Pen & Paper Role Playing Games

What this really shows is that big corporations ruin everything. :awesome: They should have just made the books be their own digital market, and the tools be a flat fee, or a subscription model. (Or made them free but lololol)
Just wave their magic wand and it's done. Lololololol
Honestly, what this really shows is that WotC/Hasbro should be doing this in house, just to avoid the issue entirely.
Everyone wants competition until they want to blame the big companies. The fact is, Wikia (who owns dndbeyond now) has enticing services to lure people in to buy their product. And those services wouldn't exist at all with just the physical books. Dei isn't owed a damned thing by dndbeyond or WotC.
Just wave their magic wand and it's done. Lololololol
We're clearly not going to agree because I think it's an abhorent business practice to charge full price for a digital book you aren't even allowed to download. And it's not really *competition* when the digital services were outsourced.
We're clearly not going to agree because I think it's an abhorent business practice to charge full price for a digital book you aren't even allowed to download. And it's not really *competition* when the digital services were outsourced.
- What the market will bear.
- huh?
Also, dndbeyond prices their content below the list price of the books. And on Cyber Monday, they are still about $10 less than the hardbacks. I definitely wouldn't pay for both. But claiming it is full book price for undownloadable content is patently false.

Also, you CAN download it and use it offline in the dndbeyond app, which is free.


Staff member
Looking for a Pen & Paper module that is a good, old-fashioned dungeon dive. No political intrigue, no over-arching storyline. Just a group, a dungeon, and bad guys.
Looking for a Pen & Paper module that is a good, old-fashioned dungeon dive. No political intrigue, no over-arching storyline. Just a group, a dungeon, and bad guys.
I assume you already know about the existence of and are just trying to find a specific module. But if you don't, there you go.


Staff member
I can't get this to embed:


Staff member
Looks like the imgur backend is being shitty again. Workaround for the meantime is to change "gallery" to "a" in the URL

Code: becomes


Staff member
Hrm, it actually looks like there's some sort of link previewing feature in the new version of Xenforo that is overriding the media embed plugin. I noticed it when I posted a link to a CNN article. I haven't figured out how to configure it not to do that for imgur, yet.

Are they doing Spelljammer!!!!????

Nope, it's the Magic the Gathering plane Theros, which is greek mythology based.

A Rogue/Bard? Not a warlock?
My plan is to make him a Swashbuckler/College of Swords Pirate. Panache from Swashbuckler combined with the flourishes from College of Swords so he can push and run around opponents one-on-one more easily.
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Critical Role just played a one shot that featured a hacked version of the game my friend from elementary school made!

Reddit - criticalrole - [CR Media] The Nautilus Ark: A Johnson Corp Odyssey | One-Shot Live Discussion

They didn't directly credit him on air or anything which kinda sucks but still! Sorry if this isn't the best thread for this but just wanted to brag about my bud!
Hoping for the forum's help with a short story.

I'm going to run a Ravenloft game in a few days and I want to open the campaign with a creepy fairy tale.

The idea I have for it is a standard 3 fools and a clever man scenario.

A stranger offers each of the men a wish, but the clever man knows this is a witch who will devour any man she grants a wish for.
The 3 fools wish away and the clever man either refrains to wish or makes a clever wish that would absolve him of being eaten.
In the end the clever man wakes up the next morning to find he is being carted away in an animal cage by the witch, his family near him either also caged or already prepared for cooking.
He asks why she would take him when there were three fools basically throwing themselves at her oven. In response she says "The foolish are plentiful and lack pleasant taste. But a clever man is a savory banquet."

It's essentially where I want things to go. Just a quick tale to set the dark mood of Ravenloft. I'll probably call it a Barovian Fairy Tale.
I'm just trying to think of some elements to add that will make the twist even more hopeless. Maybe something that the clever man does that really makes you think he has the witch beat, only to find out later that it only sealed his doom.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions you guys post.
Hoping for the forum's help with a short story.

I'm going to run a Ravenloft game in a few days and I want to open the campaign with a creepy fairy tale.

The idea I have for it is a standard 3 fools and a clever man scenario.

A stranger offers each of the men a wish, but the clever man knows this is a witch who will devour any man she grants a wish for.
The 3 fools wish away and the clever man either refrains to wish or makes a clever wish that would absolve him of being eaten.
In the end the clever man wakes up the next morning to find he is being carted away in an animal cage by the witch, his family near him either also caged or already prepared for cooking.
He asks why she would take him when there were three fools basically throwing themselves at her oven. In response she says "The foolish are plentiful and lack pleasant taste. But a clever man is a savory banquet."

It's essentially where I want things to go. Just a quick tale to set the dark mood of Ravenloft. I'll probably call it a Barovian Fairy Tale.
I'm just trying to think of some elements to add that will make the twist even more hopeless. Maybe something that the clever man does that really makes you think he has the witch beat, only to find out later that it only sealed his doom.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions you guys post.
A possible twist could be that they wished "to be spared the same fate as the last three", not knowing that the witch was going to let the fools go and only eat them. Or perhaps the wish was something like "I wish I was back with my family" and that's what drags the family into this too, with the moral being something like "a man should face his fate alone, bravely, even if he's sure to die".