[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

You work for a translating company, right? Did this person work for you guys or someone else? Why would they be sending you a completed translation?
She's one of our translators. We receive translation cases from clients, and we send them to translators. They translate the document, it gets checked and edited by an editor (that'd be me) and then we send it back to the client.

In this particular case, we received a machine translated document back from the translator. Good thing we have an editor (again, that'd be me) to check these things before we send them back to clients, otherwise the shit's gonna hit the fan.
In terms of meaning, yes. Though 粪便 is slightly higher register than 屎, so if you're translating for a more formal document, you'd want to use 粪便 or just 粪.
Ah good, next time I want to translate a formal document relating to shit, I know just the phrase to use.
Good news: Jun's interview is scheduled for the 29th in Guangzhou

Better news: Probably will be able to do the interview in Chinese since I can prove my proficiency

Bad news: The US lawyer told Jun she only needed to be in GZ 2 days before the interview to do the medical exam and get the results. The interview is on a Wednesday. The lawyer's associate in GZ said that'll be impossible and she'll have to do the medical exam on Saturday morning because the hospital won't be any examinations Saturday afternoon or Sunday, which means she has to leave her hometown Thursday night because she's far from GZ and it's a long ass train ride. This of course means another $150 bucks in hotel fees for her to sit around and do nothing.

Win some, lose some I guess.
Ah good, next time I want to translate a formal document relating to shit, I know just the phrase to use.
You laugh, but recently we got a formal academic research paper in Chinese, about experiments related to methane production from pig fecal matter. We had to translate it from Chinese to English.

And, I shit you not, the translator used the word "poop" throughout.
You laugh, but recently we got a formal academic research paper in Chinese, about experiments related to methane production from pig fecal matter. We had to translate it from Chinese to English.

And, I shit you not, the translator used the word "poop" throughout.
Ok, I don't know what's going on but I have this creeping sense of anxiety. It's actually moderately disturbing and is making it hard for me to concentrate on work today.
Got a new video card. Upgraded from a 3870 to a 6970. It's a bit of an increase in performance.
-However, the new card requires 2 power connections (a six-pin and an eight-pin) while the old one only required a single six-pin connection.
-My 560W power supply is modular, but I remember that I kept the box from it with all the extra plugs.
-I'm still unpacking, so it could be in any of an entire roomful of boxes that I'll be breaking into during Winter to sort.
-Because of this, I have to put off installing the card an extra day
-Once my day off arrives, and after about an hour of searching through brown boxes, I locate the PSU box.
-The connector I need isn't in it.
-I know the new card comes with an adapter to gang 2xMolex together into a single 8-pin, so I grab a cable with molex connectors instead.
-I pop open the computer and remove the 3870
-I discover that I apparently thought ahead and installed both of the GPU cables when I originally built the computer (a little over a couple years ago), presumably so that I wouldn't have to search for the second cable when I finally got around to installing a new graphics card.
Yay for forward thinking, past me. You could've left a note or something.

Got gentoo up and running on the spare laptop, with networking working this time. Started to emerge firefox before I went to bed. Eight hours later and it's still compiling. :(
Got gentoo up and running on the spare laptop, with networking working this time. Started to emerge firefox before I went to bed. Eight hours later and it's still compiling. :(
Wow. Even the one and only time I ever tried to compile anything (Java, I think?), it only took about 10-20min, tops.

I don't know what's more infuriating, the student riots overnight after upsetting Baylor, or the kids' defiance on twitter and elsewhere when called out on it by the grownups.


Staff member
Wow. Even the one and only time I ever tried to compile anything (Java, I think?), it only took about 10-20min, tops.

Gentoo compiles everything, from the kernel up.

With all optimizations on, the code I write for my job compiles on the order of 10 minutes. It's not super-large but it does contain a lot of math, so the optimizations take time.
Eh. It went south of us, but we've been getting rain for the last 12 hours. Going between a nice steady rain and absolute downpours since early this morning. No wind at all which surprises me. Still, it's too crappy out to go do anything.[DOUBLEPOST=1413749123,1413748722][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hey, at least your college kids were rioting about a football game, not a pumpkin festival.
There's a line in the article:
Gov. Maggie Hassan said state and local safety officials worked to defuse what she called "the situation."
Uhm? It was a situation, it was the situation she was talking about... Why are they quoting that like it's a euphemism, or the name of a loon from Jersey Shore?
One woman told NHPR that her car was surrounded by a mob of students who began to kick and shake the vehicle while driving down Winchester Street. “They started yelling directly at my daughter, and when they saw she was crying, they started to do it more,” Stephanie Konopka told the station. “They put their faces in the window and made these horrible faces and screamed these terrible things at her. And I was helpless, I couldn’t get to her. I was just trapped in the car. I couldn’t open the door, I couldn’t move the car. And then they started taking off their shirts and pushing themselves into the windows. At that point she was just beyond consoling.”
What a bunch of assholes. I hope karma or justice or whatever knocks these pricks down a peg or two.