Minor victory thread

Wait. I thought all the rich folks had tax loop holes? Capital gains, Fade.
I'm not rich but my wife has a "business" on file that makes 0 dollars a year so that we are able to have a deduction on all of our utilities every year as a business expense as well as the new computer she bought because it's for business purposes.

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One of my favorite king cake spots was 100% sold out today. I was about to walk out when she called me back and said "I'm going to make an executive decision." And she hands me a king cake that was due to be picked up about 8 hours ago--no call to the store and no response to voicemails. Hope they are okay, because it would take a force of nature to keep most people around here away from their king cake order. Yay, cinnamony pastry! It was a large one which means I'll have to freeze most of it, but still, yay!


Staff member
Meche's? I love theirs even though I know it's just a giant donut.
Nope, Keller's. It was their plain cinnamon flavor too--the best one!

I won't turn my nose up at a Meche's king cake though. I love king cake. I love donuts. I'll take it


Staff member
Well, they're not going to lay off Underling #2 after all, she interviewed for a new part time sales position we just created and got the job today. So, good for her. Fortunately for me, I'm not being left in the lurch as I've managed to convince the owner that I still need a part time underling in addition to Underling #1. So, it's slightly inconvenient that I'll have to train somebody new, but that's far preferable to having to go back to having just one underling.


Staff member
I ordered a new work PC today. It's nothing super beefy (i3, 4 gigs of ram, win 7), but it'll be a big step up from what I'm using now (Dual core celeron 1.6, 2 gigs, Win XP). Been using this one since late 2006.
I ordered a new work PC today. It's nothing super beefy (i3, 4 gigs of ram, win 7), but it'll be a big step up from what I'm using now (Dual core celeron 1.6, 2 gigs, Win XP). Been using this one since late 2006.
Congrats on finally stepping up to 2010, man!



Staff member
I did not pay anything close to 3/4 million, I can tell you that.

I wasn't going to post the image because I didn't want the price to come up.
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