Minor victory thread

There's a task that editors at my company are required to do, and our company higher-ups have been haranguing us lately to do a better job at it. Yesterday one of our company higher-ups sent a message to all editors with a screenshot of what I did for this task recently, and said, "Ok everyone, see how bhamv3 did it? His version is perfect. From now on, use his version as a template."

Right now my ego is the size of Texas.
I interview for the job I'm already doing in about 15 mins. I'm sitting in the parking lot shaking. This feels like one more chance to fuck it all up, and I really don't want to fuck it up. I like this job.
Yesterday we had the contract negotiation meeting, so the interview must have gone well enough. The search lead is "thrilled" with the agreement we came to, which means I should have asked for more - dammit! - but, at least things are moving forward. Now the Board has to vote on the contract, then after 2 weeks notice the congregation votes, then the wider church bureaucracy committee votes, then I'm hired permanently. For the job I'm already doing.

This is exhausting, but at least things are progressing.
There's a task that editors at my company are required to do, and our company higher-ups have been haranguing us lately to do a better job at it. Yesterday one of our company higher-ups sent a message to all editors with a screenshot of what I did for this task recently, and said, "Ok everyone, see how bhamv3 did it? His version is perfect. From now on, use his version as a template."

Right now my ego is the size of Texas.

One of the other editors in my company, a guy who's more senior than me and who I will acknowledge is actually better than me at translation and editing, came back with a long and detailed reply on why he felt his way of doing this task is more suitable than the version I produced, and that while he believes there is merit in seeing different approaches to this task, he believes that my approach cannot be used as a universal template because individual situations will vary, and he thinks it would be overly restrictive to limit ourselves to a template.

And then the company higher-up wrote a long and detailed rebuttal about why this editor's approach does not work well, and should frankly be abandoned, and that my version is how things will be done in the future.

And now people are apparently taking sides and I'm all like, "I have no idea what's going on here, I just did a task to the best of my abilities and it seems I've accidentally started an argument."


Staff member

One of the other editors in my company, a guy who's more senior than me and who I will acknowledge is actually better than me at translation and editing, came back with a long and detailed reply on why he felt his way of doing this task is more suitable than the version I produced, and that while he believes there is merit in seeing different approaches to this task, he believes that my approach cannot be used as a universal template because individual situations will vary, and he thinks it would be overly restrictive to limit ourselves to a template.

And then the company higher-up wrote a long and detailed rebuttal about why this editor's approach does not work well, and should frankly be abandoned, and that my version is how things will be done in the future.

And now people are apparently taking sides and I'm all like, "I have no idea what's going on here, I just did a task to the best of my abilities and it seems I've accidentally started an argument."