[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


Staff member
A special level of hell should be reserved for people who hit "Reply All" on an email when the message is only for the original sender.
And the ring right below that should be reserved for bosses/owners who put 6+ people on every e-mail and end every e-mail with an insistent "reply-all to confirm." Seriously. Stop. That. Shit.


Staff member
On the other side, I slap about 5 people on every email, because if I don't, someone will whine that I left them out of the conversation.
This is where email fails. These sorts of informative, discussion, and decision email should really be occurring on a forum of some sort where everyone can see the discussion, info, and decisions, and refer back to them at a future point.
I was going to say we already have that with Facebook/Twitter, but we don't. What you want is what's called a wiki.

The muscle in the back of my neck/that runs down the right side of my spine, which frequently knots up and refuses to let go, has done so once again. It started Thursday and it's only just now, within the past couple of hours, started loosening back up to the point that I can lift my head up and not wander around like Igor (or like Alan Alda pretending to be Hawkeye Pierce pretending to be Igor). I still can't type completely well (loss of manual dexterity in my right hand), and I'm still getting "off" feelings or arthritic pains in the joints downstream of that muscle, because it tends to put pressure on my spine at C5; but at least it's getting better. All in all though, I would prefer actual pain to this weird amalgamation of pain and not-pain caused by fucked up nerves.
I'm sick to death of these whiney, self-entitled, fresh out of high school, living off their parent's money, stoner, under-achieving douchebags that I have to deal with in my general classes.


Staff member
I was going to say we already have that with Facebook/Twitter, but we don't. What you want is what's called a wiki.

Wave was perfect for this kind of conversation. Too bad it wasn't widely adopted. My grad students and I loved it. It had a the ephemeral nature of email, the threading of a forum, and a few features of its own.
Why the hell do cats love my yards so much? I used to think it was just my neighbor's cats, but I've seen two cats in the past month who I don't think belong to anyone I know. Is my lawn cat mecca?
My parents are trying to guilt me/us into moving back east instead of trying to stay here. I'm an only child. My parents are in their mid-late 60's. I know time is fleeting. I spent years dreaming of getting out of my backwoods, backwards NJ town. I am so much happier away from there. I don't need the guilt trip.
My parents are trying to guilt me/us into moving back east instead of trying to stay here. I'm an only child. My parents are in their mid-late 60's. I know time is fleeting. I spent years dreaming of getting out of my backwoods, backwards NJ town. I am so much happier away from there. I don't need the guilt trip.
Hmm... tropical island... or New Jersey. This doesn't seem like a hard decision at all.
My parents are trying to guilt me/us into moving back east instead of trying to stay here. I'm an only child. My parents are in their mid-late 60's. I know time is fleeting. I spent years dreaming of getting out of my backwoods, backwards NJ town. I am so much happier away from there. I don't need the guilt trip.
We're starting to get the same guilt trip from my mother-in-law, now that our move is getting closer. She's gone back to calling my wife on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis, leaving message after message, just saying "I have something important to tell you" or "We need to talk about something," and then bitching and moaning about how we're planning on moving to Wisconsin. Her most recent gripe was "you don't want to be a part of the family anymore, you want to move to Wisconsin to be part of his family."

I could almost feel bad for her, because my sister-in-law and her husband already live out of state, and my brother-in-law and his wife are getting ready to move to SoCal in the next year or so, so everyone really is moving away from her; but none of us are moving away because we don't want to be part of the family, or we don't want to live near her. We're moving because we have better opportunities elsewhere and we can't afford to live in Seattle anymore. But her life has always revolved around herself, so none of us are surprised that she's doing this right now.
I'm feeling your pain. I moved to Canada to get away from my family and now both my mother and grandmother are playing the "I won't be around for much longer" card to get me to move back to the States.

Ummm... no.
My parents have the reverse problem. My brother moved away to Michigan, and he's constantly whining to my folks about how everyone should move out there with him. My thought is that if he wanted us all together he shouldn't have moved 3000 miles away, but apparently it's all our fault somehow.


Staff member
I have worked with you people for the past four years. You'd think ONE of you fuckers would tell me at some point during the day that my fucking shirt was inside out!!!!


Staff member
I have worked with you people for the past four years. You'd think ONE of you fuckers would tell me at some point during the day that my fucking shirt was inside out!!!!
They didn't say anything to ME today either about the food in my beard, I had to find it two hours after lunch.
My parents have the reverse problem. My brother moved away to Michigan, and he's constantly whining to my folks about how everyone should move out there with him. My thought is that if he wanted us all together he shouldn't have moved 3000 miles away, but apparently it's all our fault somehow.
Hafta say...I wouldn't trade MI for CA (unless there was a hefty raise involved).

Hafta say...I wouldn't trade MI for CA (unless there was a hefty raise involved).

You're entitled to that opinion. My brother is entitled to his opinion. But he needs to not give people shit for their choices. For whatever it's worth, I wouldn't trade CA for MI for anything.

We don't tell him he should move back here. He needs to not give my parents grief because they didn't choose to move to the same state as him.
I don't think I'd wanna move to Hawaii, but I'm starting to not really like the PRW (People's Republic of Walkerstan).
Annoyed right now. In February I bought my wife one of those limited edition pink and white 3DS XLs. I was going to wait until later, but because it was limited edition, I didn't want her to miss out on the colors she liked.

A couple weeks ago, we were at my aunts' house. They have a hardwood floor where we hang out, not the carpet like at our apartment. My wife was talking, not paying attention as she was pushing the lid closed on her $200 handheld. Instead of pushing the lid closed, she was pushing it toward the table edge, and kept pushing and pushing, waiting for it to close I assume?, and it went over. The L shoulder button broke in a way that you have to jimmy it to make it work.

We sent it into Nintendo for free repairs a la warranty. Got an email last night--they can't repair it and will send us a new one, but they don't have any more limited edition ones available. You know, it being limited edition. She got pissed at herself and upset, and she's been sick for a week or so, so I took pity and said we could buy her a new pink/white one since Gamestop and Target still have a couple, and then I'd sell the one Nintendo sends us.

BUT now I'm thinking, in the soberness of morning ... I just bought her this $200 thing. I don't think she even had it a month. And today I'm going to buy her another? On the one hand, I got it so soon because of the colors she likes, on the other hand, it's another $200 and she's not a 5-year-old. I know I won't get $200 for the new 3DS off ebay.

We have options. She could get a skin and just deal with the buttons being black. She could wait until next weekend, when Target will be selling 3DS XLs of all kinds for $160--I'm sure I can sell the one Nintendo sends for more than that, but she's worried that since I'll be in New York next weekend that she'll screw it up by herself. I can't cancel this trip over a video game system; I haven't seen my friends in months.

Had I said all this last night, that would be the end of it, but now I've said I would get her a new pink one today and I hate to go back on my word. But I also hate to spend $200.
You're entitled to that opinion. My brother is entitled to his opinion. But he needs to not give people shit for their choices. For whatever it's worth, I wouldn't trade CA for MI for anything.

We don't tell him he should move back here. He needs to not give my parents grief because they didn't choose to move to the same state as him.
There are reasons, of course. I have mine, you have yours, and I know they are not the same...since if they were, we would both want to live in the same place.
As to the Bro, he might have wanted to move to MI but still transplant his little familiar bubble of CA, which is completely doable (though expensive), but he can't get mad if other, independent people decide they don't want to go along. This is especially true of spouses. You either love the other person enough that you will follow them anywhere ... or you don't.

But, you know, happy wife, happy life...



Staff member
Texas continues to be pretty bitchin'.
I like it here. There are things that TX seems to do better than other states. One thing I like is that Texans seem to actually give a care what nature looks like here. There's an effort to keep the wildlands nice. I could do without some of the religious pushes, but it actually seems relatively mild here compared to LA and SC.
It really is worth the initial investment, especially if you shoot recreationally. You'll save tons of cash and you can always save the spacers from your old boxes to hold your own finished rounds.
I keep finding cigarette butts and miscellaneous trash near the fence line in my back yard. I live next to an apartment house with some real assholes. Since I don't know who did it and don't particularly like talking to the people over there, I just gather it up and toss it back. I thought whomever was doing would take the fucking hint, but nope. Now I'm torn between trying to track down the individual responsible, or just calling the manager again about how much of a pain in the ass his tenants are. Again.
I like it here. There are things that TX seems to do better than other states. One thing I like is that Texans seem to actually give a care what nature looks like here. There's an effort to keep the wildlands nice. I could do without some of the religious pushes, but it actually seems relatively mild here compared to LA and SC.
This is especially true in Austin where there are concrete limits on buildings.