Having said that, I just had an informal call with the manager of the team I'd be moving to, which resulted in "when I saw you were considering yo brought a smile to my face", "I have to leave the posting open for a week more but there's no other candidates I can think of I'd prefer over you", "we said the pay grade and title stay the same but you're in a lower pay grade than I thought you were, we'll definitely bring you right up", "yes, you can keep your preferred schedule" and "oh, I don't care which days you come into the office, do as suits you best".Job hunting absolutely sucks, and that is actually part of why I stay stuck in my dead end support job. Just the idea of going out there is enough to give me stress. I'm interviewing for an internal function change within the company which has maybe 1/5th the amount of hoops to jump through and useless admin to do and it's still stressful.
So, there's that, I guess.