[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


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Nope. I resigned the match and deleted the app. Homey don't play that shit.
You are made of sterner stuff than I. Despite all my snarling and growling about how Clash of Clans is "pay the game, don't play the game" as so many stupid mobile games are these days, I'm STILL PLAYING IT. I only rationalize that I'm not a complete hypocrite because I haven't spent any real-world money in it. Which has made it a take a whooooooooole lot longer to advance in than it would have otherwise. I'm currently in a stretch of upgrading my town hall from level 7 to 8, which has a build time of more than a week if you don't spend "gems" on it. And I can't upgrade anything else until that upgrade is finished.

I can still raid other clans during that time if I want, but if I really try it takes me less than 48 hours to raid enough gold and elixir to completely fill my stores. And since I can't spend it, it'll just sit there attracting other people into attacking me.
I play a lot of facebook games that take cash.
Most of them, you hit a wall where you can go no further unless you pay or invite a ton of friends. I remove and block the app when I hit that wall. In the worst of them, you'll hit it within the first hour or two of play.

Some games, you can continue on (albeit at a slower pace) without paying or spamming your friends. I will usually play the hell out of those, and occasionally will even toss a couple bucks towards the developer as my contribution toward playing the game.

It's been my experience that games that are all in your face about paying to continue will continue to force you to pay those micro-transactions over and over again until you've spent more than you would have paid for an actual off-the-self game. Fuck that.
Well, shit. It would appear that my company is in the process, over the next few months, or being sold out from under us. Or, at least that's the information from a highly placed source (my father-in-law, as my brother-in-law owns the joint). This could be a much rantier rant, but I've recently come to the conclusion that this role that I'm in right now? Yeah, it's not for me. It's not the challenge that I need to really keep my mind sharp and my spirits high, but it is the challenge that drove me into another nervous breakdown and into two stress-related brushes with emergency medical personnel. And, while there's definitely no guarantee that I would lose my job when the company sells, it certainly does make it easier for me to quit putting off what I've been meaning to tell my brother-in-law for the last few weeks, which is that he needs to start looking for my replacement. It does put a little more pressure on me to get moving with that (not so) little dream project that I starting working on last month, but not so much that it completely drives me into a panic, and I can probably successfully barter for a portion of the proceeds of the sale of the company, which will help out on it - but that's a tale for another thread.


Staff member
Just now (9pm) getting away from work, been working on the stupid ESPN format change for the last 4 hours. Dumbass air talent got half the shit wrong, some of them saying their show starts at the wrong time, others reading some other radio station's billboards ("The Eastern Panhandle's sports authority!" WE'RE 400 MILES FROM THE PANHANDLE YOU JACKANAPES)
Just now (9pm) getting away from work, been working on the stupid ESPN format change for the last 4 hours. Dumbass air talent got half the shit wrong, some of them saying their show starts at the wrong time, others reading some other radio station's billboards ("The Eastern Panhandle's sports authority!" WE'RE 400 MILES FROM THE PANHANDLE YOU JACKANAPES)

Let's see if I can remember without looking:

06:00 - 09:00 CT: Mike and Mike (Greenberg/Golic)
09:00 - 12:00: The Herd (Colin Cowherd)
12:00 - 15:00: Scott Van Pelt (Ryan Rusillo)
15:00 - 18:00: Dan LeBetard (Stu Gotz)
18:00 - 21:00: Sedano & Schlereth (Jorge Sedano & Mark "Stink" Schlereth)
21:00 - 24:00: Freddie Coleman

Okay, had to cheat a bit. But still: the first four are pretty much set for most ESPN affiliates.


Staff member
Let's see if I can remember without looking:

06:00 - 09:00 CT: Mike and Mike (Greenberg/Golic)
09:00 - 12:00: The Herd (Colin Cowherd)
12:00 - 15:00: Scott Van Pelt (Ryan Rusillo)
15:00 - 18:00: Dan LeBetard (Stu Gotz)
18:00 - 21:00: Sedano & Schlereth (Jorge Sedano & Mark "Stink" Schlereth)
21:00 - 24:00: Freddie Coleman

Okay, had to cheat a bit. But still: the first four are pretty much set for most ESPN affiliates.
Close. But it's complicated by the fact that our owner decided to delay broadcast everything by an hour because who the fuck cares if our listeners want to call in to the show they're listening to, the shows need to conform to standard agency dayparts, amirite? But we're also airing YESTERDAY'S Paul Finebaum at 1p (he feeds at 4p, so without a time machine... 1p will be yesterday's show) instead of SVP and Russillo, moving THEM back to Dan LeBetard's spot, who apparently can just kick dirt clods in the parking lot for all we care. Coleman's the one who got his start time wrong, and Mike and Mike are the ones apparently under the impression we're 500 miles to the northwest of where we are - and that there's anything in the "eastern panhandle" other than TX 287, I-40 and coyotes.
LeBatard's show is usually pre-empted by local jocks in many markets, because they're using it to lead into a pre-game show.

Delaying by an hour is insanity.


Staff member
LeBatard's show is usually pre-empted by local jocks in many markets, because they're using it to lead into a pre-game show.

Delaying by an hour is insanity.
I'm pretty sure our owner has gone into full blown "fuck everything, I'm selling to the first decent offer I get" mode. He'd rather turn a minimal profit by having no jocks and shit ratings but no expenses (IE, minimal payroll) than actually strive for market share.

From what I hear from our Engineer, who has set this stuff up multiple times all over the state, ESPN radio never works out as a format - it's tons of hassle and nobody tunes in.
I prefer the national feed on my XM radio than the local station. Then again, I don't listen to the radio much except to just follow my favorite teams when they're playing late.

Its hard for me to decide what is currently my most hated commercial, but right now I'm going for "Brookside chocolates." "Now, it has a crunch!" Congratulations, you have discovered what chocolate companies have been doing for the past- SEVENTY SEVEN YEARS!!!

Its hard for me to decide what is currently my most hated commercial, but right now I'm going for "Brookside chocolates." "Now, it has a crunch!" Congratulations, you have discovered what chocolate companies have been doing for the past- SEVENTY SEVEN YEARS!!!
You just reminded me of something... I LOATHE the commercials for the Hospital for Special Surgery. I don't know what it is about that piano arrangement, but the second I hear the opening notes, my teeth are set on edge. It manages to be sappy, cloying and irritating without ever saying a single word. They may do good work, but I never want to hear their commercial ever again.
You just reminded me of something... I LOATHE the commercials for the Hospital for Special Surgery. I don't know what it is about that piano arrangement, but the second I hear the opening notes, my teeth are set on edge. It manages to be sappy, cloying and irritating without ever saying a single word. They may do good work, but I never want to hear their commercial ever again.
Hospital commercials are just the worst, there was this one for a hospital my mom used to work at before they fired her for a dumb reason but really because her pay got too high(that's right, working as a nurse is pretty much like working as a black jack dealer). In it your basic sappy stuff, and at the end a lady says "I hear sirens in my sleep." And my mom was all "Well...you shouldn't as ambulances turn of their sirens before getting to the hospital!"
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There's one ad that has been driving me completely nuts for the last 3.5 weeks, because I've never been able to see it past the opening sentence. I have no idea what it's an ad for. BBC America is, apparently, absolutely and completely incapable of playing the full ad. All I get is "I'm so glad we could be here for" and then it cuts to another ad. Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
There's one ad that has been driving me completely nuts for the last 3.5 weeks, because I've never been able to see it past the opening sentence. I have no idea what it's an ad for. BBC America is, apparently, absolutely and completely incapable of playing the full ad. All I get is "I'm so glad we could be here for" and then it cuts to another ad. Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
UGH, that is ALWAYS irksome. But when you see it you feel a weird sense of completion, because you're finally able to hate the ad in its entirety!


Staff member
So I get a call here sunday morning, my phone IDs it as one of our air jocks. She's always the first to complain about everything, is always in a huge hellacious rush because this isn't her "real" job and she tries to swoop in before/after work to do her work here, or during her lunch break, and she's an uberbreeder with like 3 kids born in the last 3 years.

I groan, because I know what's coming.

Sure enough, she's left the production work I assigned her thursday til the last minute. Technically past the last minute, because the commercial she's producing was supposed to start airing today. I leave that alone, though, because I've fought that fight before and lost because for some reason, upper management thinks she's the greatest air talent since wolfman jack (I looked at the ratings, they're good, but not the best, during her shift), so basically she's undisciplinable.

She only talks to me when there's a computer problem.

At first, it sounds like a simple matter - she's cutting a spot that involves giving away Tim McGraw tickets, so she wants to use Tim McGraw music, which we have on hand. But she can't remember how to pull that audio back out of our digital automation into a form useful in Adobe Audition. So I cross my fingers and start walking her through it.

"Do you remember how to get to the Audio Finder?"

"No." (child yammering in background "Emory, stop that. No, I don't remember."

"Ok, first of all, open up chrome."

"Where's chrome?"

(You've gotta be kidding me...) "There should be a 3-color wheel icon on the desktop that says "Chrome."

"I don't see it. Emory, stop touching the keyboard!" (more toddler yammering) "I don't see chrome!"

"Look for a blue dot with red, yellow and green swirls around it."

"Oh there it is. Ok."

"Now when that opens, click the shortcut button for "Audio finder."

I walk her through logging in with her username and password.

"Now, where it says "Search music, type in McGraw."

(Toddler yelling drowns out response)

"Say again?"

(Toddler banging on something) "...ing happened."

"Did you type in just his last name, McGraw?"

(archly) "Yes."

"Ok, now click the "search audio" button."

"Ah, there it is, I see it now."

(Fighting urge to headdesk)

"Ok, do you see the song in that list you want to use?"


"Ok, do you see the grey arrow at the end of the line that song is on? Click that."

"Ok, I clicked it."

"... did anything happen?"

"It's playing the song."

(Thanks for telling me it worked, lady.) "Ok, close that window, then find the EXPORT shortcut on the desktop."

(Toddler yammering drowns me out)

"Emory stop that! What?"

"Look on the desktop for a shortcut folder called EXPORT and double click it."

"I don't see it."


"Tell me what icons you see on the desktop."

"Computer, recycle bin, audition, chrome..." ten icons later.. "shortcut to export..."

"There! That one. double click that one."

"Ok, it opened up."

"Look for a WAV file whose filename is the cart number of the song you wanted."

"Emory bring that back, mommy needs that! Give it here! Emory, you're going to get a spanking if you keep this up. Ugh! Ok... are these files in any kind of order?"

"... they should be in numerical order, given that they are all numbers."

(A few more seconds of toddler yammering)

"Ok, I found it."

"Alright, just drag that into your adobe audition session, and it will go right in."

"You mean, like, pull it into my multitrack?"


"Sweet! Thanks!"

"No problem."

I hang up.

Ten minutes later she calls again.

"It won't record! The needles don't move, the (drowned out by more diaphragm-launched toddler babble) or anything."

"Alright, that happens sometimes, the sound card got locked up, the machine just needs to be rebooted and then it will work."

"Ugh! Fiiiiiiiiiiine. Will all my stuff still be there after?"

"Yes, just save your session and then go to the start menu..."


"What? No, don't do that!" (Who the hell taught her to reboot a windows system by ctrl alt delete? She could shut it down from there, but she's the sort of person who would just keep hammering CTRL-ALT-DEL and flailingly smashing buttons until the screen went black)

Sulkily: "Well, what do YOU want me to do?"

"Just click the start button, then the arrow next to the words shut down."

"Oh, and click restart?"


"Ok, it's restarting."

"Call me if you have any more problems."

It's not quite noon, is that too early to start drinking?


Staff member
The cat is going absolutely apeshit tonight for some reason (more than his usual standard "crazy time" that every cat gets occasionally). Meowing like crazy in 8 different tones of voice, running around like he's being chased, even clawed up my bike's tires. I'm THIS close from tying him up with zip ties and throwing him out into the 30 degree night.
The cat is going absolutely apeshit tonight for some reason (more than his usual standard "crazy time" that every cat gets occasionally). Meowing like crazy in 8 different tones of voice, running around like he's being chased, even clawed up my bike's tires. I'm THIS close from tying him up with zip ties and throwing him out into the 30 degree night.


Staff member
There's probably a reason. Anyone making a lot of loud noises elsewhere around your place?
Nope. Only thing holding me in check is that I'm thinking it's cabin fever. It's been highs in the 30s for the last few days here (in Texas even!) so he hasn't been able to go outside. He's probably stir crazy from being left alone all day.
Play with him for about 20 more minutes to direct his energy (and keep him away from your bike tires). Then give him a snacky-snack (like warmed-up moist cat food). That should get him tuckered out enough to sleep.


Staff member
Play with him for about 20 more minutes to direct his energy (and keep him away from your bike tires). Then give him a snacky-snack (like warmed-up moist cat food). That should get him tuckered out enough to sleep.
Playing with him was the first thing I did when I got home. Perhaps not enough. The Mother of all wars has begun. A blood feud has been declared against my bath towels.

I put him outside anyway. In a few minutes I'll let him back in and see if he appreciates the great indoors a little more.
Playing with him was the first thing I did when I got home. Perhaps not enough. The Mother of all wars has begun. A blood feud has been declared against my bath towels.

I put him outside anyway. In a few minutes I'll let him back in and see if he appreciates the great indoors a little more.
Get the duct tape ready, just in case.
I think he's just being a Young Dumb Cat (TM). My rugby-ball-that-thinks-it's-a-cat has been doing the same thing lately.