Real name is Christa. I live in Logan, Utah. Which is in the middle of nowhere in the US, but I have met
@Docseverin and
@BananaHands !
Adam passed through on his 'Halforumite Tour' and we went to dinner. I felt bad making him come all the way out here to meet up with me! But I was really happy he did. He's a really nice guy and easy to get a long with. I enjoyed our conversation and I didn't feel as awkward as I thought I would - awkward because of me and me being normally awkward not because of the situation. The most hilarious thing was that the server thought we were married, so he asked like, you know, couple-y type questions and we were just all ''. But, he was really awesome and he gave me a hug!
Docseverin came to do an air show at the base an hour south of me, so he generously got me some free passes to the show. I went and picked them up the day before..or maybe it was two, I don't remember. Regardless, I went and picked them up from him and he's a very sweet guy! We only talked/chatted for about 15 minutes in his hotel room. I did coerce him into showing me all of his tattoos, he has an AMAZING back piece that he let me see. I did miss the air show

I was stuck in traffic, just to get in, for over an hour. I was really sad about that. But, I'm glad I got to see him and talk to him for a little bit. I imagine the world would've imploded from our coolness level if we had spent anymore more time together. He's just that cool.
Bananahands came through on his moving trek across the country. It was kind of hard for us to meet up - I'm at the like...the very very top of Utah, I'm 15 minutes away from the Idaho border. Anyway, he was going through down in Richfield, which is quite a ways from me. But it was close to where my cos-sister lives, so I went and stayed the night with her, and met Bananahands the next day. He wanted to go hiking, so he picked a hike that was ABSOLUTELY in the middle nowhere! But it's okay, he didn't try to murder me. So, we went on our hike and it was a lot of fun! I had a great time talking with him about a lot of topics, climbing on the boulders and just enjoying the hiking trail. After the hike we went for lunch and then he went on his way. (We took a couple of pictures, but they're in his possession so I have no control weather they get posted or not.)