[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

So my sleep habits have been a pile of shit for the last few weeks, not at all helped by the fact that I'm home alone during the day and there is nothing stopping me from going back to sleep for hours after my kids go to school even though there are other things I should be doing.

Yesterday I woke up at 7:30am, and didn't feel the urge to take a nap at all. Success! I started feeling sleepy around 8, so I figured that if I laid in bed instead of keeping myself up I'd have a better chance of falling asleep at a reasonable hour and hopefully make strides towards fixing my sleep pattern.

Nope, didn't fall asleep until 2:30am. FML
I don't know if it'll help your situation, but this is a reason I started taking morning classes at my gym. (Not super early morning, I'm not awake/coordinated for that.) I found that I don't sleep well if I don't get some kind of exercise during the day. Also, classes require me to force my butt out of bed because I have to keep their schedule. Or go when Li'l Z is at school. But I find I have more energy if I do my workout before 12pm.
Well, that's it for me. I hope they find a buyer soon, and if they do, they may call me to come back, but as of today, I'm no longer an employee of the craziest rollercoaster of a company ever.
3 Days from now, they are going to find out the site was built on top of an Indian Burial Ground and THAT was the cause of all that bullshit.
I don't know if it'll help your situation, but this is a reason I started taking morning classes at my gym. (Not super early morning, I'm not awake/coordinated for that.) I found that I don't sleep well if I don't get some kind of exercise during the day. Also, classes require me to force my butt out of bed because I have to keep their schedule. Or go when Li'l Z is at school. But I find I have more energy if I do my workout before 12pm.
The two fitness classes I've been looking into lately both take place in the evening, which will decidedly NOT help because yay exercise high, but at the same time might help in the long term if I can keep my motivation up since I'd be going with people I know, and I always function better in general when I'm not a lump.
Well, that's it for me. I hope they find a buyer soon, and if they do, they may call me to come back, but as of today, I'm no longer an employee of the craziest rollercoaster of a company ever.
Did you get get laid off or quit? Do you have another job lined up?

I sound like someone's dad. heh
It sounds to me like the first good thing they've ever done for him.
This isn't too terribly far off. It sucks, I'm going to miss all of my friends, and it's going to put even more stress on a few people that really, really don't need any more. But it takes a LOT of stress off of me, and means that I don't have to ALT+TAB out of indeed.com anytime someone walks by my desk.
I'd say come back east to Wisconsin, but you know what's going on here.
That I do. And, actually, the company that it would make the most sense for me to get a job at, LSI, went out of business in the last few months themselves. Apparently no-one can manage cabinet companies these days.
Apparently no-one can manage cabinet companies these days.
My parents have seen a lot of their customer base in the custom cabinet/countertop manufacturing go down the tubes, particularly with the economic downturn. It was like once they started to slide they just couldn't recover even as things improved. The one customer that has been consistent for them works with just the owner and one or two other guys in the shop.


Staff member
Check out the Omaha job market. I don't know of any place specifically, but our cost of living is pretty cheap. Costs a bit to license your cars but other than that it's not too bad.
Have you considered Brussels? Only Trump claims we're a hell hole. Though ever since, our radio station has rebranded itself to Studio Hellhole (instead of Studio Brussels), our subway stations all say "Welcome to the Hellhole", our airport has hung up banners saying "welcome to the Hellhole", the traffic announcers have listed it as the Ring Around the Hellhole (instead of the Brussels Ring), and our mayor has taken off his disguise and shown his hooves and horns. Well, ok, the last one's made up. Still.
Birmingham. I have no idea what it pays, but trust me, you don't want to move to Alabama.
I love Alabama, actually. I lived in Sylacauga for four years. Only been back to Birmingham once since then and that was back in '02. But you're probably right - I probably really don't want to move back.


Staff member
Have you considered Brussels? Only Trump claims we're a hell hole. Though ever since, our radio station has rebranded itself to Studio Hellhole (instead of Studio Brussels), our subway stations all say "Welcome to the Hellhole", our airport has hung up banners saying "welcome to the Hellhole", the traffic announcers have listed it as the Ring Around the Hellhole (instead of the Brussels Ring), and our mayor has taken off his disguise and shown his hooves and horns. Well, ok, the last one's made up. Still.
My biggest problem with this is why does everyone care so much about what that blowhard says?
I love Alabama, actually. I lived in Sylacauga for four years. Only been back to Birmingham once since then and that was back in '02. But you're probably right - I probably really don't want to move back.
My grandfather's family lived in Sylacauga for a while, a long time ago. I think he might have been born there. Or it might have been Childersburg.
Especially when he's really just an insignificant foreigner to the Belgians
Same reason we cared what Bush jr said. He might become the most powerful person on the planet, representing the Western world.
Thus, he's constantly present in us media and we know about him.