Minor victory thread


Staff member
... well, I don't often have good things to say about him, but the owner just authorized me to spend hundreds of dollars getting a newer, better wireless access point.

Guess he got tired of his macbook only working in certain parts of the building.
... well, I don't often have good things to say about him, but the owner just authorized me to spend hundreds of dollars getting a newer, better wireless access point.

Guess he got tired of his macbook only working in certain parts of the building.
If his MacBook is pre-2014, you don't even need 802.11ac compatibility, saving you a few bucks (unless he INSISTS on an Airport Extreme).
Otherwise a good choice would be the ASUS RT-AC68U (even though it's almost 2yrs old now).

Hadn't put on a record since before vacation. Until now...

Still need to get the car serviced again before resuming trips to Pittsburgh for vinyl.
One of my Northern Lights pictures got nominated for the charity calendar the photo printing place I use produces each year. So, in addition to the chance of being featured in their calendar again this year, the winning photographer gets a drone. A drone!!! How fun would that be?

I may call on you guys for voting support because....a drone!
. . . Asia.
I wanted to say "Man I love that band!" And then write out the lyrics to the Final Countdown in a Chinese accent.

But I don't know the words.[DOUBLEPOST=1444366146,1444365902][/DOUBLEPOST]:notes: I've been true the desert on a horse rith ro name. It felt good to be out of the rain :notes:


Staff member
I wanted to say "Man I love that band!" And then write out the lyrics to the Final Countdown in a Chinese accent.

But I don't know the words


We're leaving together
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back
To Earth, who can tell?

I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground (leaving ground)
Will things ever be the same again?
(Da da DAAA daaaa... Dat da dah dah daaaaah...)
No, it was the heat of the moment, telling you what your heart meant.

It was the heat of the moment, it showed in your eyes....
Got the new tv today. It might just be in my head, but I really think the curve makes the tv feel bigger. Its the same size as my previous one but it seems like theres a difference. I can't wait until 4k content starts being more common.
Got the new tv today. It might just be in my head, but I really think the curve makes the tv feel bigger. Its the same size as my previous one but it seems like theres a difference. I can't wait until 4k content starts being more common.
I've thought the same about the curved tvs. I like them!
A curve does make a tv look bigger...But it also drastically reduces the optimal viewing location. It distorts things on the sides if you're sitting far-out-of-center.It's not as bad as early LED color washing, but it's still noticeable. For a TV you'll mostly be watching with 2 or 3 people, they're great; if you're regularly watching with 7 people or people like to sit fairly spread out in front of it, they're not ideal.
Still, a far more useful innovation than 3D :p
One of my Northern Lights pictures got nominated for the charity calendar the photo printing place I use produces each year. So, in addition to the chance of being featured in their calendar again this year, the winning photographer gets a drone. A drone!!! How fun would that be?

I may call on you guys for voting support because....a drone!
Can I borrow it to airdrop doomweasels?[DOUBLEPOST=1444743949,1444743877][/DOUBLEPOST]
You work for a hotel and have Friday and Saturday off? Holy crap!
He bribed/blackmailed someone.