Minor victory thread

My almost 2 year old niece is now super happy to see Uncle Frank every time we face time. Her smile is literally day making. She's talking a lot earlier than her older brother too. Uhuh Faangggk is close enough for me.
I wonder if you could get some angled mirrors for the top of your car so you can "roll solar" at people driving lifted trucks with stacks.
I wonder if you could get some angled mirrors for the top of your car so you can "roll solar" at people driving lifted trucks with stacks.
While a funny thought, it would probably get Gas killed by someone in those real lifted trucks that do roll through his part of the country. I’m not talking about the pretty boy college lifters, but by a real farmer or rancher that just goes by the name Old Man Winston and has a good enough lawyer and enough money stored away to not care.
I recently joined a men's talk group. We meet every two weeks or so. There have been three sessions so far and it's been really nice. It's a good, safe space to talk about our feelings. I'm meeting a lot of nice guys, too. Whether they'll turn into friendships, I don't know. It'd be nice, since I really have any non-online guys friends.

Anyway, one of them not only happens to live in Dartmouth, but also often commutes by bike. At the end of the last session, we biked back across the bridge together. At the end of the last session, he suggested we could go for a bike ride together sometime. I was totally down for that.

And we did exactly that today, on my day off. We biked about 50 km total, going along the Shearwater Flyer Trail and the Salt Marsh Trail before turning around. He had an e-bike, but I was able to keep up with him the whole time. We biked at an average of around 20 km an hour.

So yeah, great biking adventure and hanging out with a new possible friend. I'd call that a win.

On top of that, the men's group is talking about doing some kind of hiking outing, ending at a campfire to sit around and talk about our feelings. I've never really gone hiking before, but I'm interested in the idea of it.
I just saw The Aristocrats in concert. It was so good! Guthrie Govan is an absolute beast on guitar! Sadly the venue is no pictures and I actually respected that rule. It was so much fun!
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Ages three to ten? Man, you're just aiming for that "great grandfather and great grandchild" vibe with HCGLNS now aren't you?
There comes a point where the Benjamin Buttoning gets creepy y'know.
I mentioned in March that I was far ahead other service agents in terms of sales. My team manager said I had a very good chance of winning another company award this year.

I asked him where I stood now. He showed me the stats compared to other agents in my department. I'm not only #1 for installs in my department, by I'm in the lead by close to 100. That's on top of other good metrics, like attendance and other factors.

Soooo...yeah, unless things change, I'm probably winning another award this year. I'll leave this a minor victory for now and leave the epic win for if I do get it, but that'll mean a paid day off, a night's stay at a fancy hotel, a fancy dinner, and other bonuses like a gift basket and prizes.

Minor whine, but it sucks I'll probably be attending it alone this year. Unless my dating life magically changes in the next few months, but I don't expect it will.
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Just came back from spending a week in the midwest, a couple days in Wisconsin (Wisconsin Dells, highly recommended!) and then over to Sioux Falls, SD, to visit friends. You midwesterners have such a great area, I continue to love it.
Using vastly inadequate tools, successfully replaced one of my kitchen sink drains today. It cost $50 to buy the replacement, which is $1 for every year since the sink was originally installed. I got a second one so I could do 'em both, but that one will be for another day.
