[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

It's related to the recommended daily servings of each food group. One package of Ramen noodles provides two servings from the grains group. Given that adults are recommended to eat between 6 and 8 servings of grains a day, then yes, one whole package is a reasonable part of a meal.

That alone still wouldn't be a complete meal though. One should add a serving of vegetable or two, a serving or two of fruit, a serving of dairy, 2 oz of lean meat and a serving of fat or oil.

Most people, however, aren't eating ramen as part of a meal, but as their entire meal, and if they are skipping everything else, they may need to eat two or three packages (4-6 servings) simply for the energy required.

tl;dr - serving size isn't meal size.
One whole package does at least give you 66% of your daily suggested sodium.
So the situation has sort of resolved itself.

I'm obvious enough that she noticed and mentioned to our other roommate (in a negative way) that she suspected I have a crush on her, which he in turn relayed to me while she was gone (he asked me to not tell her he said anything, because he wasn't sure he was supposed to). I guess it's time to silently pull it back. I'll probably keep myself scarce from the apartment for a couple days and just say I'm busy working at school and hope things go forgotten.
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AHHHHH!!!!!! omgomgomgomgomg panic PANIC!!! :aaah::cry:
Poptart, Poptart, she's our girl!
If she can't do it!
Her hair... will... curl?

I did not think this through.
Dear translator, the following are not real words.

Equipments. Furnitures. Datas. Sheeps. Criterias. Personnels. Staffs (when referring to individual workers)

Additionally, the plural of phenomenon is phenomena. Also, it may interest you to know that the plural of chief is not chieves.
Dear translator, the following are not real words.

Equipments. Furnitures. Datas. Sheeps. Criterias. Personnels. Staffs (when referring to individual workers)

Additionally, the plural of phenomenon is phenomena. Also, it may interest you to know that the plural of chief is not chieves.

....well, crap.
*throw entire manuscript into in the fire*


Staff member
The only way to know for certain would be to have more than 1 sheep. Maybe 2 sheep. Or 3 shee zzzzzZzzzzz


Staff member
Since I've been working at Bellevue University I've either been isolated or part of a team that wasn't fun. On Halloween I would dress up and be the only one. And I'd feel really out of place. This year I've moved to a different location and while none of my team (of four people) dressed up, pretty much everyone else did. And since I didn't...I feel really out of place. Like "that guy" who thinks he's too good to dress up.
Dear translator, the following are not real words.

Equipments. Furnitures. Datas. Sheeps. Criterias. Personnels. Staffs (when referring to individual workers)

Additionally, the plural of phenomenon is phenomena. Also, it may interest you to know that the plural of chief is not chieves.
I'm totally stealing chieves to use from now on.
Dear translator, the following are not real words.

Equipments. Furnitures. Datas. Sheeps. Criterias. Personnels. Staffs (when referring to individual workers)

Additionally, the plural of phenomenon is phenomena. Also, it may interest you to know that the plural of chief is not chieves.
Wow. Even my < 16k subroutine can pluralize better than that.

Dear translator, the following are not real words.

Equipments. Furnitures. Datas. Sheeps. Criterias. Personnels. Staffs (when referring to individual workers)

Additionally, the plural of phenomenon is phenomena. Also, it may interest you to know that the plural of chief is not chieves.
I've played a lot of Catan, and can confirm that they are, in fact, sheeps. I will fight anyone who disagrees.
During winter, we have an large, black, extraordinarily friendly kitty (nicknamed Blacktacular) who visits our back porch. We cannot let him in the house because a) he's an outdoor cat (fleas/potential diseases/etc) and b) we don't have a room to "quarantine" him in. We can't foster/adopt him because we already have three cats (along with two mice and a snake), with one cat who DETESTS other cats. We've tried to find him a home, but no luck so far.

Blacktacular will not use the little hidey-house we've made for him that is nice and warm. Blacktacular will, instead, sleep on our doormat--fully exposed to the wind and weather--and look at us very hopefully whenever we check to see if he's still there. He tries to get into the house when we open the door. And we have a whole winter to go. :(
So, Keurig has a new k-cup coffee brewer, and I decided to pick one up for my mom, whose previous one had broken.

The "2.0" version has a scanner that scans a barcode on official k-cups before it will allow them to be brewed, meaning that cheaper brands of coffee cannot be used, nor can any reusable k-cups for custom coffees.

Is this what the world has come to? Fucking DRM on coffee? I'm returning that piece of shit tomorrow.