New PETure Thread (aka: Pet Pic Thead)

Our little orange cat, Oliver Weasley, spent part of the night outside last night. He went exploring outside the yard, we called and shook the treat container to no avail.

My wife let him back in around 3am when she woke and heard him sounding pitiful between the pet door and the back door. He’s stayed inside ever since, except for a less than two minute step outside onto the top step outside the back door. He might have learned a short term lesson.
Believe me, I would have brought her home months ago if it were solely my decision and if my neighborhood was safer for her. The best I can do for her right now is to keep her fed until somebody else can offer her a home.
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I will admit that I still can't really tell them apart. But the left one in the video is Tuff right? :oops:
Heh, it's okay, I still sometimes can't tell them apart. Especially from behind or if they're balled up. MOST especially when they're wrestling. Then it just looks like a big glob of black fur and claws.

But yes, the one on the left is Tuff.

Here's a pretty good profile pic of each of them.

Ruff has wider eyes, and he's noticeable leaner (because he's a bit more active than his brother). The big distinguishing difference is Ruff has a bit of white fur on his chest, and near his private area. I like to think the "Ruff" cane from him kind of looking like he's wearing ruffles.

Honestly, the white fur is how I've often differentiated them, but I'm starting to see who is who without it.

Tuff has an appropriately tougher demeanor. His eyes are kind of naturally droopy or squinted. Heh, I like to think he looks like a cynical detective. He's a LITTLE chonky and lazier than his brother, but not at in unhealthy level (I hope, I need to bring them in for a check up sometime).
Tuff is on the cusp of being a lap cat. When I sit in my reading chair, he'll come over, hang out on the chair arms for pets. He VERY briefly laid down in my lap, but it didn't last long. I don't think he quite understood what he had to do.
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Meanwhile, Ruff is...doing whatever the hell Ruff is doing.
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Looks like he’s inspecting for how much load the wall can take when he goes to suplex you.