[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

That's actually a great price for the cruise. Remember you're getting 6 nights in a hotel, food and drinks included, plus stops and activities in the beautiful tropics. Shit, 6 nights in a holiday inn in Gainesville will run you almost that much.


Staff member
Meh. Looks like I owe $2200 in taxes this year. I just checked my allowances, and I guess I filed them too high. Bah.
I get to pay the gubmint $1,000 this year. I'm trying to decide how much of an ass I'm going to be about it to my boss, since I actually do have (in writing) a record of my request to our (former) head of HR to change my allowances to pull more per check for taxes, and she never did.
If you didn't submit a changed W-2 form, though, the IRS isn't going to buy it.
The IRS won't, no. The head of the company, whose HR manager had to be fired for all sorts of wonderful reasons, like not paying insurance premiums or not setting up employees' HSA disbursements, or just plain never actually doing anything, might meet me half-way.


Staff member
Our HR department (which is one lady) has us confused with a kindergarten class. She's always doing cutesy kiddie stuff. Well---she did. I haven't seen much of it the last few months. I wonder if she was told to tone it down.
Grr... just got in an argument with a friend because she posted a stupid anti-vax blog, and was when I started refuting her points, she was like, "You can't believe everything you read"... and I'm now so pissed that I kind of wish I could make her head explode with the power of my mind.

HER said:
My boys are vaccinated but I do question the 100 percent validity of it all. I had Scarlet Fever as a child Chicken Pox, and the worst case the Doctor has seen of both. I was quarantined at home but no one freaked out about the vaccine issue. So, is it a parent's choice to vaccinate or not? Why do we allow the Government, Social Media, and the Medical Community make our decisions for us. I choose not to follow with a lot of other issues regarding my children and that feels right. I can understand why some of my friends home school rather than send their kids to public school. YIKES!

me: We let medical professionals advise on medical choices BECAUSE THEY HAVE STUDIED MEDICINE. They have spent years learning about medicine - 4 years of college, usually 4 years of medical school, a year or so interning / doing a residency at a hospital, plus additionally schooling if they become a specialist, such as an immunologist. So if I'm looking at a medical issue, I'm gonna take the viewpoint of people who have spent 10 years or so learning about it, instead of some random dude on the bus. And there is no vaccine for Chicken Pox, by the way. How did people survive all the time without vaccines and modern medicine? A LOT OF THEM DIDN'T! Infant and child mortality rates used to be extremely high because of uncontrolled infectious diseases - as in maybe half of all kids would reach adolescence.

HER said:
That is like saying we trust all lawyers to make good decisions regarding a person's life and record. We have good Doctors and bad ones. Vaccines only treat the diseases we know of and not all strains. Let me put it to you this way Sean: Why should we trust pharmaceutical companies? How many times over the last 10 years was a drug company found covering up dangers of their drug so that they could rake in profits for as long as possible? Secondly, how about a list of damaging ingredients found in the vaccines? MSG, antifreeze, aluminum, lead, yeast proteins, etc. etc. Third, vaccinated children are shown to be more chronically ill than un vaccinated children. Fourth, a number of vaccines have been removed after they found them to be harmful and have side effects such as, life threatening bowel obstuction. I think that was for the Rota virus which my eldest son had. He then got the Rota Virus anyway and almost died from dehydration and was hospitalized when he was 2. It was very, very scary and the cause was the damn vaccine. Fifth, delaying the time to vaccinate is my arguement. This give the child time to develop the immune system that he naturally will, unless he has an underlying illness in which case I understand vaccinating early.
Me: Show me the statistics on ANY of that, Peppers. Your argument is full of shit.

HER said:
The bottom line is that if you have a child, think before you get in line with the droves of followers to inject your infant with drugs you know nothing about. Educate yourself first on the pros and cons. Same goes with circumcision. Don't just rely on Doctors because they are educated. Love you Sean!
Me: http://www.harpocratesspeaks.com/2012/10/demystifying-vaccine-ingredients-msg.html (to refute her assertation that MSG being used as a stabilizer in some vaccines is dangerous)

HER said:
  • Do the research deario! you work in a library so all you have to do is pull the books off the shelves ane read them.
    16 mins · Like

  • As I said, you cannot believe everything you read. Case in point your post. I am a mother first a consumer second. I am shocked you would take a stance that has anything to do with following
    14 mins · Like
  • Im out
    14 mins · Like
  • TBC

  • Me:
    • No, Peppers. If you're going to say, "Well this is bad because of this," you need to be able to back it up. You say that vaccines are bad because some vaccines use MSG as a stabilizers, so it doesn't spoil when exposed to heat and humidity. I post information that shows that the amount of MSG in a vaccine is harmless, since it takes more than 6 grams per kilogram to have an adverse effect. And then you quit the argument? Nice.
      14 mins · Like
      So I can't believe articles written by researchers, but you can cite from people with no qualifications whatsoever?
Now there's a downside to vaccine's no one mentions - they cause a HUGE slump in the sales of juvenile coffins.
So, after my little close encounter with sinusitis a couple of weeks back, I was put on a course of antibiotics and the nasty smell of pus in my nose went away. But it's come back in the last two days, faintly, but it's definitely there. There aren't any other symptoms, just the smell. I have no idea if I'm smelling the remnants of my previous sinusitis, or if I'm suffering a relapse, or maybe the antibiotics didn't catch all the germs, or maybe I'm infected by antibiotic resistant bacteria. But it's annoying.
So I'm living in a hotel for the next few months or so.
The desk lamp they provided me is only rated for 25 watt bulbs or lower.
The management has helpfully "upgraded" this fixture with a 25W spiral fluorescent.
This means that the light emitted from said bulb is about equivalent to a 60-75W incandescent bulb.
This means I have a really hard time seeing my computer screen, and my wife has a hard time seeing my face due to the specular glare when we are video chatting making it look like my face is fully in its third quarter.
Today I bought a 25W equivalent LED bulb at Target, figuring I would swap my white dwarf out for something much more gentle.
Went to unscrew the spiral bulb and the spiral snapped whilst I was unscrewing it.
Also discovered the bulb has a GU24 base instead of the standard "medium" screw base, so I can't install my semi-expensive LED anyway.



Staff member
So I'm living in a hotel for the next few months or so.
The desk lamp they provided me is only rated for 25 watt bulbs or lower.
The management has helpfully "upgraded" this fixture with a 25W spiral fluorescent.
This means that the light emitted from said bulb is about equivalent to a 60-75W incandescent bulb.
This means I have a really hard time seeing my computer screen, and my wife has a hard time seeing my face due to the specular glare when we are video chatting making it look like my face is fully in its third quarter.
Today I bought a 25W equivalent LED bulb at Target, figuring I would swap my white dwarf out for something much more gentle.
Went to unscrew the spiral bulb and the spiral snapped whilst I was unscrewing it.
Also discovered the bulb has a GU24 base instead of the standard "medium" screw base, so I can't install my semi-expensive LED anyway.

Don't those spiral flourescents have so much mercury in them you have to call in a hazmat team if you break one?
They make adapters for those bulbs to use in standard sockets.
Yes, and knowing this ahead of time would've been nice, but I never even bothered to check because it was just a desk lamp.
Also, the adapter I would need would be one to take a standard bulb and use it in a funky socket, not the other way around.
Don't those spiral flourescents have so much mercury in them you have to call in a hazmat team if you break one?
These days, "...so much Hg" seems to mean "...any detectable amount of Hg at all" which is complete crap. Unless you're breaking bulbs frequently (or unless you're the guy whose job is to change all the bulbs)O, it shouldn't be an issue. Also, modern bulbs use less mercury than they used to, so the amount present has been going down over time.

Yes, and knowing this ahead of time would've been nice, but I never even bothered to check because it was just a desk lamp.
Also, the adapter I would need would be one to take a standard bulb and use it in a funky socket, not the other way around.

These days, "...so much Hg" seems to mean "...any detectable amount of Hg at all" which is complete crap. Unless you're breaking bulbs frequently (or unless you're the guy whose job is to change all the bulbs)O, it shouldn't be an issue. Also, modern bulbs use less mercury than they used to, so the amount present has been going down over time.


A normal adult would have to eat at least a quarter pound of [elemental] mercury to approach a minimum level for lethal exposure! (I don’t encourage you to try this,
Trying to get my parents to let us pay for anything is the most frustrating annoying thing. Sent my parents a cashier's check to pay for 2/3 of the condo we are staying in when we go skiing, my dad says he won't accept it, my mom says she'll take care of it at least, but says it's too much money. They continuously mistake my husband being cheap for us being poor, since they assume since I don't work, we must not have a lot of money.
Don't those spiral flourescents have so much mercury in them you have to call in a hazmat team if you break one?
I actually witnessed a woman making this same rant at a Lowe's employee about 2 weeks ago. She kept berating the guy because fluorescent bulbs, if broken, would require " removing kids and animals immediately from the house because of the fumes and having to call 911 to get a hazmat clean up". She got mad because he didn't know what "brand"of fluorescent caused this reaction.
Bought a 6-pack of cfl bulbs from walmart about a month ago. Needed one yesterday. The one I pulled out was broken already, in the box.

My reaction


Staff member
I actually witnessed a woman making this same rant at a Lowe's employee about 2 weeks ago. She kept berating the guy because fluorescent bulbs, if broken, would require " removing kids and animals immediately from the house because of the fumes and having to call 911 to get a hazmat clean up". She got mad because he didn't know what "brand"of fluorescent caused this reaction.
I only brought it up because I remembered reading stories about the hazmat teams actually showing up for the broken bulbs.


Staff member
Why do game devs think that lives for things like trivia games are a good idea? My sister invited me to play Trivia Crack and I like it. But today I got the "you need to buy a life for $.99 or have a friend gift it to you." SO I informed her this was my last game and I'm removing it. How fucking stupid.
You need to know what to block to prevent that. If you miss a question, just click the "X" in the upper right corner, and wait for your opponent to finish his/her turn.