[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


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Yeah that seems illegal?

I'm not a finance guy though.
Yeah, the C-Suite is at the "how much illegality can we get away with to keep us in business because we are so very very fucked" stage. That's why I'm not horribly concerned about her losing her job... because I'm pretty sure it'd be gone by June anyway, when they have a whole bunch of debt coming due. (GF is the accountant, so she also sees the writing on the wall, just with a heavy "boy I hope I'm not right about what I'm seeing" sauce)
Trying to sell some things because I need to pay off credit card debt. Had a PS5 headset that I only bought so me and girlfriend at the time could play separate games in the same room.

Originally paid $130 plus tax. Been trying to sell it for the past month or two. First listed it at $100.

This guy lowballs me down to $70. I begrudgingly agree...and then no response.

Today, I lowered the price again, from $80 to $70. They must have received a notification that I lowered the price because nearly a month later, I suddenly hear back from them...with $50.

FUUUUUUCK YOU. You don't just agree to an offer, ghost me, and come back with a lower offer. Asshole.
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Found out today that it's going to be a 7-12 month wait to get a test done for my arm. Rules. Would love to find out what is going on with it. So far all xrays and ultrasounds show nothing particularly out of whack but my fingers are still numb and I can still barely hold anything with my left hand. Very frustrating. The crippled state of healthcare here is so awesome.
What the source text said: "The wind turbines for this offshore wind farm will be located in areas with an ocean depth of 30m or greater."

What the translator wrote: "The wind turbines for this offshore wind farm will be placed underwater at a depth of 30m or greater."

How the reviewer (ie me) reacted: "How do you envision these wind turbines working, exactly?"
What the source text said: "The wind turbines for this offshore wind farm will be located in areas with an ocean depth of 30m or greater."

What the translator wrote: "The wind turbines for this offshore wind farm will be placed underwater at a depth of 30m or greater."

How the reviewer (ie me) reacted: "How do you envision these wind turbines working, exactly?"
Well, turbines underwater definitely can produce power. But probably not entirely the same type :D
Teacher rant time!

Each of my English classes returned their copies of "Romeo and Juliet" to the bookroom today.

I get an email near the end of the day. One of my students, let's call her Jennifer, went crying to the librarian! She received a fine for a water damaged book, but it's not her fault! She was absent back in March on the day that the students all picked up their books (true), and I picked up her copy for her (true). When she got the book it had tons of water damage (nope!) but she just decided to put up with it because, hey, that's what her teacher gave her! She struggled during the unit to read it (nope), but I refused to get her a new book (never said a thing to me). So now the librarian demands to know why I didn't report the water damage when I picked it up, and why I wouldn't let her get a new book. And then she advocates that the admin forgive the student fine (the replacement cost of the book) since it clearly wasn't her fault.

Ready for the punchline? The guy who works in our bookroom brings the book over to the librarian and shows her that it's still fucking wet. It's probably still wet as you, dear reader, are seeing this post.

To be fair, the librarian apologized to me. I did appreciate that. The student, though, will be residing on my shit list for the next month until summer break begins.
Teacher rant time!

Each of my English classes returned their copies of "Romeo and Juliet" to the bookroom today.

I get an email near the end of the day. One of my students, let's call her Jennifer, went crying to the librarian! She received a fine for a water damaged book, but it's not her fault! She was absent back in March on the day that the students all picked up their books (true), and I picked up her copy for her (true). When she got the book it had tons of water damage (nope!) but she just decided to put up with it because, hey, that's what her teacher gave her! She struggled during the unit to read it (nope), but I refused to get her a new book (never said a thing to me). So now the librarian demands to know why I didn't report the water damage when I picked it up, and why I wouldn't let her get a new book. And then she advocates that the admin forgive the student fine (the replacement cost of the book) since it clearly wasn't her fault.

Ready for the punchline? The guy who works in our bookroom brings the book over to the librarian and shows her that it's still fucking wet. It's probably still wet as you, dear reader, are seeing this post.

To be fair, the librarian apologized to me. I did appreciate that. The student, though, will be residing on my shit list for the next month until summer break begins.
This story had so many ups and downs, I almost called it a rollercoaster ride.

But I guess it's more of a flume ride.


Staff member
I just won 2 containers of Madrinas Boba coffee for National Boba Day. My wife is currently on a keto diet. I do not drink coffee.
My friend had 3 strokes since Thursday and we have no idea if he will pull through. One of the nicest, good natured people I know, engaged to a gal with a pre-teen and they just bought a house together last year. If he was a decent age to expect it, that would be one thing, but he's in his 30's. It's just not fair, like most of life.
I just won 2 containers of Madrinas Boba coffee for National Boba Day. My wife is currently on a keto diet. I do not drink coffee.
A shelter like Nick said wouldn’t be bad, but if you’re on Facebook there’s 100% a buy nothing group for your area. Buy nothing groups are basically the last good thing Facebook has.


Staff member
My friend had 3 strokes since Thursday and we have no idea if he will pull through. One of the nicest, good natured people I know, engaged to a gal with a pre-teen and they just bought a house together last year. If he was a decent age to expect it, that would be one thing, but he's in his 30's. It's just not fair, like most of life.
This is so not a minor rant. Very sorry to hear this, man. Makes my boba post seem kinda trivial.

Speaking of boba, Madrinas is a coffee company. I don’t know shit about boba or coffee. I made an assumption.
I'm compiling attendance for the semester. Some of my students have perfect or near-perfect attendance. They're the ones who shook my hand at the end of the final lecture and said they'd love to take another of my classes. Most have a few absences scattered around but it's nothing much to worry about. About four or five have abysmal attendance and missed weeks at a time without explanation. One of them NEVER showed up. These aren't cases where they just plain disappeared and never did any work. They actually did do the online assignments. Looking at their actual work, their grades are okay but then they crater once I deduct points for excessive absences.

My attendance policy is clearly outlined. Everybody gets one free unexcused absence but then I start chipping away at their grade when the absences pile up. It's on the first page of my syllabus. I've mentioned it in class several times AND I put that up on online course announcements. I'm already getting a trickle of panicky, groveling emails asking me if there's any way they can pass. I even got a shameless grade-grubbing email where the student asked if I can "find enough points for a C or something." Once grades are submitted, I anticipate a flood of grade grubbers. They'll come at me with the usual sob stories. They NEED this basketball scholarship (the worst ones are always basketball or football players), they've been depressed, they had an argument with their Mom, etc. I do indeed work with students who suffer from documented mental health issues and they're diligent about asking for extensions. Some years back I even had a student who was suicidal. Again, we worked with him and got him help. The grade grubbers are just making shit up. At least they're no longer composing fake stories of family members getting shot at parties.

I also have students who missed the final because of poor time management or they mixed up final exam time slots. I am willing to accommodate them because things like that happen. I just send them an alternate version of the exam and they are glad to get the new lease on life. Most other professors are reasonable when it comes to that sort of thing too. Momentary lapses in judgement are fine, but missing two straight months of classes indicates willful lassitude. One of my chronically absent students turned in a paper three weeks after the due date. I said I couldn't accept it and he fibbed about sending it in on time (time stamps indicate that was a lie). He threatened to take it to the dean but I called his bluff. I'm sure someone with his qualifications would have no trouble finding a top-flight job in either the food service or housekeeping industries.

Now, the good news is my culinary history class passed their final project with flying colors. I had each of them prepare and share a historical dish of their choosing. Most of them used family recipes passed down through generations. This is an HBCU, so that meant hush puppies, jerk chicken, beignets, tea cakes, okra stew, pork jowl, and hoppin' john. The food was great and I felt like sleeping for a year after that. Students like that remind me why I do what I do.
Frustrating part of cats getting old - feline dementia. We have a 17.5 year old cat (white/grey one in the picture, the other one is my son's Calico) that has been diagnosed with it, along with her kidneys starting to fail and having a decent amount of arthritis in her hind end.

She will randomly walk around our house, get 'lost,' then start this absolutely horrible sounding meow - sounds like she's trapped/hurt. We find her and she's just staring at a wall. We can call her name and sometimes she will stop but not always.

She does this about once every one to two hours, even in the middle of the night. Her vet said she's doing rather well for her age as she's a Lynx-point Siamese (mom was a Seal-point Siamese and dad was a grey tiger) - their average lifespan is 12.

The hardest part for this is we've had her since not long after she was born and is my wife's cat, though we have been warned that if she starts losing much more weight, we'll have to make a decision about helping her to cross the rainbow bridge.



Staff member
VERY minor rant. I work shift work, which means my schedule looks something like this:

Mon-Tue 7 am to 7:15 pm
Wed-Thurs off
Fri-Sun 7 am to 7:15 pm
Mon-Tue off
Wed-Thurs 7 am to 7:15 pm
Fri-Sun off

Rinse, repeat. After two cycles of this it goes from 7 pm to 7:15 am for a couple cycles. I know it sounds confusing but it’s really not and I like it.

My complaint comes in when I have only two weekends off a month and they are always getting filled up with shit to do. Like a couple weeks ago it was driving 4 hours west to go to a graduation. This coming weekend it’s driving 4 hours south to visit Sam at her new house (rented) in Wichita. I mean, of course I love her and want to visit her, but I’ve essentially had one day off a week for the past month and I just don’t want to go! Add in that every time I have to spend $200-300 on hotel rooms, and I’m kinda done with it all. I want to go on vacation in October but we’ve now maxed out the credit card I use for trips and/or hotels.
Why does my Internet always go out when I'm working from home? It's a good thing I work on a laptop and can use my phone as an emergency hotspot, but it seems like 90% of my WFH days involve at least one phone call to my ISP because the connection's gone out again.
Why does my Internet always go out when I'm working from home? It's a good thing I work on a laptop and can use my phone as an emergency hotspot, but it seems like 90% of my WFH days involve at least one phone call to my ISP because the connection's gone out again.
Because downloading hentai and porn already puts an abnormal strain on their network and when your start doing team calls with all your coworkers the censoring systems just give up.


Staff member
Went to bed right after I got home from work at 9 am. I'd just gotten off of a 13 hour shift on about 5 hours of sleep. I was very tired. About 1 I get woken up by the next round of tornado sirens. Got back to sleep around 2 at 3 I was awoken to hail or something hitting the roof. Nope. It was my son cleaning out the gutters. It was no longer raining. Couldn't wait until I woke up around 4:30 or 5? No? Guess I'm up now for TONIGHT'S 13 hour shift.
Last Friday, a municipal director was murdered in yet another incident of the wave of violence that is plaguing the country, especially my province (which, I must repeat, largely voted against imposing harsher penalties for contract killings). This is terrible in itself, but my complaint is that today, everything continues as if nothing happened. It's incredible what one can get used to.
We had a referendum. The way it works here is that questions approved by this means have to be approved by the national assembly. This is a method that presidents without support in Congress often use. Here, for a long time now, the main task of the assembly has been to oppose the presidency.

The questions were:
A. Do you agree that supplementary support from the Armed Forces should be allowed in the functions of the National Police to combat organized crime, partially reforming the Constitution?
B. Do you agree to allow the extradition of Ecuadorians, under the conditions, requirements, restrictions, and impediments established in the Constitution, international instruments, and the Law, by amending the Constitution and reforming the laws?
C. Do you agree with the establishment of specialized courts in constitutional matters, both in the first and second instance, for the knowledge of the jurisdictional guarantees that correspond to them, by amending the Constitution and reforming the Organic Law of Jurisdictional Guarantees and Constitutional Control?
D. Do you agree that the Ecuadorian State should recognize international arbitration as a method to resolve disputes in investment, contractual, or commercial matters?
E. Do you agree to amend the Constitution of the Republic and reform the Labor Code for fixed-term and hourly employment contracts, when entered into for the first time between the same employer and worker, without affecting the acquired rights of workers?
F. Do you agree that the Armed Forces should permanently control arms, ammunition, explosives, and accessories on authorized routes, roads, and corridors for entry to social rehabilitation centers?
G. Do you agree to increase the penalties for the following crimes: (i) terrorism and its financing, (ii) production and illicit trafficking of substances subject to control, (iii) organized crime, (iv) murder, (v) contract killing, (vi) human trafficking, (vii) extortionate kidnapping, (viii) arms trafficking, (ix) money laundering, and (x) illicit mining activities, by reforming the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code according to the Annex of the question?
H. Do you agree that persons deprived of liberty should serve their entire sentence within the social rehabilitation center for the crimes detailed in the Annex of the question, by reforming the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code?
I. Do you agree to typify the crime of possession or carrying of weapons, ammunition, or components that are for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces or the National Police, without affecting firearms permitted for civilian use, by reforming the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code according to the Annex of the question?
J. Do you agree that weapons, their parts or pieces, explosives, ammunition, or accessories that were instruments or material objects of a crime, can be immediately allocated for use by the National Police or the Armed Forces, by reforming the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code according to the Annex of the question? Read the details: Seized weapons for use by Armed Forces and Police?
K. Do you agree that the State should become the owner of assets of illicit or unjustified origin, simplifying the procedure of the Organic Law of Asset Forfeiture?
Last Friday, a municipal director was murdered in yet another incident of the wave of violence that is plaguing the country, especially my province (which, I must repeat, largely voted against imposing harsher penalties for contract killings). This is terrible in itself, but my complaint is that today, everything continues as if nothing happened. It's incredible what one can get used to.
Normalization of violence and intimidation is always chilling. We're seeing that in the US with all the loons who open-carry their AR-15s at Starbucks.
I'm dealing with a client that has two reviewers currently on different spots on the euphemism treadmill, and it's annoying.

Basically, we're doing a translation about something that could potentially involve ableist language, so naturally we want to avoid that. The problem is that this text involves quoting some official laws, and the laws were written decades ago, and the laws themselves include language that would potentially be considered ableist today.

So for the first version of the translation, we quoted the law verbatim. For example, let's say it's something like, "The Official Poopyhead Act of 1964 states that 'individuals who are poopyheads shall be given equal rights and protections as non-poopyheads, and no discrimination in any way shall be permitted.'"

And the client's first reviewer is all like, "No, poopyhead is ableist language" and changed it to, "The Official Fecal-Cranial Act of 1964 states that 'individuals with fecal-cranial impairments shall be given equal rights and protections as individuals without fecal-cranial impairments, and no discrimination in any way shall be permitted.'"

So we're all like, yeah ok, poopyhead is not a nice thing to call people, so we'll change all instances of "poopyhead" to "fecal-cranial impairment".

And the second reviewer came back and said, "No, you guys can't change the name or contents of the quoted laws willy-nilly, keep them as-is."

So we're all like, yeah ok, it makes sense that we can't just change things around when we're quoting laws, so we then changed the translation back to the original verbatim quote of the law.

And then the first reviewer came back and said, "Why did you put the term poopyhead back in the translation? I already told you that's ableist, take it out."

And then the second reviewer came back and said, "Why did you change the quote of the law again? I already told you not to misquote the law, change it back."

And I'm all like, "I'm this close to tracking both of you down and taking a shit on your heads."