[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


Staff member
Sister in law, you chose this. You were the one who insisted on another kid. I'm not going to drop everything at 5 in the morning or during my lunch break to talk to you about how hard it is to be a mom. I have my own problems and responsibilities, even if they didn't come out of my vagina.
So what part of you do they come out of, then?
We told our son where babies come from and either it doesn't make sense to him or he is in denial. He seems to think it would just be easier if babies were born through our mouths.

Holy crap this is hands down the strangest thing I have ever typed.
We told our son where babies come from and either it doesn't make sense to him or he is in denial. He seems to think it would just be easier if babies were born through our mouths.

Holy crap this is hands down the strangest thing I have ever typed.
I'm imagining that birth looking something like the scene with the dad in poltergeist.
Have you ever downloaded one of those speech jamming apps?
No, though I have used dedicated hardware which replicated the effect. It becomes significantly more difficult to speak, but I can do better than most people by forcing myself to ignore the feedback (i.e., It's like I'm talking UDP rather than TCP). I don't listen to the output for feedback, I just try to become a verbal faucet. There is research regarding stuttering where putting on a headset that deliberately tries to block the auditory feedback of your own speech tends to help keep a person from stuttering. Hmm...I smell the beginnings of a research paper.
In many ways, not far from the truth. Just very small, tadpole shaped children - by the millions.
It's an important distinction.
I mean, I understood, it's just.. I envisioned you, exasperated with a crying toddler, just... shoving him back up there. "BET YOU WANT TO EAT YOUR PEAS NOW, DON'T YOU?!"
I've seen a cartoon about something like that.
It was entered into a competition where the idea was to come up with the most offensive short film possible.
No, I will not link it.

I'm not going to drop everything at 5 in the morning or during my lunch break to talk to you about how hard it is to be a mom.
Call me at 5 in the morning and I'm probably going to tell you to get the hell off the phone unless someone's dead, dying, or having a breakdown.
Bring a sweater they say. It's chilly at night, they say.

Fucking texans. I've been gone just long enough to forget that they have no idea what "chilly" is. :)

I'm changing into some fucking shorts and a t-shirt (#sweatingmyassoff)[DOUBLEPOST=1414112644,1414112602][/DOUBLEPOST]And on that note, I hear some uilleann pipes starting up in the distance..off to play tunes!
I'm having a crush on my female roommate, because of course I am.

I'd like to think we've become close enough friends that I can open up a dialogue and talk to her about it like an adult. I'd like to.

But girls are scary.
I'm having a crush on my female roommate, because of course I am.

I'd like to think we've become close enough friends that I can open up a dialogue and talk to her about it like an adult. I'd like to.

But girls are scary.
Aye, talk to her, and you may crash and burn. Stay silent, and you'll stay friends... at least for a while. And when one of you are packing all your things to move out, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days of friendship, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell your room mate how you feel?
Aye, talk to her, and you may crash and burn. Stay silent, and you'll stay friends... at least for a while. And when one of you are packing all your things to move out, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days of friendship, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell your room mate how you feel?
Yeah I still think Babe should have won the Oscar that year.
We told our son where babies come from and either it doesn't make sense to him or he is in denial. He seems to think it would just be easier if babies were born through our mouths.

Holy crap this is hands down the strangest thing I have ever typed.
When I was getting ready to have Alice I tried to explain to Jet in simple terms where babies come from.

He now says I pooped the baby out. He giggles when he calls Alice a 'poop baby'.
When I was getting ready to have Alice I tried to explain to Jet in simple terms where babies come from.

He now says I pooped the baby out. He giggles when he calls Alice a 'poop baby'.
Are you going to blow his mind by telling him that means he's a poop baby too?
I'd like to think we've become close enough friends that I can open up a dialogue and talk to her about it like an adult. I'd like to.
I am not sure that talking to her about it is the adult thing to do. You're already living together, which makes a relationship very difficult to start: there's no way 'out' if early on you recognise that things are not going well; one of you will lose your home. If she doesn't feel the same way, or does but is unwilling to take the risk of dating a roommate, then you've altered the dynamic of your relationship forever; possibly made her feel uncomfortable in her own space. The feelings you've got are difficult, but dealing with them without asking the other person to also confront them is more adult, more selfless.
I am not sure that talking to her about it is the adult thing to do. You're already living together, which makes a relationship very difficult to start: there's no way 'out' if early on you recognise that things are not going well; one of you will lose your home. If she doesn't feel the same way, or does but is unwilling to take the risk of dating a roommate, then you've altered the dynamic of your relationship forever; possibly made her feel uncomfortable in her own space. The feelings you've got are difficult, but dealing with them without asking the other person to also confront them is more adult, more selfless.

I'm realizing probably later than the few people around me that I've become really bitter lately. Rats died, family moved away, working so much overtime that I'm too tired to do much writing, still have an apartment to care for. It's pretty much become work-home-work-home-groceries-home-work, rinse, repeat. There are no longer people here for me to visit and I haven't been able to get to New York and see my friends because of people with actual problems instead of whiny bullshit problems like mine. Haven't really talked to my friends more than a couple times since 2014 started because they're busy too. And my solution to this is to try forcing myself to have fun with a game I'm not enjoying because on some level it reminds me of a decade ago when I'd enjoy hanging out with my younger stepsiblings, before they grew up and got problems and lives as well.

My wife says I seem sad, but I feel aggravated. Despite the challenges the girl rats have presented, I'm glad we got them because spending time with them does soften me, but I know I'm getting worse. And I feel bad about feeling like that because I shouldn't have anything to complain about. I've held the same job for nearly 7 years, that's in the same field I studied for, while many people in my grade can't find work. I make money to live and have leisure. I married my friend. But I'm frustrated and lashing out, I don't know what to do about it.


Staff member
Dear General Manager.

Writing me an e-mail in all capital letters and abusively overusing multiple interrobangs at the end of a sentence does not impress urgency or authority upon me. It makes you look like a child.

Guy who keeps your entire operation from flying apart on a daily basis.
Dear General Manager.

Writing me an e-mail in all capital letters and abusively overusing multiple interrobangs at the end of a sentence does not impress urgency or authority upon me. It makes you look like a child.

Guy who keeps your entire operation from flying apart on a daily basis.


Dear deaf guy,
Your phone is working fine, your phone and/or ears are not. We the telco have sent 3 people in the last week to fix a non-issue. Next time we will bill for the trouble.


Telco tech.
I have actually done that before. Last one to leave the office, near midnight already, need to finish one last case, but you know, I'm all stressed out and need a distraction...

So I go grab a big bowl of instant ramen and chow down.

Wait, you guys are talking about snacking, right?
I have actually done that before. Last one to leave the office, near midnight already, need to finish one last case, but you know, I'm all stressed out and need a distraction...

So I go grab a big bowl of instant ramen and chow down.

Wait, you guys are talking about snacking, right?
Here's a related minor rant. Have you ever looked at the nutritional information on a packet of instant ramen? "Servings per packet: 2"

Really? Two servings? Has anyone ever in the history of instant ramen looked at a packet of one and said "I don't know, that looks like a lot... better only eat half."

I guess a billion grams of sodium looks better than two billion.