. Also, I enjoyed the podcast I did with yall a while ago.

That said, here's question 1

Mind if I take this up a notch?
I go up to 11.[/QUOTE]

K. I'm gonna push this then.

I'll start slow, but its gonna speed up. Let me know if I go too far.

You can be pretty condescending and arrogant on some views here. Are you like that in person or is it taken down a notch?
You can be pretty condescending and arrogant on some views here. Are you like that in person or is it taken down a notch?
I usually tone it down with people I don't know. Like if someone I just met mentions how much they love Transformers 2, I'll just let it slide or maybe say something like "a lot of things happen in that movie, that's true". But once I get to know someone well I will get into a lot of arguments more strenuously with them.


Staff member
Ok cool.

Lets kick it to the next gear.

How long has it been since you have had sex?

Edit: Sorry for dp, nasty database error last night.
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