North_Ranger Staff member Apr 7, 2011 #211 As something to throw at Timo Soini? Cow tongue. What's your Zombie Plan?
TommiR Apr 7, 2011 #212 To first see how things are developing, and then join the winning side. Rebel Alliance or Galactic Empire?
To first see how things are developing, and then join the winning side. Rebel Alliance or Galactic Empire?
Chad Sexington Apr 7, 2011 #216 Lincoln Why can't I ever ever sleep?! (Alternately: Reussirai-je mon exam?) Why is this bold suddenly. Why am I so incompetent. Wait, don't answer those. I'm only 80% confident in my French in that question.
Lincoln Why can't I ever ever sleep?! (Alternately: Reussirai-je mon exam?) Why is this bold suddenly. Why am I so incompetent. Wait, don't answer those. I'm only 80% confident in my French in that question.
North_Ranger Staff member Apr 7, 2011 #218 The balcony is on fire, summon the mimes. Did you just imagine mimes running outside a burning balcony?
The balcony is on fire, summon the mimes. Did you just imagine mimes running outside a burning balcony?
Cheesy1 Apr 7, 2011 #220 Wait for the dvd. I usually hate the movie theater experience. Other people ruin it. Does anybody really know what time it is?
Wait for the dvd. I usually hate the movie theater experience. Other people ruin it. Does anybody really know what time it is?
strawman Apr 7, 2011 #221 Yes: Carpet or wood floor?
North_Ranger Staff member Apr 7, 2011 #228 No idea. If you lived in the Hyborian Age (AKA Conan the Barbarian 'verse), what would you be?
Hylian Apr 7, 2011 #232 If it is just me frozen meal. If I am with someone homemade dinner/going out. FireFox Could the Borg assimilate a Changeling?
If it is just me frozen meal. If I am with someone homemade dinner/going out. FireFox Could the Borg assimilate a Changeling?
North_Ranger Staff member Apr 7, 2011 #233 Internet Explorer. Put those pitchforks down or I'll download pictures of yours truly in swimming trunks! Are you an elitist?
Internet Explorer. Put those pitchforks down or I'll download pictures of yours truly in swimming trunks! Are you an elitist?
sixpackshaker Apr 7, 2011 #234 Firefox. the real question Internet Explorer, Firefox, or some broke-ass shit?
sixpackshaker Apr 7, 2011 #236 No, I'm just better than everybody. Would you vote for the alcoholic or the vegetarian? Spoiler Alcoholic=Churchill the Vege=Hitler
No, I'm just better than everybody. Would you vote for the alcoholic or the vegetarian? Spoiler Alcoholic=Churchill the Vege=Hitler
North_Ranger Staff member Apr 7, 2011 #238 Dude, I already told you, templates don't stack! Werewolf or vampire? And why?
sixpackshaker Apr 7, 2011 #240 Vampires, because they sparkle and have really deep feelings. a Fronkenshteen monster or a Mummy?
linglingface Apr 7, 2011 #242 Psychological thriller. Mike asks... If 2+2=2 then what does 2+2 equal? ...
Officer_Charon Apr 8, 2011 #244 No, but they do count them. Dawn of War I FTW. Favorite caliber of artillery?