[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


Staff member
Makes me wonder what cultural superstitions exist in the US.
Hrm... TV rots your brain? Rock and Roll turns children into devil worshipers? Don't flash your lights at people who flash theirs at you because it could be a gang initiation?

Oh I know one. "The cops live next door, you know." No matter where I went or what fun we got up to, there was always some wet-blanket killjoy who had to cross her (usually her) arms and frown at us and utter that old chestnut. The cops live next door. They always live next door. Could go way out into the country on a farm and "you know the sheriff's farm is just down the road."
Hrm... TV rots your brain?
Yeah, but I actually believe that's true. I mean, maybe not physical decay, but television is basically a machine pumping lies and narratives into your life, beseeching you to avoid searching for the truth while they sell you Febreeze, and fuck you Febreeze. I hate Febreeze. Anyway, TV totally rots your brain.
Don't flash your lights at people who flash theirs at you because it could be a gang initiation?"
No, I swear, a friend of my brother's friend was driving on the road one night and...
The only time I choose lukewarm water is during or after a workout - I can drink it alot faster than icewater, and it isn't as uncomfortable introducing such a large amount of very cold water into my core.
Makes good, scientific sense. But sip, don't gulp. Give your body time to reach osmotic equilibrium and actually take up that liquid (or else drink isotonic liquid).

I remember hearing about the Korean fan thing as well some time ago. There is some connection between SIDS and fan use in baby rooms in the US (ie, lower risk of SIDS in rooms with operating fan) but I wonder if the studies have looked at the cultures where fans at night are considered dangerous.
I wonder whether SIDS won't ultimately turn out to be babies who smother in their own exhaled CO2, just because they literally did not yet know any better.

Or, y'know, just build cribs with a CO2 drain (channel, whatever. Just somewhere for it to go), fer cryin' out loud.

That's one theory, they have a cloud of carbon dioxide that doesn't move away from them because they don't exhale enough to generate a breeze when they sleep.

Despite it being only a theory, I make sure that they are never in a bowl - carbon dioxide is heavier than air, so as long as they are up off the floor, and there are no blankets or items to their side, the carbon dioxode will float down around them regardless of how little air they might move when they breath. But it probably doesn't matter in my house as I leave the furnace blower running all the time anyway, as a crude whole house air filtration system - just that air movement would be enough to mix the air in any room the baby might sleep in, whether on the floor or in a "bowl" of sorts.

SIDS still scares me, though. I keep thinking I should make a little band for the baby to wear that measures blood oxygen level every 30 seconds and sounds an alarm if it goes down - it would at minimum wake the baby and cause them to cry, increasing their breathing, and should alert us. One check every 30 seconds should result in a battery life of a few months, meaning that it would last the time needed for one child, so it could be completely sealed.

We had a baby monitor that detected breathing movement. Worked fairly well... though the few false alarms we had scared the absolute crap out of us.
I'm a Canadian, from a place more northern than most Canadians (born in the NWT). I have a separate minifridge that I keep at a temperature much, much lower than I keep my regular fridge. It's my drink fridge. Most soda in there starts to develop ice slivers in it (but not all the way frozen).

I love this fridge.

I love cold drinks.

Fuck Russia.


Staff member
Bacteria in your ice? Anymore than in your water? Making the kids sick? Oh well. No one asked me, I guess.
Actually, if the ice bin at a restaurant isn't cleaned regularly and properly, bacteria can grow. Houston news legend Marvin Zindler used to cover health reports from restaurants with his trademark phrase "Slime in the Ice Machines!", and it's not just a joke. If you've ever seen the mold and bacterial growth that can happen... it's pretty nauseating. I'm not sure if any of the microorganisms involved cause health problems if you're not allergic to them, but ice can definitely have a higher bacteria count than water.

EDIT: Doing a little bit of googling, contaminated ice can be a big problem. Bacteria and viruses can be transferred to stored ice, just the same as any food. I'm not sure how this compares to the contamination of water or drinking vessels, but I'm betting it's easier for harmful bacteria to spread around an ice container than it is to get around glasses or into water pipes.


Staff member
I'm a Canadian, from a place more northern than most Canadians (born in the NWT). I have a separate minifridge that I keep at a temperature much, much lower than I keep my regular fridge. It's my drink fridge. Most soda in there starts to develop ice slivers in it (but not all the way frozen).

I love this fridge.

I love cold drinks.

Fuck Russia.
I had a 2 liter of soda in such a fridge, drop to such low temperature it became de facto supersaturated. When I poured it into a glass, the fizz froze into slush immediately. It was awesome.

Houston news legend Marvin Zindler used to cover health reports from restaurants with his trademark phrase "Slime in the Ice Machines!"
I miss Marvin Zindler. (EYE-WITNESS NEWS!!) Even though he closed down harmless whorehouses what weren't hurtin' nobody.

Doing a little bit of googling, contaminated ice can be a big problem. Bacteria and viruses can be transferred to stored ice, just the same as any food. I'm not sure how this compares to the contamination of water or drinking vessels, but I'm betting it's easier for harmful bacteria to spread around an ice container than it is to get around glasses or into water pipes.
Theoretically, ice water should be less contaminated than room temperature (or freezer temperature) water. However, ice is often kept in (open) containers, which are rarely cleaned "because it's just water, it doesn't get dirty", while water is usually either from a tap (running water, so less bacteria etc) or from closed bottles.
I drink lots and lots and lots of water, and I ahve bottels scattered throughout the house - but when I find a bottle that's been open a week or so, I give it to the plants because the bottle'll start smelling old and musty. Not dangerous or anything yet, but unpleasant.
Honestly - if you got your water from a bucket that had been standing open outside for a few days, you'd be disgusted. An ice bucket out in the open in a cooler box or something, next to a buffet? Nobody raises an eyebrow.

Anyway, I prefer my drinks on the temperature where their taste is optimal. Sodas/pops/whatever you call them, around 2°C-7°C (freezer or slightly colder). Bottom fermented beer, 6° to 8°. Top fermented beers, somewhere around 12°.

The colder something gets, the less you taste of it, because the cold numbs your taste receptors. Any type of beer saying you should drink it "freezing cold" (like most South American beers for example, which are tapped at below-freezing temperatures in frosted glasses, preferably) are actually saying "we taste like shit, but cold enough you'll just taste something slightly bitter and really cold, thus feeling refreshed". Of course, the opposite holds true as well (too warm and your taste buds are less sensitive too), and what temperature is ideal for what drink depends on which aromas you want to activate or to be more powerful. The same beer, 10° apart, can make for a very different taste sensation.
Ice has no business in drinks, excepting water. If I wanted my beverages to be watered down, I'd add water.

If it's not cold when you drink it, you took too long to drink it... but then again, I drink a 44oz cup of water in 10 seconds or so, so this might be somewhat of a biased observation
Sky: *opens, unleashing a sea with vertical slits cut into it*

Five minutes into this deluge, with no signs of stopping.

Sgt: "I need a unit to respond to this scene to man the tape and control access.

Me: *checks board, see that I'm the only one unassigned*

It's not even a secret here. Our ISPs up here have been trying to find ways to ban Netflix in Canada altogether, or at least force it into regulations that would make it unprofitable. That's how our ISPs/telecoms work. They don't improve services or provide anything of value, they just legislate competition into bankruptcy seeing as how their former and future executives run the CRTC.
So, she said she loves me... "just not in that way." :( can't help but take that as a more subtle "you're like a brother to me."
Four kids, all 4 years and younger, is tough. The three eldest are always fighting, always into something, always tattling on each other. Gah. I'm like a grumpy troll most of the time around them. I don't know how not to be a total dick to them sometimes. I hate myself.
Four kids, all 4 years and younger, is tough. The three eldest are always fighting, always into something, always tattling on each other. Gah. I'm like a grumpy troll most of the time around them. I don't know how not to be a total dick to them sometimes. I hate myself.
You are not their friend. You are the parent and your word will be law, and they will remember if you break your word. The kids will test you, they know they are testing you (even though they can't say it that way) and you have to pass the test without any instructions on how to take the test. Discuss with your wife what you two want the rules to be, and allow yourself to be the hard-assed bad guy when enforcing them. Later, after the boundaries have been established you can back down, but now, you have to be "mean." Quoting Cosby, "I have had ENOUGH! The beatings shall now commence!"

I'm not joking, and I respect the spot you are in, because what you are going through isn't easy. (I'm not saying to beat your children either, but sometimes a single swat, especially to a diapered butt, can do wonders)