Well thank you for allowing me to join your game, and without further ado, may I introduce
Captain Naciens Harris
Gnomish Seeker: Bloodbond Level 3 (Controller)
STR 8 CON 14 DEX 10 INT 13 WID 18 CHA 12
AC 13 FORT 12 REF 12 WILL 15
HP 36 Healing Surges 9
At Will: Grappling Spirits, Thorn Cloud Shot
Encounter: Encaging Spirits, Inevitable Shot, Fade Away, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Mischief Spirits (lvl 1), Escaping Shot (lvl 3)
Daily: Swarming Bats
Utility: Stags Grace
Feats: Strengthened Bond, Fey Trickster
Skills: Nature, Perception, Stealth, Heal
Starting Gear: Hand crossbow, 40 bolts, leather armor, adventurers kit, dagger though I expect none of it will remain in the prison
Still working on his idioms and affectations.