[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


Staff member
I didn't win any awards at the theater festival. Which wouldn't bother me as much, if I'd gotten any sort of feedback from the respondents. We got a half-hour of rambling, and compliments paid to the director and technical side. Two of the actors in our nine person show got specific feedback. This is a college theater association, how on earth are students supposted to learn about their craft if you can't even tell them what they could improve on?

I'm honestly pissed about this. I don't give a shit that I don't have an award, but I'm mad that I don't get to learn what I could have done better. All I heard about my performance was "it was wonderful", "I thought you did fantastic", and then the experts can't even be bothered to tell me what they didn't like? That's not educational.


Staff member
Also, 11 plays in 3 days. 10am, 2pm, 6pm, 10pm. Wed, Thurs, Fri. That's after my own college's opening performance on Tuesday night. It would have been amazing getting to watch all those plays, if it weren't for my anxiety dealing with socializing inbetween. I'm so burnt-out right now. My brain feels fried, and my mind keeps going over and over everything I did and said, around in circles criticizing myself. I'm sure a lot of people loved getting to hang-out and talk, but it was so draining for me. I'm exhausted.
Paypal is fucking pissing me off. They just up and put my account on hold, saying that I need to provide some additional information to get it back to regular standing. They then want copies of my drivers license, social security number, proof of address, etc.

Now they're telling me they can't accept my proof of address. I have two addresses, a physical street address (which I do not receive mail service at, because I live in the boonies and simply don't have mail service) and a mailing/billing address (a PO Box.) They asked for a utility bill that shows my address, which I provided, only for them to tell me they cannot use a PO Box for address confirmation. They want me to edit the address that's been on my account for years (my PO box) to my physical address, and then provide them a utility bill with my physical address on it.

Which is impossible, because again, I don't receive mail at that address. Anything mailed to me through the post office is going to come through my PO Box.

In my attempts to be a little more proactive in promoting the new book, I've been contacting places about interviews or other promoting. One of them was CBC Radio's Writers & Company, which does weekly interviews with authors.

Their response, while polite, provided me one hilarious quote: "Our choice of guests is based on our mandate, which is to interview authors with firmly established international reputations, and large bodies of published work."

They shall RUE the day that they said no to Nick C. Piers! Mark my words, people. I WILL become a firmly established author with an international reputation and a large body of published work!

Instead of, you know, a barely established author with a nearly non-existent reputation, only two books out, and whose mom thinks he's cool.
Brought new car to dealer at 8am because my backup sensors weren't working. It it's after 3pm and still no word on when I can pick it up. Rawr.
I was out sick today, and there's a 50/50 chance I'm going to need to be out sick tomorrow.

Things are (finally after over half a year in crazy over-time land) lax at work and this would be no big deal, except next week I'll be gone visiting family. I don't want to be absent 7/10 days at work. But I also think if I go in tomorrow, they're just going to send me home.

I don't know what the hell to do. I don't want to leave a disaster behind when I go on vacation, but I also don't want to spread whatever this is around the office (though I think I know which co-worker I caught it from), and I don't want to still be sick when I see people, and etc ... just an annoying mess all around.


Staff member
My phone has randomly restarted three times this evening. I guess it's general flakiness has graduated to outright unreliability. Let's hope it's not too difficult for me to get a replacement.



I really want to believe in God but I find it more and more difficult to every day. I've listened to "this is why you should believe" tapes and they all just push me in towards the other direction. I wish I didn't feel this way though.
I really want to believe in God but I find it more and more difficult to every day. I've listened to "this is why you should believe" tapes and they all just push me in towards the other direction. I wish I didn't feel this way though.
I know the feeling. I'm an unwilling agnost.
I really want to believe in God but I find it more and more difficult to every day. I've listened to "this is why you should believe" tapes and they all just push me in towards the other direction. I wish I didn't feel this way though.
I'm atheist. I'm fine with it.I

Perhaps you should read some atheist stuff to help you question. The only thing I would suggest is The Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan.

Actually, I would also suggest never reading Richard Dawkins. Avoid the militant/overbearing atheism stuff.


Staff member
WHY the unholy stinking shithell do people who upload torrents, ESPECIALLY for single file deliveries such as TV show episodes, STILL insist on breaking that single file into 40 RARs that don't even compress? THIS IS NOT THE 90s, chucklefucks, people are NOT BURNING THESE TORRENTS TO ENOUGH CDs TO FILL A WOODEN PIRATE CHEST. When I download your stupid torrent, it goes straight to my file server. Which means an extra stupid step of unraring the SINGLE mkv file embedded in your 40-someodd part rar archive, which means it's gotta be decompressed to a temp file on MY computer, then copied BACK to the file server. Which in the case of a 1080p movie could be 45 minutes, longer if I actually DO anything while it is decompressing your stupidity.

They do it because they don't care about you, you can go eat shit as far as they're concerned. They do it for the bragging rights of being the first group to upload.
They do it because they don't care about you, you can go eat shit as far as they're concerned. They do it for the bragging rights of being the first group to upload.
But... wouldn't splitting a file into 48 rars add to the time you need to spend before you can upload it?


Staff member
They do it because they don't care about you, you can go eat shit as far as they're concerned. They do it for the bragging rights of being the first group to upload.
That doesn't make any sense. If all they care about is their group name in the filename, they can do that just as easily in the actual filename of the video. It's an extra step for them to RAR it up.

For example, compare two actual torrents on IPtorrents right now:

bargain fever.png

The group name (mSD) can go right in the filename. They even have their nfo file right there in the torrent. No RARs necessary.

Compare that to...


the KILLERS broke this archer episode into 10 rars for no reason. They even put a sample mkv OUTSIDE the rars in a SEPARATE FOLDER, as well as a separate nfo and sfv file... but the episode itself? Cut into pieces and compressed-but-not-compressed. For no reason.[DOUBLEPOST=1425454221,1425454170][/DOUBLEPOST]
Probably 'cause it came from usenet and they just put it up as is.
That might actually be it.

Wow. People still use usenet for piracy. Why on earth.
Wow. People still use usenet for piracy. Why on earth.
Speed. A usenet connection is usually much faster than even the best seeded torrent.

Security. Especially with an SSL connection to the usenet provider, the logs will only show that you're connected to usenet. Makes those DMCA notices far less likely.


Staff member
Speed. A usenet connection is usually much faster than even the best seeded torrent.

Security. Especially with an SSL connection to the usenet provider, the logs will only show that you're connected to usenet. Makes those DMCA notices far less likely.
Well shit. Let's hope the squares don't wise up.

Though, I've gotta say, on iptorrents I've yet to get a torrent that didn't take up every drop of my downpipe.
Well shit. Let's hope the squares don't wise up.

Though, I've gotta say, on iptorrents I've yet to get a torrent that didn't take up every drop of my downpipe.
Try something that's around a year old or so. If the retention is good, you'll still get every last bit of bandwidth out of that usenet connection. If the seeders have moved on, good luck with that orphaned torrent.
Every year, I'm more surprised that UUCP still exists.
I don't think I've connected to Usenet in what, 25 years?

I don't really understand torrents but I did enjoy your use of the word chucklefucks. I will use it in my rant:

Why must people here at work be chucklefucks and give me one set of instructions, which I confirm in advance to be certain it really is what they want, then change their mind past the point of no return and then try to say that their new flighty plan was what they wanted from the beginning.

I will combat this chucklefuckery with retail therapy. Sorry @HCGLNS