Julie's D and D Game!

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So Jaes keeps escaping and the Drow keep capturing him. It's like this endless circle of incompetence on everyone's part.
Alright, everyone, for the previous encounters, I'm giving you 400 exp which should bring you to a total of 2900. And, Doom, yes. You may most certainly have Delver's Light. It's a level two, simple, non-game-breaking item that is completely fair. You will find it among your possessions, when you locate them, and will be able to use it immediately from there on out.

Also, I have wonderful news: we may very well have a new player in HCGLNS! Stay tuned for more soon! ;)
Episode 8: Ezekiel's Chains

With Arku dead, Ezekiel has been left a shade of his former self... or perhaps he is a new being entirely. There's little time for existential angst if the group wants to give Arku's body a proper search and burial, as the troll remains alive and angry. Even if able to take down the monster, there's that mysterious clanking noise and a gaping hole in the ceiling.
I think we currently have a pretty balanced party, so I'd like it if we all tried to not influence HC on what to roll. In fact, I propose we anti-influence him.
Yeah, as Darryl said, let's let HCGLNS pick what he wants without us saying one way or another. I want my players to all have the same freedom of being able to pick whatever they want and being happy with that. :3 Let's just watch and see what he chooses.
Hahaha I'm just joshin'. Our party doesn't have a controller, but Zeke and I do a little of it each, anyway. Not necessarily NEEDED. :)

Also, I'd say our party is much more balanced for Hugglins to enter Shawn's game as anything he wants.


Staff member
Weeee, Delver's Light.

I'na make the light come from my eyes! So I guess he'll absorb whatever the physical item is.

Anywho. Wee! 2 Weeks. =[
Also, I'd say our party is much more balanced for Hugglins to enter Shawn's game as anything he wants.
Err, we have six people for Shawn's game.

Weeee, Delver's Light.

I'na make the light come from my eyes! So I guess he'll absorb whatever the physical item is.

Anywho. Wee! 2 Weeks. =[
3 weeks. :p In one week, we have Shawn Game 1. In two weeks, we have Shawn Game 2. In three weeks, we have Julie Game.

Commander Shepard is busy ATM.

Anyways, roll whatever you want. Have fun. Attend every game you can and be in Vent at 6:45.... unlike some of these bums.


So, I just took a listen to part of one of your sessions, for the heck of it.

Julie, your game is f'd up.

Me Likey.
Well thank you for allowing me to join your game, and without further ado, may I introduce

Captain Naciens Harris
Gnomish Seeker: Bloodbond Level 3 (Controller)
STR 8 CON 14 DEX 10 INT 13 WID 18 CHA 12
AC 13 FORT 12 REF 12 WILL 15
HP 36 Healing Surges 9
At Will: Grappling Spirits, Thorn Cloud Shot
Encounter: Encaging Spirits, Inevitable Shot, Fade Away, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Mischief Spirits (lvl 1), Escaping Shot (lvl 3)
Daily: Swarming Bats
Utility: Stags Grace
Feats: Strengthened Bond, Fey Trickster
Skills: Nature, Perception, Stealth, Heal

Starting Gear: Hand crossbow, 40 bolts, leather armor, adventurers kit, dagger though I expect none of it will remain in the prison

Still working on his idioms and affectations.
Cool, another short person for Ezekiel to throw.

Although, the last time he threw one ended up with the goblin drop-kicking our primary antagonist Niena in the face... which was awesome.
"Der be no trowin Naciens uv da North Seas! Yoo risk ahgravatin da Grate Albetross iv you do!"

And I seem to have forgotten to list my 1st and 3rd level encounter powers, whoopsie!

Also, sex leads to babies and babies lead to broken backs (it took three hours of waiting in line with a toddler and a 4 yr old to register for ballet), so sex is bad ok?


Staff member
Oh good. More Shorties.

Well, it is nice to finally be the tallest member in the group at least.

Shit, half the party can ride on my shoulders.
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