For instance. Maybe she looked hesitant on a new instrument, or maybe she just wasn't playing it that well. Asking someone if they're new or just learning to play has nothing to do with their vaginas.A few years ago I was working in a music store that sold primarily guitars, so as you can imagine: lots of male customers. I play violin (and had for about 11 years at the time) and decided to pick up a mandolin to play for a bit, which has the same strings and tuning as a violin, during a lull in activity. A male customer walked by…
Customer: Aw, you learning how to play?
Me: (incredulous) No… I AM playing.
Guess I should’ve realized that women aren’t supposed to have recreational abilities outside of knitting and organizing recipe cards. #MFIF
Which reminds me of how this forum is to so rabidly combat for this vague notion of "sexism is not there, not ever". Obviously context and rationale could make some of those stories moot...but really, does every little line have to go under a fine-toothed comb? It becomes an act of self-defense at that point, instead of saying, "You know, sometimes it's true that men DO treat women poorly"?If you innocent be cool, only the guilty's catching offense
Mostly this is due because of who posted it. Like when Jon posts stuff about the military. There's just such a bias going into the topic that things get over-analyzed.There's a great line from this RJD2 album (feat. Mota Mouth, yo):
Which reminds me of how this forum is to so rabidly combat for this vague notion of "sexism is not there, not ever". Obviously context and rationale could make some of those stories moot...but really, does every little line have to go under a fine-toothed comb? It becomes an act of self-defense at that point, instead of saying, "You know, sometimes it's true that men DO treat women poorly"?If you innocent be cool, only the guilty's catching offense
RightI haven't clicked the site yet because it's better to post without knowing what's going on than to waste time actually reading, amirite?
Sexism exists. People being way over sensitive and blowing things out of proportion also exists. I don't choose to ignore one in favor of the other.There's a great line from this RJD2 album (feat. Mota Mouth, yo):
Which reminds me of how this forum is to so rabidly combat for this vague notion of "sexism is not there, not ever". Obviously context and rationale could make some of those stories moot...but really, does every little line have to go under a fine-toothed comb? It becomes an act of self-defense at that point, instead of saying, "You know, sometimes it's true that men DO treat women poorly"?If you innocent be cool, only the guilty's catching offense
Sexism exists. People being way over sensitive and blowing things out of proportion also exists. I don't choose to ignore one in favor of the other.[/QUOTE]There's a great line from this RJD2 album (feat. Mota Mouth, yo):
Which reminds me of how this forum is to so rabidly combat for this vague notion of "sexism is not there, not ever". Obviously context and rationale could make some of those stories moot...but really, does every little line have to go under a fine-toothed comb? It becomes an act of self-defense at that point, instead of saying, "You know, sometimes it's true that men DO treat women poorly"?If you innocent be cool, only the guilty's catching offense
Mostly this is due because of who posted it. Like when Jon posts stuff about the military. There's just such a bias going into the topic that things get over-analyzed.[/QUOTE]There's a great line from this RJD2 album (feat. Mota Mouth, yo):
Which reminds me of how this forum is to so rabidly combat for this vague notion of "sexism is not there, not ever". Obviously context and rationale could make some of those stories moot...but really, does every little line have to go under a fine-toothed comb? It becomes an act of self-defense at that point, instead of saying, "You know, sometimes it's true that men DO treat women poorly"?If you innocent be cool, only the guilty's catching offense
some of those things have nothing to do with someone being female....just people being over sensitive
For instance. Maybe she wasn't playing well, or perhaps she looked hesitant on a new instrument, or maybe she just wasn't playing it that well. Asking someone if they're new or just learning to play has nothing to do with their vaginas.A few years ago I was working in a music store that sold primarily guitars, so as you can imagine: lots of male customers. I play violin (and had for about 11 years at the time) and decided to pick up a mandolin to play for a bit, which has the same strings and tuning as a violin, during a lull in activity. A male customer walked by…
Customer: Aw, you learning how to play?
Me: (incredulous) No… I AM playing.
Guess I should’ve realized that women aren’t supposed to have recreational abilities outside of knitting and organizing recipe cards. #MFIF
Nothing to do with sexism. Just happened to be a male that agreed with her. She convinced a second person to voice that there was something else in the text, the rest of the group began to agree. Stupid bitch.Socratic dialogue
July 26, 2010 by mfif I go to University in the US, currently studying to get my undergraduate degree. I’m a philosophy major, who plans to go to grad school to eventually get my PhD. In addition, I am a philosophy major who gets constant encouragement from my professors, who think I am very smart, capable, and prepared for graduate level work. In class, I am outspoken, and I almost always have something I can positively contribute to class.
One day, in my ancient philosophy class, we were studying the Crito, one of Plato’s early Socratic dialogues. My professor assigned us groups, and in my group the male/female ratio was about even. We had read the work before coming to class, and it was our first day discussing it in class. There was this part in the Crito, where Plato has Socrates defend his decision to allow the Athenians execute him by constructing a discussion between himself (Socrates) and “The Laws.”
I noticed that there was something going on with these “Laws” that was more than just “the laws of humans!” or “the laws of Athens!” There was something there, something complex and fascinating (which, as revealed by my professor later, was true). So, of course, as fascinated by this as I am, I bring it up to my group.
“No, I’m pretty sure they’re just the laws of Athens,” says the rest of my group.
I keep trying to convince them that I’m right and that there’s something going on there that they’re not paying attention to, when suddenly-
“Yeah, I think there’s something going on here,” says one of my fellow (male) group members.
Immediately, the rest of the group sees it! They are convinced that Socrates meant something more than just the laws of Athens! And they all join in, pointing out evidence and interesting passages that point to that direction.
I was dumbfounded. It wasn’t like they had a past history together in their classes; it wasn’t like any of us knew each other at all. But I did know that I had just spent several minutes trying to make the concept clear, while they constantly tried to make it seem like I was “reading too much into things.” But THE. VERY. MINUTE. that my MALE classmate said anything that agreed with me, they suddenly understood.
But I guess I shouldn’t be upset about it! After all, it’s #MFIF.
Case of two dipshits. Not sexism. He could of put a towel down. She should have put one down in the first place. Sounds to me like a stupid bitch complaining about her stupid ass husband.Male hysterics
July 25, 2010 by mfif I left chicken on the counter to defrost for the next day. Since I didn’t put a towel under it, there was a slight puddle. Any normal person would wipe up the puddle and be done with it. My “significant other” threw a fit because he noticed it. He asked me if he needed to start cleaning up when he got home from work. “So now I have to do two jobs!”, were his words.
So, he’s too good to work a full-time job and help around the house. I on the other hand can get up before him, get the kids ready and out the door, go to school myself, go to work, then come home to cook dinner and clean house?? I didn’t realize it was so hard on a man to wash the dishes… #MFIF
When no means keep asking
July 24, 2010 by mfif Conversation (very abridged) with a male coworker today:
Him: So when am I coming to your place?
Me: You’re not.
Him: But you invited me to your place for dinner.
Me: No, you invited yourself.
Him: So when am I coming? Are you free on Saturday night?
Me: No, why would I be? (today being Thursday already)
Him: Are you free on Friday night?
Me: No.
Him: So can I call you on Saturday?
Me: No.
Him: So when are you free?
Me: I’m always busy. I have a very busy life.
Him: So you’re always busy for me, is that it?
Me: Yes, that’s right.
10 minutes later:
Him: So when are you going to make time for me?
Me: You know, it’s really rude to keep pushing when a woman has already said no.
Him: But you didn’t say no. Ok ok, I won’t say anything more.
Him: So, will you give me a hug after work today?
Me: No.
Him: That’s ok, you can give me one tomorrow.
Me: No, I won’t. It is not going to happen.
Repeat ad nauseum.
Me: You know, this could really be construed as sexual harassment.
Him: Whoa whoa, I’m just joking.
Me: No, to be a joke it actually has to be funny to someone other than yourself.
Him: Calm down, I say it to all the girls.
Sarah, London
Do you think you could stop calling women "stupid bitches"?
ftfyHe could [STRIKE]of[/STRIKE] have put a towel down.
An Uplifiting Explanation
July 23, 2010 by mfif I was minding my own business in the gym, deadlifting. Unfortunately it seems to attract a lot of attention from less enlightened people, as while I am female my top sets are still in the range of 230-260 pounds. This particular time, someone approached me mid-set, and when I ignored him, he stood over the bar so I could not pick it up until he had said his piece.
He told me I needed to lean back at the top of the repetition to “make my back stronger”. I told him hyperextension of the back is both bad form and can lead to injury, and went back to lifting with proper form. He stood there for the rest of my set, shaking his head. I guess all the mansplanation I get in the gym is #MFIF for liking to lift big weights.
ftfy[/QUOTE]He could [STRIKE]of[/STRIKE] have put a towel down.
[/COLOR]ftfyHe could [STRIKE]of[/STRIKE] have put a towel down.
You're female. Females have babies. People who get married generally have babies. Parents always bug their children to have babies once they get married. Maybe you should have discussed this with your fiance? Stupid Bitch.Expectations
July 23, 2010 by mfif One of the posts on here has just reminded me of the first time I met my fiance’s mother, about three years ago. Bear in mind this is the FIRST time I met her. My fiance’s nephew (about 7 years old) was in the house at the time so he took him outside to play football or something. Gazing dreamily at them out of the window, his mother turns to me and says very firmly ‘He’d make a wonderful father’. Err…yeah. Thanks for that – of course, I have a partner therefore we will be having children, right?!
Unfortunately, his family’s attitude has never changed. The most insulting part is that when I ‘explain myself’ and the fact that I don’t want children, their reply is ‘You’ll change your mind later’. Yes, yes, of course I will. I’m in my late 20s and have always known I don’t want them, I have a good career in academia and love my life, but yes, you’re right: I’m not smart enough to know my own mind. I guess all that PhD work addled my delicate female brain. But then it’s #MFIF.
[/COLOR]ftfyHe could [STRIKE]of[/STRIKE] have put a towel down.
Someone call the police! Oh wait…
July 23, 2010 by mfif My girlfriend and I were out dancing late one Saturday night at a Greek themed restaurant/club. I dropped her home about 1AM, waited for her to get into her studio apartment and drove home. She went to take a shower to wash off the sweat and smoke when she saw a man peeping into her window. She immediately called police for help and me to come pick her up.
The police didn’t believe her, asked what she was doing up so late, why she was out after midnight, and accused her of “bringing someone home and changing her mind”. They even made comments about her outfit (club wear).
When we arrived to pick her up to stay at my place, the police were gone. They refused to stay with her until we arrived.
The final straw: the next day we called and the officer hadn’t even filed a report. I guess she isn’t worth protecting or serving. #MFIF
Oh NO! I'm outraged! To the point where I don't quote things well![/QUOTE][/COLOR][/COLOR]ftfyHe could [STRIKE]of[/STRIKE] have put a towel down.
Sure you don't want a sandwich and a beer while I'm in there?
The first thing I thought after reading the first few pages of that site was "oh my god, yes exactly." The second thing I thought was that someone on this forum would immediately mistake the meaning and intent of the site to be "man hating" instead of "jesus christ doesn't it suck" type commiseration, and the third thing I thought was is the shit I'm going to get for posting these thoughts really worth it? Expressing agreement with these experiences doesn't mean "I hate all men." Just that, "Been there, done that, burned the bra."
Man...I have a hard time believing that one. I've never known anyone to do anything like that in that situation.Someone call the police! Oh wait…
July 23, 2010 by mfif My girlfriend and I were out dancing late one Saturday night at a Greek themed restaurant/club. I dropped her home about 1AM, waited for her to get into her studio apartment and drove home. She went to take a shower to wash off the sweat and smoke when she saw a man peeping into her window. She immediately called police for help and me to come pick her up.
The police didn’t believe her, asked what she was doing up so late, why she was out after midnight, and accused her of “bringing someone home and changing her mind”. They even made comments about her outfit (club wear).
When we arrived to pick her up to stay at my place, the police were gone. They refused to stay with her until we arrived.
The final straw: the next day we called and the officer hadn’t even filed a report. I guess she isn’t worth protecting or serving. #MFIF
Ok this is absolute bullshit on the cops' part.
Perk of the job
July 22, 2010 by mfif So my husband and I desided to start our wn business. After doing some research on the internet, since I am better on the computer.
My husband then says to me, “Is it time for my blowjob?”
My response ” No, why?”.
His answer “Isn’t that was secretaries do?”
Thanks hubby.
I work two jobs in order to pay the bills, and the second one is doing in-home care. Unfortunately there have been several occasions where I have been denied shifts because some women don't want men to look after them. In the meanwhile, men who don't want women to look after them are generally informed that it might be impossible for them to avoid being looked after by women. #MFIM
Some of these are undoubtedly misconstrued. Some of these are simply scorned people wanting to complain to the world. Some of these are genuine instances of sexism. But that's not to say that men aren't free to play too.My ex girlfriend once posted a rather hurtful note on facebook in the form of a job posting for 'eligible bachelors.' It advised that applicants should care for her, want to spend time with her even when they are tired, and a few other requirements. During our relationship I cared for her and went over to her house after long shifts just to be with her, many times pretty damn tired, even though on other nights she would kick me out at 9:30 if she was the slightest bit sleepy, and would proceed to read or surf the web until 1 am.
Then I get to hear about how men are generally terrible and a decent guy who cares for her is nigh impossible to find.
Message to men: if you think you are a decent guy, you are an arrogant pig.
Message to women: you are god's gift to the males of the world, and only a man of the highest virtue is worthy to even look upon your inspired form, regardless of whether or not you yourself are a loathsome human being. #MFIM
Shes not discriminating. She also bashes robots.I just found this and it fits this thread, so I have to post it. Sorry to those who don't watch Futurama and won't get the reference
Probably, but I treat it the same way as the race issue, or even the sexuality issue. I am proud to be a heterosexual man who's ancestors almost entirely came from the British isles. I'm not saying that you can't be proud to be a woman, or a homosexual, or black, pink, green, or blue. But if you get to complain about sexism, or racism, or any other ism when it happens, than I sure as hell better be allowed to too.Sexism against males exists, but you're an absolute moron if you think it's equal with sexism against women.
Naw, Chuck...but stupid bitches all sound alike. :smug::smug:
Yes. Yes I did.Sexism against males exists, but you're an absolute moron if you think it's equal with sexism against women.
And this isn't the same person, it's lots of people that send the stories in like the FML website. Did you completely ignore the locations/initials on each story?
Some of those stories aren't as much venting as telling people about the time you got sexually assaulted. A lot of the guys in these should have been wearing orange jumpsuits and trying not to get raped in the shower.
My guess is he's a pig in any culture and just uses that as an excuse.The one where the guy did not speak English, who wanted the woman to whore herself out for 100 euro, and then grabbed he breasts... troubles me.
Because that guys actions likely worked for him before.
But there were those who left you plussed, too. Right?Sometimes sexism is a guy assuming a girl doesn't know how to use a screwdriver.
Sometimes sexism is a guy assuming any girl that doesn't want to fuck him is a lesbian.
It takes a lot of forms! Also, I should have made clearer that I'm not going crazy and burning my bra over every single thing posted on there. There were more than a couple that left me kind of non-plussed.
I mostly see those as some schmuck gets invalidated by being turned down. Then lashes out in anger.Sometimes sexism is a guy assuming any girl that doesn't want to fuck him is a lesbian.
DollsPS. I know I used the word 'girls' in the beginnning to refer to women. Too bad. That's the word I use. The only other option is women, and that's way to formal. I don't like talking formally. If there is a less formal word for women that is the equivalent of 'guys' please let me know, and I will use it.
That depends, he could be a priest and the "boys" could be in the choir, in which case it would be appropriateJust be careful of using "boy."
"There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, 'Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!'I'm more concerned with the sentiment that if Charlie posted something relating to feminism or sexism, it must be an overreaction.
"There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, 'Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!'I'm more concerned with the sentiment that if Charlie posted something relating to feminism or sexism, it must be an overreaction.
"There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, 'Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!'I'm more concerned with the sentiment that if Charlie posted something relating to feminism or sexism, it must be an overreaction.
Made Up
By mfif I work for a large PR company, and we put on a lot of events for clients. I don’t wear a lot of makeup to work, but I do wear foundation and mascara. At one event my boss (female) asked me why I wasn’t wearing any makeup. I said I was, just that I didn’t like wearing loads as it didn’t suit me. “It’s what the clients want”, she said. “Next time, if you don’t wear a lot more, I think we might have some problems with our working relationship”. #MFIF
Miss. C, London
If men don't have to wear makeup I think it is sexist to expect women too.
You are expected to look professional. No one is required to wear makeup.
It would be absurd to expect women to spend money on something that men are not expected to spend money on.
You are expected to look professional. No one is required to wear makeup.
It would be absurd to expect women to spend money on something that men are not expected to spend money on.
You are expected to look professional. No one is required to wear makeup.
It would be absurd to expect women to spend money on something that men are not expected to spend money on.
Unless the workplace demands a standard of makeup it is in no way the same as clean shaven is for men.You are expected to look professional. No one is required to wear makeup.
It would be absurd to expect women to spend money on something that men are not expected to spend money on.
It's generally more expensive for women:I think both genders are often required to buy/use certain things to make themselves look presentable. While a woman might get by with a professional looking dress, a man has to buy a suit and tie. While a woman has to put on make-up, I have to spend lots of money on shaving creams and razors just to keep my beard groomed. Women obviously have to shave also, but it's much easier to cover up some hairy legs with some stockings then cover up my face.![]()
Sure it is. We have to purchase and learn to use razors. It's not cheap to shave, or maintain a short haircut. To keep a nice trim haircut, we have to spend about 20 bucks a month at the barber. It comes with the job though. As a lawyer you make enough to support the look.facial hair is just a further extension of head hair. we have to keep head hair neat, both genders, men just have more head hair. that is not the same as having to purchase, learn to apply and wear cosmetics.
I vaguely remember the 70's, no thanks, that was an ugly we all need to rise up against the corporations. women should stop wearing makeup and as much as it breaks my heart, men should not shave. viva la resistance!
It's generally more expensive for women:I think both genders are often required to buy/use certain things to make themselves look presentable. While a woman might get by with a professional looking dress, a man has to buy a suit and tie. While a woman has to put on make-up, I have to spend lots of money on shaving creams and razors just to keep my beard groomed. Women obviously have to shave also, but it's much easier to cover up some hairy legs with some stockings then cover up my face.![]()
It's generally more expensive for women:I think both genders are often required to buy/use certain things to make themselves look presentable. While a woman might get by with a professional looking dress, a man has to buy a suit and tie. While a woman has to put on make-up, I have to spend lots of money on shaving creams and razors just to keep my beard groomed. Women obviously have to shave also, but it's much easier to cover up some hairy legs with some stockings then cover up my face.![]()
It's generally more expensive for women:I think both genders are often required to buy/use certain things to make themselves look presentable. While a woman might get by with a professional looking dress, a man has to buy a suit and tie. While a woman has to put on make-up, I have to spend lots of money on shaving creams and razors just to keep my beard groomed. Women obviously have to shave also, but it's much easier to cover up some hairy legs with some stockings then cover up my face.![]()
Oh I never said it was more or less expensive, just that both sides have standards others look to when it involves the workplace. I don't think a woman requiring another women to wear makeup in a professional setting to be "sexist", just like I don't really think my boss wanting me to keep my beard trimmed is "sexist". It's just one of those items people look to for professionalism.It's generally more expensive for women:
MP Dunleavey - Higher prices for women's products; gender inequality - MSN Money
Oh I never said it was more or less expensive, just that both sides have standards others look to when it involves the workplace. I don't think a woman requiring another women to wear makeup in a professional setting to be "sexist", just like I don't really think my boss wanting me to keep my beard trimmed is "sexist". It's just one of those items people look to for professionalism.It's generally more expensive for women:
MP Dunleavey - Higher prices for women's products; gender inequality - MSN Money
Do you agree with the "public" smoking bans? (as in no smoking in bars/restaurants)it's the territory that comes with the job. If someone doesn't like it, they can go find another job.
Lol, irony for the win.Sure, at the end of the month it starts hurting a bit, but that's just what being a man is all about.
not bath and body work. I'm just talking about just getting a hair cut. Men can get a cut or even self shave a whole lot easier than say a women.Really? Women need and are required to buy a 50 dollar bottle of Bath and Body works shit when a bottle of Pert Plus does the same exact thing?
True dat. You just wear all that makeup cuz it makes you feel sooooooo pretty.All the dress requirements at my job are issues of Health and Safety, and you can't really argue with that.
Sure it is. We have to purchase and learn to use razors. It's not cheap to shave, or maintain a short haircut. To keep a nice trim haircut, we have to spend about 20 bucks a month at the barber. It comes with the job though. As a lawyer you make enough to support the look.facial hair is just a further extension of head hair. we have to keep head hair neat, both genders, men just have more head hair. that is not the same as having to purchase, learn to apply and wear cosmetics.
I'm not shaving anymore unless I want to. Time to get the beard back.Im not covering my face with makeup unless I want to.
Get your logic out of this thread. Clearly price only depends on sex, not supply/demand, or what the demand is willing to pay for said products.Is some of this just market research? Do women's products/shoes/haircuts/et cetera cost more because women have been shown to be willing to spend more on them?
Get your logic out of this thread. Clearly price only depends on sex, not supply/demand, or what the demand is willing to pay for said products.[/QUOTE]Is some of this just market research? Do women's products/shoes/haircuts/et cetera cost more because women have been shown to be willing to spend more on them?
I have to wear shoes. My choice is to pay $15 for something that looks kind of crappy and isn't very business-like or pay $100 for a shoe that compliments my suit and complies with company policy. What choice do I have? I can't go barefoot. I can't wear the $15 shoe. I'm not willing to pay for it, but I have to any way.Women individually wouldn't have to pay more if women collectively weren't willing to pay for it.
I have to wear shoes. My choice is to pay $15 for something that looks kind of crappy and isn't very business-like or pay $100 for a shoe that compliments my suit and complies with company policy. What choice do I have? I can't go barefoot. I can't wear the $15 shoe. I'm not willing to pay for it, but I have to any way.[/QUOTE]Women individually wouldn't have to pay more if women collectively weren't willing to pay for it.
I'm waiting for a lot of things from Star Trek.I'm still hoping for that Star Trek-esque Federation no-one-needs-money-everyone-gets-what-they-need paradigm shift, actually.
^I don't think that's a good analogy. A pair of shoes/clothing/hair cut/etc. that is something you need for employment is not the same as a Playstation 3 that is not a necessary expense.
Interesting that your instance of a woman being sexist is still being sexist against another woman not a man.This whole argument about which sex has to pay more for looking nice is kind of dumb.
I've never said women can't be sexist. They certainly can be, and be some of the most vicious. An older lady I worked with went off about Hillary Clinton saying how a woman can't run anything, not a company or a country. She talked about her long career as a secretary and how she refused to work for a woman again because they are just so awful of bosses and she always gets in fights with them. Of course, it's just because two women can't co-exist in an office, of course!
True. I very easily did not buy it. I can't think of any more apt analogies right now because I can't think of anything I own that's a necessary expense. And my job has very little requirements as far as a dress code for either gender. No jewelry, light makeup, no long or unruly facial hair, hairnets for EVERYONE, general hygiene, no strong scents for either gender, et cetera.I don't think that's a good analogy. A pair of shoes/clothing/hair cut/etc. that is something you need for employment is not the same as a Playstation 3 that is not a necessary expense.
My bosses invited me to go golfing tomorrow. That ain't cheap.With corporate lawyers and other high-power jobs, there's a lot more to men's "grooming" than hair and beard, too. Men on the job are expected to drive certain classes of car, and live in certain neighborhoods, and frequent certain restaurants to rub elbows with other power players. Women are generally not required to do many of these same kinds of things, or do them to the extent that men are.
There's a certain level of gender inequality in life, because, lets face it, men and women are not the same. They are different. Both men and women should be given equal opportunities in the workplace and be free of sexual harassment and free of denigration based on gender, but to expect that women and men won't have to conform to those standards that society sets for them is just ludicrous. We are a race of conformists. If you want to get ahead, you have to spend the effort (and if it calls for it, spend the dollars) to conform with your peer group. If you reject those standards, you will be rejected in turn.
That's not sexist. It's simply how humans work in group situations.
Sometimes the quality of a product is genuinely better. I do research before I need to buy a pair of good shoes for teaching or walking, and I often find that a 50$ shoe actually has worked better for people than the one that goes for $17.99. And then sometimes it's just that people want it and they know they can make it as expensive as they want... then justify the price with some pretentious reasoning or enticing ads. I find that's often the case.Is some of this just market research? Do women's products/shoes/haircuts/et cetera cost more because women have been shown to be willing to spend more on them?
That's the price for a low to mid range business suit. I'm not sure of the complaint.Supposedly it costs more to make the shoes and clothes because of the way they need to be cut. I don't know that to be true. I do remember hearing it when I used to have to wear business suits. Paying $150 or more for one skirt or slacks and a jacket - no shoes, nylons, or blouse included - was absolutely ridiculous. I didn't get paid more for wardrobe costs either.
---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 PM ----------
That was for a quality suit like Jones of New York, not a fall apart piece of crap from Target.
Lol, irony for the win.[/QUOTE]Sure, at the end of the month it starts hurting a bit, but that's just what being a man is all about.
I'm going to rep you in public.Ya the guy in the 4,000$ suit is going to hold the door for the guy who doesn't make that in 3 months. COME ON.
Sounds like the guy in the suit is a douche.Ya the guy in the 4,000$ suit is going to hold the door for the guy who doesn't make that in 3 months. COME ON.
Sounds like the guy in the suit is a douche.[/QUOTE]Ya the guy in the 4,000$ suit is going to hold the door for the guy who doesn't make that in 3 months. COME ON.
Sounds like the guy in the suit is a douche.[/QUOTE]Ya the guy in the 4,000$ suit is going to hold the door for the guy who doesn't make that in 3 months. COME ON.
Not where I work, we don't. Or maybe my job is too blue collar to matter...Hey men, if you're still miffed about your clothes costing more (even if they don't), you can dry your tears with the extra money. Because men still get paid more than women for doing the exact same job!
Way to ruin a run of jokes with waahing about pay. Hey how about the ladies night, I don't see you crusading about that.Hey men, if you're still miffed about your clothes costing more (even if they don't), you can dry your tears with the extra money. Because men still get paid more than women for doing the exact same job!
Way to ruin a run of jokes with waahing about pay. Hey how about the ladies night, I don't see you crusading about that.[/QUOTE]Hey men, if you're still miffed about your clothes costing more (even if they don't), you can dry your tears with the extra money. Because men still get paid more than women for doing the exact same job!
Way to ruin a run of jokes with waahing about pay. Hey how about the ladies night, I don't see you crusading about that.[/QUOTE]Hey men, if you're still miffed about your clothes costing more (even if they don't), you can dry your tears with the extra money. Because men still get paid more than women for doing the exact same job!
Way to ruin a run of jokes with waahing about pay. Hey how about the ladies night, I don't see you crusading about that.[/QUOTE]Hey men, if you're still miffed about your clothes costing more (even if they don't), you can dry your tears with the extra money. Because men still get paid more than women for doing the exact same job!
Way to ruin a run of jokes with waahing about pay. Hey how about the ladies night, I don't see you crusading about that.[/QUOTE]Hey men, if you're still miffed about your clothes costing more (even if they don't), you can dry your tears with the extra money. Because men still get paid more than women for doing the exact same job!
Screw them and their wasting of my tax dollars while real problems exist in this state."Bars and restaurants have other, non-discriminatory options for increasing business, through gender-neutral promotions," the department said in the statement.
Hey men, if you're still miffed about your clothes costing more (even if they don't), you can dry your tears with the extra money. Because men still get paid more than women for doing the exact same job!
Hey men, if you're still miffed about your clothes costing more (even if they don't), you can dry your tears with the extra money. Because men still get paid more than women for doing the exact same job!
Hey men, if you're still miffed about your clothes costing more (even if they don't), you can dry your tears with the extra money. Because men still get paid more than women for doing the exact same job!
Hey men, if you're still miffed about your clothes costing more (even if they don't), you can dry your tears with the extra money. Because men still get paid more than women for doing the exact same job!
I'm a white male, between the ages of 25 and 50. It's good to be on top of the pile.
Not where I work, we don't. Or maybe my job is too blue collar to matter...[/QUOTE]Hey men, if you're still miffed about your clothes costing more (even if they don't), you can dry your tears with the extra money. Because men still get paid more than women for doing the exact same job!
Not where I work, we don't. Or maybe my job is too blue collar to matter...[/QUOTE]Hey men, if you're still miffed about your clothes costing more (even if they don't), you can dry your tears with the extra money. Because men still get paid more than women for doing the exact same job!
Helllll yeah.This derail about gender equality or whatever is boring, let's get back to posting GOB quotes.
If only there was some message board women could go to and complain about men's behavior..."what's that? a place where women commiserate on the net? BITCHES! Lets post videos AND CONTROL THE THREAD!"
Thread derailing in Halforums? Unheard of!"what's that? a place where women commiserate on the net? BITCHES! Lets post videos AND CONTROL THE THREAD!"
Thread derailing in Halforums? Unheard of!"what's that? a place where women commiserate on the net? BITCHES! Lets post videos AND CONTROL THE THREAD!"
Yeah dude, women are totally more (everything bad ever) than men.Women, amirite? HAHA, I'm not an asshole this is a META ASSHOLE JOKE
Seriously, though, sexism (and other favoritisms based on things other than actual ability) exists in many forms, and if anything, the cases of women blowing things out of proportion are all the more infuriating, because it gives the built in excuse of "See, it's all a big overreaction!"
Yeah dude, women are totally more (everything bad ever) than men.[/QUOTE]Women, amirite? HAHA, I'm not an asshole this is a META ASSHOLE JOKE
Seriously, though, sexism (and other favoritisms based on things other than actual ability) exists in many forms, and if anything, the cases of women blowing things out of proportion are all the more infuriating, because it gives the built in excuse of "See, it's all a big overreaction!"
Yeah dude, women are totally more (everything bad ever) than men.[/QUOTE]Women, amirite? HAHA, I'm not an asshole this is a META ASSHOLE JOKE
Seriously, though, sexism (and other favoritisms based on things other than actual ability) exists in many forms, and if anything, the cases of women blowing things out of proportion are all the more infuriating, because it gives the built in excuse of "See, it's all a big overreaction!"
Yeah dude, women are totally more (everything bad ever) than men.[/QUOTE]Women, amirite? HAHA, I'm not an asshole this is a META ASSHOLE JOKE
Seriously, though, sexism (and other favoritisms based on things other than actual ability) exists in many forms, and if anything, the cases of women blowing things out of proportion are all the more infuriating, because it gives the built in excuse of "See, it's all a big overreaction!"
Yeah dude, women are totally more (everything bad ever) than men.[/QUOTE]Women, amirite? HAHA, I'm not an asshole this is a META ASSHOLE JOKE
Seriously, though, sexism (and other favoritisms based on things other than actual ability) exists in many forms, and if anything, the cases of women blowing things out of proportion are all the more infuriating, because it gives the built in excuse of "See, it's all a big overreaction!"
Yeah dude, women are totally more (everything bad ever) than men.[/QUOTE]Women, amirite? HAHA, I'm not an asshole this is a META ASSHOLE JOKE
Seriously, though, sexism (and other favoritisms based on things other than actual ability) exists in many forms, and if anything, the cases of women blowing things out of proportion are all the more infuriating, because it gives the built in excuse of "See, it's all a big overreaction!"
Yeah dude, women are totally more (everything bad ever) than men.[/QUOTE]Women, amirite? HAHA, I'm not an asshole this is a META ASSHOLE JOKE
Seriously, though, sexism (and other favoritisms based on things other than actual ability) exists in many forms, and if anything, the cases of women blowing things out of proportion are all the more infuriating, because it gives the built in excuse of "See, it's all a big overreaction!"
Not speaking in a general sense, here, but even on that site there are specific instances of situations that (admittedly out of context) don't appear sexist. Which, then, people can use to generalize in a "See, it's all an overreaction" sense. It's just infuriating because it undermines the actual discussion with a misguided sense of "it's not that big a deal".Do women really blow things out of proportion or is it just men minimizing the problems that women have?
Do women really blow things out of proportion or is it just men minimizing the problems that women have?
Yeah dude, women are totally more (everything bad ever) than men.[/QUOTE]Women, amirite? HAHA, I'm not an asshole this is a META ASSHOLE JOKE
Seriously, though, sexism (and other favoritisms based on things other than actual ability) exists in many forms, and if anything, the cases of women blowing things out of proportion are all the more infuriating, because it gives the built in excuse of "See, it's all a big overreaction!"
Yeah dude, women are totally more (everything bad ever) than men.[/QUOTE]Women, amirite? HAHA, I'm not an asshole this is a META ASSHOLE JOKE
Seriously, though, sexism (and other favoritisms based on things other than actual ability) exists in many forms, and if anything, the cases of women blowing things out of proportion are all the more infuriating, because it gives the built in excuse of "See, it's all a big overreaction!"
So how does your opinion address intersex/trans/queer individuals?This is just an opinion of mine, and it could be totally misguided, but I feel that in general, men and women are programmed (either biologically or spiritually, depending on how you swing, I guess) with some odd kind of social disconnect, in such a way that members of one gender have a complete inability to process what is said by members of the other gender. Not necessarily wrong, just different in an unexplainable way. I find that I often have no idea how to understand women, in general.
Now, that doesn't in any way excuse sexist behavior or the centuries-long treatment of women as a subordinate species, of course. That was and is wrong.
EDIT: I may be unqualified to speak on behalf of any female, and completely ignorant. I'm still determined to learn and become a better person anyway, damn it.
If only there was some message board women could go to and complain about men's behavior..."what's that? a place where women commiserate on the net? BITCHES! Lets post videos AND CONTROL THE THREAD!"
If only there was some message board women could go to and complain about men's behavior..."what's that? a place where women commiserate on the net? BITCHES! Lets post videos AND CONTROL THE THREAD!"
Yeah dude, women are totally more (everything bad ever) than men.[/QUOTE]Women, amirite? HAHA, I'm not an asshole this is a META ASSHOLE JOKE
Seriously, though, sexism (and other favoritisms based on things other than actual ability) exists in many forms, and if anything, the cases of women blowing things out of proportion are all the more infuriating, because it gives the built in excuse of "See, it's all a big overreaction!"
If only there was some message board women could go to and complain about men's behavior..."what's that? a place where women commiserate on the net? BITCHES! Lets post videos AND CONTROL THE THREAD!"
If only there was some message board women could go to and complain about men's behavior..."what's that? a place where women commiserate on the net? BITCHES! Lets post videos AND CONTROL THE THREAD!"
So how does your opinion address intersex/trans/queer individuals?[/QUOTE]This is just an opinion of mine, and it could be totally misguided, but I feel that in general, men and women are programmed (either biologically or spiritually, depending on how you swing, I guess) with some odd kind of social disconnect, in such a way that members of one gender have a complete inability to process what is said by members of the other gender. Not necessarily wrong, just different in an unexplainable way. I find that I often have no idea how to understand women, in general.
Now, that doesn't in any way excuse sexist behavior or the centuries-long treatment of women as a subordinate species, of course. That was and is wrong.
EDIT: I may be unqualified to speak on behalf of any female, and completely ignorant. I'm still determined to learn and become a better person anyway, damn it.
clarify?See, I read that as "Women blowing things out of proportion makes sexism more infuriating because it allows people a way to weasel out of the discussion" rather than "women blowing things out of proportion is more infuriating than men blowing them out of proportion."
Chaz, reel it in.
I took a short term unpaid work experience job as an editing assistant in a small film company.
Now, my job was to edit. It didn’t surprise me I was also asked to make the coffee and lay out snacks for visiting clients. Fair enough – I was the bottom of the pile, after all.
But the only other woman working for the company was the project manager. When I wasn’t making the coffee, she was. And get this – she cleaned the offices every morning.
I asked her why on earth she’d do that if it’s not in her job description. She gave me to answers: because the boss refused to hire a cleaning staff, and the other employees refused to clean. If she didn’t do it, the place would be a “pigsty”.
I told her, let it become a pigsty and see how well they like it, maybe that’ll make them hire a cleaner. But she just shook her head and picked up the broom.
#HFSF, of course.
I don't hate it, but I think the "bitching" stories discredit the actual instances of sexism.You really hate this place, don't you?
The reason I gave myself, and what I meant by not being qualified, was that the sexism I see the females around me suffering is kinda different of what I've been seeing in this thread, and that I don't have a clear enough opinion on this matters nor am I sufficiently sure of it.Were you just socially pressured into stfu?
I'm not "qualified" either, other than by dint of me having an opinion, and voicing it, waiting to see whose opposing viewpoint makes more sense about this kind of shit than mine. If a different perspective/belief helps me understand men/others in general more, then I'll happily listen. But god damn it's maddening to see threads like this devolve into <video joke> instead actually speaking your mind. If I'm guilty about whinging that threads i like are tragically derailed by lulzerz, that's fine, but I think it's a cop out answer.
I don't hate it, but I think the "bitching" stories discredit the actual instances of sexism.[/QUOTE]You really hate this place, don't you?
QFTIt is much easier to say someone is blowing things out of proportion and say there is no problem than it is to face the problem and do what you can to fix it.
I think it's more of a place to complain. It's also a place to bring more personalized stories about sexism that happens every day, to lots of people, in lots of places.If nothing else, can we all agree that maybe this blog is kinda... sensationalist?
heh. I don't think it is pure BS personally consider that women are different in terms of their logic and things. If human do think somewhat similar, then men and women wouldn't have so much problem with each other (what I have observe) the successful couple (long term commitment and marriage) usually understand each other or at least know what the other is talking about or at least crack the "code" of course not all code are the same. What I finally learn about my wife may not apply to other women's thinking.Yeah, what Chibi said is just more of the bullshit "oh women are just so different, these problems are just because they're so fundamentally different"
That was a pretty good troll, but a better one would have been, "somewhere, because of this thread, a stack of clothes is going unfolded."Looks like it's someones special time of the month...
That was a pretty good troll, but a better one would have been, "somewhere, because of this thread, a stack of clothes is going unfolded."[/QUOTE]Looks like it's someones special time of the month...
heh. I don't think it is pure BS personally consider that women are different in terms of their logic and things. If human do think somewhat similar, then men and women wouldn't have so much problem with each other (what I have observe) the successful couple (long term commitment and marriage) usually understand each other or at least know what the other is talking about or at least crack the "code" of course not all code are the same. What I finally learn about my wife may not apply to other women's thinking.[/QUOTE]Yeah, what Chibi said is just more of the bullshit "oh women are just so different, these problems are just because they're so fundamentally different"
*applause*There are basic differences between men and women, but there are also differences between the sexes.
See ... that's the kind of shit I can't stand. Does this guy have such an ego that he thinks that he is manliness prime? Three billion women in the world would date him if only he asked, and they had been wise enough to forgo other relationships.I was waiting at the bus terminal and writing in my notebook. There were a few people nearby, one being a young woman, probably 22. I heard some guy come up to her. "You know, I don't normally do this, but..." Proceeding to ask her if she'd want to go to dinner or something. She said she wasn't interested and thanked him.
Should've ended there.
Onward we go! "Well, why not?" She said she wasn't interested again. "You have a man?" She said no. "Well, so if you don't have a man, you're available." -_- She started some stuff that sounded like BS, about how there was a guy she liked but hadn't talked to him yet, and the guy near her kept pushing--basically, if she wasn't with a guy, there was no reason not to go with him.
*applause*[/QUOTE]There are basic differences between men and women, but there are also differences between the sexes.
*applause*[/QUOTE]There are basic differences between men and women, but there are also differences between the sexes.
I fully support this idea.Figured I break down the thread into a sentence, then we can get back to derailing it.
I fully support this idea.Figured I break down the thread into a sentence, then we can get back to derailing it.
*applause*[/QUOTE]There are basic differences between men and women, but there are also differences between the sexes.
heh. I don't think it is pure BS personally consider that women are different in terms of their logic and things. If human do think somewhat similar, then men and women wouldn't have so much problem with each other (what I have observe) the successful couple (long term commitment and marriage) usually understand each other or at least know what the other is talking about or at least crack the "code" of course not all code are the same. What I finally learn about my wife may not apply to other women's thinking.[/QUOTE]Yeah, what Chibi said is just more of the bullshit "oh women are just so different, these problems are just because they're so fundamentally different"
They have started doing studies to see how the brain of a person diagnosed with gender dysphoria differs from the men and women without. While (as far as I am aware of) these studies are still very much in its early stages the preliminary conclusion has been that in the brains examined that they really are 'wired' differently and the size of certain lobes come closer to the dimensions of the 'other' gender rather than the born sex.Here comes the science:
10 Big Differences Between Men’s and Women’s Brains | Masters of Healthcare
To sum up
* Men tend to focus on one hemisphere of the brain while processing information, while women tend to use both. This makes dyslexia more common in men, for instance.
* inferior-parietal lobule (IPL) is typically significantly larger in men
* Two sections of the brain responsible for language were found to be larger in women
* Women typically have a larger deep limbic system than men
* in men, the right amygdala is activated and in women, the left amygdala is activated. The amygdala is the area of the brain activated during pain, and it is theorized that this is why men tend to have higher pain thresholds
* women have a thicker parietal region of the brain, which hinders the ability to mentally rotate objects, which partially explains why men tend to have stronger spatial abilities
Men and women's brains ARE physiologically different, and as a consequence, each sees the world slightly differently. That doesn't make one gender 'better' than the other (though each gender has areas that it tends to excel at), and certainly is no excuse for sexism. But isn't it better to recognize these trends and differences than to pretend that they don't exist?
heh. I don't think it is pure BS personally consider that women are different in terms of their logic and things. If human do think somewhat similar, then men and women wouldn't have so much problem with each other (what I have observe) the successful couple (long term commitment and marriage) usually understand each other or at least know what the other is talking about or at least crack the "code" of course not all code are the same. What I finally learn about my wife may not apply to other women's thinking.[/QUOTE]Tinwhistler;421884][QUOTE=Wasabi Poptart;421767][QUOTE=Chibibar;421693][QUOTE=The Lovely Boner said:Yeah, what Chibi said is just more of the bullshit "oh women are just so different, these problems are just because they're so fundamentally different"
I've read some stuff around that, too. Definitely fascinating stuff. It goes a long way to explaining the "I've always felt like a man/women trapped in the wrong body" kind of thing that is often heard when people with gender identity issues give interviews. I don't think there's a good official clinical term for the range of gender identity issues people can have, as both "gender dysphoria" and "gender identity disorder" tend to imply that there's something 'wrong' that can be 'fixed', rather than something 'different' that can be examined and understood.[/QUOTE]They have started doing studies to see how the brain of a person diagnosed with gender dysphoria differs from the men and women without. While (as far as I am aware of) these studies are still very much in its early stages the preliminary conclusion has been that in the brains examined that they really are 'wired' differently and the size of certain lobes come closer to the dimensions of the 'other' gender rather than the born sex.
Regardless of the outcome of this study I know who I am but it's still fascinating stuff.
No dispute from me. The brain is incredibly malleable.I understand there are differences in male and female brains, but I also tend to believe these differences can be affected by environment and experience. The way I look at things is going to be different than the way someone else, male or female, is going to perceive them because I am an individual with my own ideas, experiences, and objectives. Sure, my brain structure will play a part, but IMO it is not the only determining factor.
I believe it is both, but there are some basic aspect of male and female that are same across each gender that can't be change (at least not without medication, surgery, and therapy, but even then, somethings can't be change.... yet)I agree that it is a combination of both. Things aren't that cut and dried to be completely one or the other.
No dispute from me. The brain is incredibly malleable.I understand there are differences in male and female brains, but I also tend to believe these differences can be affected by environment and experience. The way I look at things is going to be different than the way someone else, male or female, is going to perceive them because I am an individual with my own ideas, experiences, and objectives. Sure, my brain structure will play a part, but IMO it is not the only determining factor.
No dispute from me. The brain is incredibly malleable.I understand there are differences in male and female brains, but I also tend to believe these differences can be affected by environment and experience. The way I look at things is going to be different than the way someone else, male or female, is going to perceive them because I am an individual with my own ideas, experiences, and objectives. Sure, my brain structure will play a part, but IMO it is not the only determining factor.
I understand there are differences in male and female brains, but I also tend to believe these differences can be affected by environment and experience. The way I look at things is going to be different than the way someone else, male or female, is going to perceive them because I am an individual with my own ideas, experiences, and objectives. Sure, my brain structure will play a part, but IMO it is not the only determining factor.
No dispute from me. The brain is incredibly malleable.I understand there are differences in male and female brains, but I also tend to believe these differences can be affected by environment and experience. The way I look at things is going to be different than the way someone else, male or female, is going to perceive them because I am an individual with my own ideas, experiences, and objectives. Sure, my brain structure will play a part, but IMO it is not the only determining factor.
Impregnate a woman? Grow a fierce mustache?I don't see how the physical ability to carry a child translates into the inequality women suffer in the work arena.
You can carry a child so you cant be a ceo? what are we talking about exactly here, what are these things women cant do?
I'm not talking about equality here. I'm a little bit talking about how there are differences between the sexes, but I'm mostly just making a joke at this point.
See the edit:
I'm not talking about equality here. I'm a little bit talking about how there are differences between the sexes, but I'm mostly just making a joke at this point.
Strangely enough, the reverse is not always true.Chicks make horrible male strippers.
Women are making progress. Slowly, yes, but still making progress. There are more than a dozen high powered women ceos out there now in the fortune 500. Sure, it's only a handful, but it's more than none, and the numbers grow year after year. This last election, we narrowly had a woman President or Vice President. That would have been unheard of in the past. Change happens, but it happens slowly. It takes time for entrenched ideas to die out (usually along with the aging population that refuses to give them up). We can look to the future and hope that a woman will have the exact same opportunities for any field she wishes to go into that a man does. The reverse for men will hopefully also be true for those fields that tend to be women-dominated (though, I believe there are less of those than male-dominated fields).I don't see how the physical ability to carry a child translates into the inequality women suffer in the work arena.
You can carry a child so you cant be a ceo? what are we talking about exactly here, what are these things women cant do?
I'm pretty sure that's not what's being said.thats my point. the fact that the change can happen at all kind of kicks the women and men are what they are born and nothing else theory right in its vagiballs.
I'm pretty sure that's not what's being said.thats my point. the fact that the change can happen at all kind of kicks the women and men are what they are born and nothing else theory right in its vagiballs.
I'm pretty sure that's not what's being said.thats my point. the fact that the change can happen at all kind of kicks the women and men are what they are born and nothing else theory right in its vagiballs.
The nature vs. nurture is way bigger than me, so I won't even go there.Yes men and women are different, we learn that the first time we play doctor under the playground slide, my point is- so what? Once society gave the OK for men to stay home and be caregivers they do fine. If that role is specifically designated to women for whatever reason why can men do it? Why are women able to do male jobs? Maybe they don't do them the same way but the result is the same.
I think it is both nature and nurture that makes a person but mostly nurture.
I'm pretty sure that's not what's being said.thats my point. the fact that the change can happen at all kind of kicks the women and men are what they are born and nothing else theory right in its vagiballs.
and called it Yankee doodle dandy?Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.
The safe haven for men to talk about their problems is called EVERYWHERE IN THE FUCKING WORLD, LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE PLACEif only there was a website where women could go and talk about how hard those differences can be some times.....
And if only there was such a place for guys!
(( well, not really the exact same, but))
The safe haven for men to talk about their problems is called EVERYWHERE IN THE FUCKING WORLD, LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE PLACE[/QUOTE]if only there was a website where women could go and talk about how hard those differences can be some times.....
And if only there was such a place for guys!
(( well, not really the exact same, but))
I'm a member of a Yahoo online community board for partners of Borderlines. One of the men recently posted his 101 Things I'm Tired Of list. I was so impressed with how clearly he expressed the pain, the sorrow, the anger, the sense of utter futility that he feels in his relationship with his wife. He generously agreed to allow me to share his pain with you.
1. I'm tired of being accused of being passive aggressive because I simply forgot to lower the toilet seat.
2. I'm tired of having things I say twisted around so that you perceive they hurt you more.
3. I'm tired of you always playing the victim and the one that was wronged.
4. I'm tired of the infrequent apologies from you.
5. I'm tired of the fighting.
6. I'm tired of the infrequent sex.
7. I'm tired of being criticized with "you never's" and "you don't do ____ anymore/enough."
8. I'm tired of the snide, confrontational attitude when we fight.
9. I'm tired of being interrupted when I'm trying to tell my side.
10. I'm tired of your ultra-sensitivity about everything.
11. I'm tired of being told I don't do enough around the house.
12. I'm tired of you being sick at least one week out of every month.
13. I'm tired of having a wife that I can't flirt with and make sexual innuendos with -- without her getting mad.
14. I'm tired of remembering all the fights and hurts and things that have been said.
15. I'm tired of always trying to be the peacemaker and the first to apologize.
16. I'm tired of feeling like a meal ticket.
17. I'm tired of being asked the same questions, over and over -- yet you flip out when I repeat myself.
18. I'm tired of the double standards.
19. I'm tired of the hypocrisy.
20. I'm tired of walking on eggshells, always trying not to irritate you.
21. I'm tired of the 50/50 chance that if we drink, we'll end up in a fight.
22. I'm tired of feeling like you're only attracted to me when you're drinking.
23. I'm tired of rubbing your back, feet or giving messages that aren't reciprocated.
24. I'm tired of giving oral sex that isn't reciprocated.
25. I'm tired of having a wife that won't participate in a fundamental part (sex) of a relationship.
26. I'm tired of how complicated sex has become.
27. I'm tired of hoping things will go back to what they were in the beginning.
28. I'm tired of thinking about all of it.
29. I'm tired of the empty promises of change.
30. I'm tired of the small changes that never last.
31. I'm tired of always being accused of things.
32. I'm tired of your irrational behavior.
33. I'm tired of your accusations.
34. I'm tired of your rage.
35. I'm tired of your drinking.
36. I'm tired of being treated like a child.
37. I'm tired of being bossed around.
38. I'm tired of being alone in a marriage.
39. I'm tired of not laughing.
40. I'm tired of the constant criticism.
41. I'm tired of being nagged about every little thing.
42. I'm tired of being bullied.
43. I'm tired of not being appreciated.
44. I'm tired of being sad.
45. I'm tired of the tension in our house.
46. I'm tired of fighting about sex.
47. I'm tired of the awkwardness.
48. I'm tired of not being desired.
49. I'm tired of not being listened to.
50. I'm tired of being accused of being a know-it-all.
51. I'm tired of you being more affectionate to the cat than to me.
52. I'm tired of never being given the benefit of the doubt.
53. I'm tired of being accused of saying things I didn't say.
54. I'm tired of doing things to be sweet that go unnoticed -- tacos, Gatorade, etc.
55. I'm tired of you being verbally abusive, then accusing me of abuse.
56. I'm tired of seeming to be the only one that notices or cares about the relationship.
57. I'm tired of being picked on over little things.
58. I'm tired of being belittled.
59. I'm tired of not feeling like a man.
60. I'm tired of being insulted.
61. I'm tired of being put down.
62. I'm tired of the instability in our relationship.
63. I'm tired of remembering who we used to be.
64. I'm tired of missing the romantic moments we used to share.
65. I'm tired of making an effort that gets criticized.
66. I'm tired of feeling like I got the bait and switch.
67. I'm tired of my ideas and wants being criticized while I support yours.
68. I'm tired of feeling like I have no say in things.
69. I'm tired of not being able to buy things I want, when I tell you all the time, "go ahead, if you want it."
70. I'm tired of waiting for things to change.
71. I'm tired of being bored.
72. I'm tired of the rut we're in.
73. I'm tired of being blamed for everything.
74. I'm tired of being in limbo about our future.
75. I'm tired of being indecisive.
76. I'm tired of the huge communication problems we have.
77. I'm tired of our conflicting personalities.
78. I'm tired of feeling like immature teenagers in this relationship.
79. I'm tired of your immaturity.
80. I'm tired of your inadequate conflict resolution skills.
81. I'm tired of your inability to be sympathetic to my views, feelings, etc.
82. I'm tired of your selfishness.
83. I'm tired of your negativity.
84. I'm tired of your unhappiness.
85. I'm tired of your insecurities.
86. I'm tired of you complaining every year about wanting a new job -- but never doing anything about it.
87. I'm tired of you not wanting to do anything together.
88. I'm tired of you getting to be the sensitive one -- I'm not supposed to have feelings.
89. I'm tired of you reading too much into things and coming to negative conclusions.
90. I'm tired of having a difficult relationship with you.
91. I'm tired of the distance.
92. I'm tired of not being in a loving relationship.
93. I'm tired of not being a team.
94. I'm tired of being questioned about every little thing.
95. I'm tired of being spineless.
96. I'm tired of not being respected.
97. I'm tired of being told how to do everything.
98. I'm tired of not having the spark we had in the beginning.
99. I'm tired of thinking of the loss of spark and how to get it back.
100. I'm tired of the fighting that has ruined every trip we've been on since Las Vegas.
101. I'm tired of remembering our disastrous wedding night and disastrous honeymoon.
I feel so sad when I read this list. It so adds it all up, doesn't it?
The list shows clearly how hard we try to make relationships with a wounded Borderline work; how we give ourselves away an inch at a time (ending up ashamed of ourselves); the unfairness of the Borderline's misperceptions and later criticisms, belittling statements and off-the-wall rages (for such seemingly small things).
It's interesting to me to see how the list progresses -- from the beginning statements of the Borderline's hurtful behavior; into an awareness of what's happening to the partner (the bullying, lack of intimacy, lack of sexual love, lack of respect); sliding into humiliation (not feeling like a man, feeling belittled, insulted and put down); finishing up with feelling downright tricked.
Since I coach partners of Borderlines now, I especially noted #'s 100 and 101. They show how soon the Borderline behaviors showed up in this man's relationship with his wife -- their honeymoon night.
This isn't unusual. Remember that Borderline hurtful behavior is triggered by intimacy -- our intimacy with them. It scares the heck out of them. They're afraid to let anyone too close (old fears from what happened to them in their past) and they're scared they'll be abandoned (again, old fears from what happened to them in their past).
One woman told me the Borderline behavior showed up the afternoon of her wedding reception -- her new husband was furiously jealous of her even laughing with one of the groomsmen. And it was downhill from there.
How do you feel when you read this list of behaviors? Have you experienced behavior like this from your partner? Click the Comments link below to share your story with us. Your story might help another man.
I'm pretty sure that's not what's being said.thats my point. the fact that the change can happen at all kind of kicks the women and men are what they are born and nothing else theory right in its vagiballs.
True that homes.How to avoid that list, Borderline or otherwise: Don't marry the wrong person.
And what is your expertise in feminism?Chaz posts something that he doesn't know a fucking thing about, news at 11
And what is your expertise in feminism?[/QUOTE]Chaz posts something that he doesn't know a fucking thing about, news at 11
And what is your expertise in feminism?[/QUOTE]Chaz posts something that he doesn't know a fucking thing about, news at 11
And what is your expertise in feminism?[/QUOTE]Chaz posts something that he doesn't know a fucking thing about, news at 11
And what is your expertise in feminism?[/QUOTE]Chaz posts something that he doesn't know a fucking thing about, news at 11
And what is your expertise in feminism?[/QUOTE]Chaz posts something that he doesn't know a fucking thing about, news at 11
Whoa, leave SF out of it. It's awesome here, and whatever stereotype about us you have is baseless.Just because I don't hold the same pussy-ass uber-San Fransisco view of the world like you do doesn't make me a bad person.
Whoa, leave SF out of it. It's awesome here, and whatever stereotype about us you have is baseless.[/QUOTE]Just because I don't hold the same pussy-ass uber-San Fransisco view of the world like you do doesn't make me a bad person.
To show that men can be whiny babies too. The dude clearly needs to grow a pair and talk to his wife instead of weaseling cop out lists of why he feels bad.Unless it involves sealions.
There, I can confirm that the rumours are accurate.
Whoa, leave SF out of it. It's awesome here, and whatever stereotype about us you have is baseless.[/QUOTE]Just because I don't hold the same pussy-ass uber-San Fransisco view of the world like you do doesn't make me a bad person.
Whoa, leave SF out of it. It's awesome here, and whatever stereotype about us you have is baseless.[/QUOTE]Just because I don't hold the same pussy-ass uber-San Fransisco view of the world like you do doesn't make me a bad person.
Well then I suggest it's time you sit down and talk to your wife about the issues you're having, or get a divorce matey. Seriously, if my wife berated everything I do, I'd speak up about it.You might be surprised at how much of that list applies to me and I've been married 17 years.
Whoa, leave SF out of it. It's awesome here, and whatever stereotype about us you have is baseless.[/QUOTE]Just because I don't hold the same pussy-ass uber-San Fransisco view of the world like you do doesn't make me a bad person.
Whoa, leave SF out of it. It's awesome here, and whatever stereotype about us you have is baseless.[/QUOTE]Just because I don't hold the same pussy-ass uber-San Fransisco view of the world like you do doesn't make me a bad person.