I'm glad you approve of such styles. Darryl says that my campaign feels a little like Left 4 Dead in that you have to work together to survive and you can't just go in, guns a'blazin' at every turn. He says you have to play smart. Oh the irony, coming from him. อ_อ *lol* He's gonna kill me so bad when he gets back from NY...I always appreciate DMs who don't make things always so easy for their players. I like the threat of dying, players going down and to strategically play their turns. It makes you think ahead of time and makes you work better as a team.
Well, Doom honey, I think that you have to go with what will make you happiest. An believe me, I mean that sincerely. I know that the fact that Zeke sometimes can be a soulless stick makes for difficult rp, but I know that you get in some seriously fun one-liners with this dead-pan, straight-faced, robot-like construct. You seem to enjoy those moments, which is good. However, the Adia syndrome can (and will) eventually corrode your very being, making for very frustrating combat if you don't always have the ability to "improvise" weapons. (Of course, even then you're still hitting AC.) I try to throw things in, but sometimes it just isn't feasible in certain situations in the campaign.I dunno. Chu guys think?
I can teleport 25 feet, but its safe to say I'm not setting foot in that room again.Or if anyone can do any kind of teleporting.