[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


Staff member
I don't want to get too political here, but I do not like open carry. I felt really unsafe yesterday with several people walking around me at the hardware store with guns strapped on like wannabe Wyatt Earps. I don't know these people, I have no reason to trust them.


Staff member
I don't want to get too political here, but I do not like open carry. I felt really unsafe yesterday with several people walking around me at the hardware store with guns strapped on like wannabe Wyatt Earps. I don't know these people, I have no reason to trust them.
And you'd have more reason to trust them if their guns were hidden under their clothes?

(For viewers at home, the law in Texas was recently changed to allow open carry if you have a concealed carry license, whereas previously only concealed carry was legal)


Staff member
Well, I could answer that, but a) I don't want to get carried away with political things, and b) I don't think you really care what I say about it anyway.


Staff member
Well, I could answer that, but a) I don't want to get carried away with political things, and b) I don't think you really care what I say about it anyway.
Well, feel free to come on over to the political thread if'n you want. It just strikes me that if these guys are open carrying today, they were probably concealed carrying last month. Both require the same license. The only real difference is whether you get to know if they're carrying or not.


Staff member
Well, feel free to come on over to the political thread if'n you want. It just strikes me that if these guys are open carrying today, they were probably concealed carrying last month. Both require the same license. The only real difference is whether you get to know if they're carrying or not.
Right, but the problem is that even if I agreed with CHL, that knowing makes a boatload of psychological difference, for both the carrier and the surrounding public. There's a hell of difference between when my dog bares his fangs and doesn't.
Virginia's had open carry for years, but I rarely see anyone with a gun. I imagine people aren't as gung-ho about strapping a pistol on their hips and parading around town. In Leesburg, there is a restaurant where open carry guys meet every week and have a brunch with their pistols. That sometimes makes the news.

I've got a CHL. I sometimes carry when I'm going out fishing, because wildlife, yo. But I just don't really feel the need to flash the thing, personally. That said, I have no problem with the law as it stands, at least here. I'm not quite as worried about drunk bubba-ism as I would be if I were still in Pasadena. :D
I know right? Seeing anyone other than law enforcement in an urban setting with a gun just feels so third world.

Rural setting, feels like Monday to Saturday.
Hey! People over here kill each other with machetes. Thank you very much.


Staff member
Right, but the problem is that even if I agreed with CHL, that knowing makes a boatload of psychological difference, for both the carrier and the surrounding public. There's a hell of difference between when my dog bares his fangs and doesn't.
Hrm. That seems to me like an "if I can't see it, it doesn't exist" kind of thought process, but one can't dictate how another feels to something.
Virginia's had open carry for years, but I rarely see anyone with a gun.
Yeah, I'm thinking it'll probably fade (get it) with time - right now, lots of folks are probably doing so explicitly to flaunt it in light of the recent change in the law. And it'll dissipate on both sides, I'd guess - people will get bored of the extra effort to carry everywhere, and other people will be simultaneously less shocked and unsettled by the sight of a holstered pistol. Might take a while though.
Virginia's had open carry for years, but I rarely see anyone with a gun. I imagine people aren't as gung-ho about strapping a pistol on their hips and parading around town. In Leesburg, there is a restaurant where open carry guys meet every week and have a brunch with their pistols.
That's nice of them to take their pistols out for brunch like that.


Staff member
Hrm. That seems to me like an "if I can't see it, it doesn't exist" kind of thought process, but one can't dictate how another feels to something.
That's not what I meant. It's more of a if you see it, it's already in play. Concealed is put away, a holster is ready to go. To me, those are worlds apart (and again, not a big fan of CHL either).


Staff member
That's not what I meant. It's more of a if you see it, it's already in play. Concealed is put away, a holster is ready to go. To me, those are worlds apart (and again, not a big fan of CHL either).
I hate to tell you man, but most "concealed" holsters are also designed to be "ready to go." Matter of fact, probably moreso than the open ones - most external holsters I've seen have a restraint that snaps around the back of the pistol to prevent it from coming out accidentally or getting swiped by another person. Concealed carry holsters usually don't have that. You just reach into your jacket or purse, grab it, and it's out.
Bret Hart has cancer. That is shit.

Of the few celebrities I've ever met in my life, he was by far the coolest. I was 9 years old in 1992, a young wrestling fan, who while with his mom in West Edmonton Mall, spotted Bret Hart with his wife just shopping normally. I was super timid to go up to him, but my mom took me over. He was ULTRA cool with me and it's one of my best memories as a kid. This was before everyone carried cameras around in their pockets so I never got a picture.

I don't God damn care how grumpy he is in his old age, that guy's been through enough. Fuck off cancer.
Sandwich and granola bar.
You'll have pot roast tomorrow :)[DOUBLEPOST=1454352447,1454352363][/DOUBLEPOST]
Bret Hart has cancer. That is shit.

Of the few celebrities I've ever met in my life, he was by far the coolest. I was 9 years old in 1992, a young wrestling fan, who while with his mom in West Edmonton Mall, spotted Bret Hart with his wife just shopping normally. I was super timid to go up to him, but my mom took me over. He was ULTRA cool with me and it's one of my best memories as a kid. This was before everyone carried cameras around in their pockets so I never got a picture.

I don't God damn care how grumpy he is in his old age, that guy's been through enough. Fuck off cancer.
He really has been through enough :(


Bret Hart has cancer.
NO! Come on, no...I just can't deal with this. Fuck all.

I'm seriously taking this way worse than I ever would have thought. I haven't cared about wrestling in a long time, but he was always my favorite. Goddamn it all to hell...
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Hrm. That seems to me like an "if I can't see it, it doesn't exist" kind of thought process, but one can't dictate how another feels to something.

Yeah, I'm thinking it'll probably fade (get it) with time - right now, lots of folks are probably doing so explicitly to flaunt it in light of the recent change in the law. And it'll dissipate on both sides, I'd guess - people will get bored of the extra effort to carry everywhere, and other people will be simultaneously less shocked and unsettled by the sight of a holstered pistol. Might take a while though.
you know what blew my mind, the fucking guy here in town carrying a fucking bazooka, NO ONE QUESTIONED, but the guy with the light 50 on his back, THAT SHIT AINT RIGHT!


Staff member
you know what blew my mind, the fucking guy here in town carrying a fucking bazooka, NO ONE QUESTIONED, but the guy with the light 50 on his back, THAT SHIT AINT RIGHT!
Well, a bazooka generally isn't protected. You'd need a super duper uber rare special permit for that, which could be taken away at the slightest hint of malfeasance, so I think people just assume if they see you with a bazooka it's unloaded or a costume prop, and not an actual danger. Rifles, not so rare or hard to come by.
@#$%^!! The word picofarad should not be part of any conversation about my choice of phono cartridges! It should just sound good without me having to buy an entire electronics workbench!

(And please tell me there's at least one other person here who knows what I'm talking about without having to resort to the Google.) :foreveralone:
I'm assuming it is a filter or tone capacitor built into the head. I am guessing because I have had to research caps when I rewired my guitar. (I went with the stock ones.)

What does capacitance have to do with phono cartridges?
I'm assuming it is a filter or tone capacitor built into the head. I am guessing because I have had to research caps when I rewired my guitar. (I went with the stock ones.)

What does capacitance have to do with phono cartridges?
In the case of this particular one, the Shure M97xE, adjusting the loading affects the high frequency response. It has a reputation for "rolled off highs" that one can manipulate via loading. Some receivers have adjustable phono stages, as do some standalone preamps where you can change the resistance beyond the standard 47K ohms. It's adjusting the capacitance that makes me want to tear my hair out, because it a) includes not just the phono stage, but the run of wires on the turntable from the headshell through the tonearm and to the RCA plugs, b) apparently has no real standard value, and c) I can't find the value of my setup without acquiring measuring equipment of my own or renting a Steinman for a few hours. :p
picofarad ... phono cartridge ... electronics workbench ... Google ... loading ... high frequency response ... receiver ... preamp ... resistance ... 47K ohms ... capacitance ... wires ... standard value ... acquiring measuring equipment ... renting a Steinman ... :p
STOP. My soldering iron can only get so hot.


Staff member
I got the gist, and I know what a farad is, so I know what a picofarad is, and I could imagine its implications on phono equipment vaguely, but don't test me on specifics.


Staff member
On an unrelated note, nothing like watching an air jock throw a complete "nightmare-bride" caliber meltdown hissyfit because the monitor setup isn't EXACTLY they way she wants it to be, and demands we make changes to our network infrastructure and security policies so that she can make things work how they used to at her old job.
I got the gist, and I know what a farad is, so I know what a picofarad is, and I could imagine its implications on phono equipment vaguely, but don't test me on specifics.
I certainly hope you're not working at the sort of radio station that still cares about phonograph cartridges.
