Julie's D and D Game!

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Keep in mind that, Esc and Doom, that if you reroll, we'll still need someone to fill our party's Defender and Leader roles.
Best turn of the night imo.

Simkin opens the door, sees a bunch of giant insects, "dreadfully sorry, wrong room", closes door.

God it's good to be The Simkin.

Chaotic neutral FTW.

btw goodies would be welcomed ^.^


Staff member
Well we already have a leader (Nikto), and I don't feel like I actually did much as a defender. Where a Fighter is like "You're marked, and if you do ANYTHING that isn't attack me, you gonna get hit!" whereas a Warden is like, "Ha! You're marked now! Oh-- wait, no.. Don't... Don't move away please! Come back! I can't hit you from here. ;_;.

Edit: But I do like Zeke. Sigh, choices. Maybe with Shawn back next time he could heal me and I make off with Arku's body. :D
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha! God that was great.

>_> ... <_< Not evil. Really.

So, everyone is level 3 with a grand total of 2,500 exp. Doom, if you decide to kill Zeke, your new character will start off with your reward trinket already in his/her possession. Otherwise I will have Zeke "find" a trinket in one of the mansion's nooks and crannies.

*remembers Darryl's face last night and tries not to burst into sadistic laughter* I still can't believe he fell for not one, but TWO of the oldest tricks in the book. XD I'm marrying a dope.
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I always appreciate DMs who don't make things always so easy for their players. I like the threat of dying, players going down and to strategically play their turns. It makes you think ahead of time and makes you work better as a team.


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Hmm.. I really can't decide.

I like playing Zeke cus being the PUNCH IT AND BREAK IT character is fun, and a dead master would allow him to be "free" and I could be a little more adventurous with him and give him more of a personality. And then, of course, he is searching for his purpose in life and perhaps information on his old master and his old purpose.

..... But I'm also suffering from Adia syndrome. "I attack AC and miss. Wee. Next turn."

Blahhh, what to do..

I guessss.. Hm.. I guess I will try to keep Zeke alive.

I will either epicly try to save Arku's body out of a sense of debt and to at least bury him (or if Darryl wants to keep playing him, revive him), or Arku's hold on Ezekiel will be broken and he will become "free."

I dunno. Chu guys think?
I always appreciate DMs who don't make things always so easy for their players. I like the threat of dying, players going down and to strategically play their turns. It makes you think ahead of time and makes you work better as a team.
I'm glad you approve of such styles. Darryl says that my campaign feels a little like Left 4 Dead in that you have to work together to survive and you can't just go in, guns a'blazin' at every turn. He says you have to play smart. Oh the irony, coming from him. อ_อ *lol* He's gonna kill me so bad when he gets back from NY...

I dunno. Chu guys think?
Well, Doom honey, I think that you have to go with what will make you happiest. An believe me, I mean that sincerely. I know that the fact that Zeke sometimes can be a soulless stick makes for difficult rp, but I know that you get in some seriously fun one-liners with this dead-pan, straight-faced, robot-like construct. You seem to enjoy those moments, which is good. However, the Adia syndrome can (and will) eventually corrode your very being, making for very frustrating combat if you don't always have the ability to "improvise" weapons. (Of course, even then you're still hitting AC.) I try to throw things in, but sometimes it just isn't feasible in certain situations in the campaign.

In the end, this all rests on what you feel will be worthwhile and enjoyable. I have a horrible time making decisions for myself, so I can't give you super special awesome advice. ... I'm a waffler. Waffle waffle waffle.

Whatever you do, though, I support you.
I surprisingly have stayed in character with Simkin, I love roleplaying him and seeing how things pan out every game session. I never knew this could be so fun. It meshes so well in your campaign. Simkin is about survival first, after all!

As far as Doom goes, I agree with Julie. You need to have a character that has a bit of variety or you'll get bored. You cannot be a one-trick pony in 4e. I'm surprised you don't have attacks that do more than attack AC. Simkin attacks AC and Reflex as well as Will at LVL 3, two of them at-wills. I think it's simply how you built your warden or understand their powers in a fashion to maximize their efficiency. Feel free to read this thread : http://community.wizards.com/go/thr...01/A_Rock_and_A_Hard_Place:_A_Warden_Handbook I read it a bit and found a few fixes you could use.

Don't take this the wrong way but if the character is plain to roleplay then do something to spice it up. Come up with a new storyline privately with Julie. I don't know get possessed by Arku's soul. Or by some previous master's soul. While you're at it, go beyond the limitations of your character and get INVOLVED. Rerolling and starting a new character without changing the concepts on how you play will provide the same results other than "OOOH, this ability will make me OWN 4 enemies at once!" then when it's not your turn in combat be as stale as a 3 day old loaf of bread. If you are out of ideas, make Simkin your master. You'll be in for a treat. Let's kill the recaps of battle every end of round. It's like watching a movie for the first time with the director's comments going on the same time.


Staff member
Welp, after thinking about it I decided that I wanna try to keep Zeke alive. I'm going with the "Arku's hold is broken, and he now finds himself free" angle. Like, he just woke up, finally masterless, but also with no sense of purpose or direction.

This will definitely make him less stoic and make him the snarkier construct in a world full of "silly flesh sacks." He'll still be dumb one who doesn't care for plans and will probably be a bit impatient.

Actually, this sounds fun. Yee!

Now I just have to get Zeke out of that room alive. =[

And Arku has 600 gold on him... Sigh.

Also, I'ma take another look at powers and see if I have anything that isn't against AC. I think I have an encounter power's secondary attack against fortitude. -_-


Staff member
Nikto's an artificer, which is a leader roll.

The only reason I even thought that was because he can heal us.

Anyway, I looked at my other abilities, and out of all my at-wills and encounters, only a few of them (like... 3) hit something other than AC.

2 hit Fortitude, and one hits Reflex. But they're fairly dumb abilities, or at least ones that Zeke wouldn't have. Like, one of them's a lightning bolt or something.
Yeah, it's pretty silly to only have vs AC at-wills for a class... it's usually the best form of defense. They could have at least given one non AC form of attack.

Man, I totally want to roll a Barbarian as my next character.


I originally was making Reynard to be a good character, but then I realized that would just be a copy of Gaspar. So I decided to make him more unaligned and concerned primary with only two things: survival and sword. Naturally, his personality took a nosedive.

Plus, it's cool to stick your weapon in the ground and have it explode.
Popping in briefly while waiting for people.

I had time to think on the bus ride yesterday and I am rolling a healer, just not sure what yet. Don't have the character builder available to me right now. I will have something before Thursday. We need a healer, for one thing, and two, I already play a defender in Shawn's game, so I'm not doing another.

I think keeping Zeke alive is a good idea 1. get the friggin gold! if you can, and 2. there's a lot more story potential for him now that Arku isn't there. He doesn't owe anyone anything now, and he's masterless. There's potential for him finding himself, or other characters fighting over who gets to be his new master, and him not having Arku's subconscious will to give him hints on what is right and wrong--he now has to find out what that means for himself.
This is actually probably the best thing tat could have happened for Zeke from a character development viewpoint.

Plus no we get to refer to Arku in the past tense like we sometimes do for Kratash! Classic.


I like how some people are still of the belief that we can salvage the gold from Arku's body.


Staff member
I'm of the belief that 600 gold is a lot and worth a try. =P

I think we can take the troll. *nod nod* Just... have Simkin shoot through the door. It's too small for the troll anyway. :D

Assuming it doesn't smash through it..
Simkin has a Low Slash ability now

Low Slash - Encounter - Minor (Dex vs Reflex ) 1w+5 damage
Hit = Slide opponent one square
Hit = Target is slowed till end of next turn.
Hit = +3 damage if you're flanking.
I retrained my level 1 encounter into one with less restricting circumstances:

Open the Gate of Battle
Attack Technique
Standard Action - Melee - One creature - Dex vs. Ref

Hit: 2d10 + 4 damage. The target takes 1d10 extra damage if it was at full it points when I hit it with this attack.
Movement Technique:
Move Action - Personal
Effect: You move your speed + 2. During this movement, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity from the first enemy you move away from.

And took this as my level 3 encounter (but might retrain it later when I have more hit points):

Twin Thunders
Attack Technique
Standard Action - Melee - One creature - Dex vs. Fort

Hit: 2d10 + 4 thunder damage, and a single enemy adjacent to the target takes 1d10 thunder damage.
Movement Technique:
Move Action - Personal
Effect: Choose one enemy adjacent to you and move your speed + 2. During this movement, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity from that enemy.
That is a nice level 1 encounter, Gusto.

Here was what Arku had on him so you can judge whether looting his body is worth it:

668 gold (mine and Ezekiel's reward, plus what I had from other stuff)
Leather armor
Spiked gauntlet
Orb (implement)
Adventurer's kit
Inquisitive's kit (containers made of different materials, brushes, mundane dusts, tweezers, picks, probes, magnifying glass, inks and parchment, quills, Arku's journal, also the kit grants a +2 to perception checks when seeking something specific)


Quick question Ezkiel, how do you plan to climb 30 feet with no handholds.
If he gets hit by the troll and doesn't die, he'll make it.

Might be wiser to try throwing the Simkin or Nikto up there, or find some way to bring the body down, like with a grappling hook. Or if anyone can do any kind of teleporting.
Simkin's Loot List

1) Arku's GOLD
2) That perception kit
3) Goliath teeth, I hear they go for a pretty penny in those alchy stores, right Julie? :sneaky:


Seeing how if he can find a way up there, he's going to be terribly exposed for a number of rounds and that troll almost never misses, plus deals something like 20-30 damage, in addition to knocking him off....does he even have climbing gear?
Or if anyone can do any kind of teleporting.
I can teleport 25 feet, but its safe to say I'm not setting foot in that room again.
The troll can throw someone up there, but I don't know if the troll can reach up there besides its fingers. Once up there, Ezekiel's real concern would be the parasite still inside Arku, and getting away.

The troll crits for 18, the danger is that it can hit multiple targets.
Kara would not risk her life nor the lives of others for the sake of material gain.

If leaving the room meant the troll can't pursue us, then she's not going back in unless everyone ELSE goes back in. If the troll busts down a wall to follow us and we ave to kill it anyway, then she'll attempt to recover Arku's corpse in order to "give it a proper burial" ie. get his stuff. :)
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