[Gaming] Overwatch (#boycottblizz)

There was an asshole Genji bitching about heals, so I eventually made it a point to just spam hello at him whenever he stood in front of me with low health. I had him blocked, but I bet he was raging.
It's a little gratifying how much Jojo's Bizarre Adventure has caught on in the (comparatively speaking) western mainstream this year. It's starting to get all cross-memey.
I have to admit... I don't think I'd have ever watched it without it being aired on TV. I mean... it's still shonen as hell, but it takes it self SO SERIOUSLY in a way most series don't. It just wouldn't work if it didn't take itself seriously.


Staff member
I have to admit... I don't think I'd have ever watched it without it being aired on TV. I mean... it's still shonen as hell, but it takes it self SO SERIOUSLY in a way most series don't. It just wouldn't work if it didn't take itself seriously.
It's on TV now? Who is carrying it?


Staff member
Is λ'' Japanese for "OONTZ"?

ドis Katakana for "do," but the Jojo series uses it like we'd used "DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN"

The other one you see a lot of is ゴゴゴゴゴ.... which is katakana for "gogogogogo" but they use it as onomatopoeia for a distant, foreboding, menacing noise.
You find Overwatch porn in the most unexpected of places.
Just want to expand on this a little. I mean that so much of it is like those Comcast commercials, where it's like "Ok, so it's just <category> but it's <category> with Overwatch characters." So e.g. you find pictures featuring teenage Genji/Hanzo tied up together, and all this says to me is that some vaporizer-chomping fella was all, "Well, we have a solid position in the yaoi shibari incest market, but how can we boost that another ten percent? I know! Overwatch!"

Well, the SFM community was slavering over them, so I had to make it possible. Others have been getting the newest skins now that the game is out, so I have been out of the loop on that for a bit now, but I still got my original rips on my google. My favorite converts of one of my rips was the DVA and Widowmaker rebuilt by Ellowas, he was the first person I gave the ripped models back at the start of the year, and holy shit did he turn them into something else.

Or if you want more boobs and butts. (NSFW)


Staff member
I find that butt incredibly disturbing. The boob one isn't bad, but that butt...
I often commented to Snuffles in ventrilo, upon seeing Widowmaker on my main menu, how her butt made it looked like she had a severed spine.
I often commented to Snuffles in ventrilo, upon seeing Widowmaker on my main menu, how her butt made it looked like she had a severed spine.
I always assumed it was like that one episode of Aeon Flux and she had an artificial spine or something. She'd need one to not die from all zipline shit she does.
Widowmaker was kidnapped, brainwashed, and augmented to be the ultimate killer. The fact she can do windsprints with near non-existent circulation (the reason for her blue skin) means she likely has mechanical augumentations to pick up the slack and make her flexible.