Questions Game!

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Staff member
Drive. I like having the freedom to stop whenever I want, and there's always something interesting to stop and see, whether it's some wonder of nature or a corny tourist trap.

Are you more afraid of big, menacing animals or tiny, creepy crawly animals that can get in your shoes?
The tiny creepy-crawlies. You only need one cockroach in your shoe to put you off for life.

Snakes or spiders?


Staff member
Hills FTW.

Which webcomic character you most resemble, appearance- or personality-wise, and why? Pictures will be appreciated.
I don't know about everyone else but I had an allergy attack and took some benadryl that knocked me out for most of Sunday

Cast Iron Skillet or Non stick skillet?
*hits you repeatedly with mallet* A whole lot of lumps! (ah, being raised by cartoons...)

Gordon Ramsey or Gordon Elliot?
More taste. Who wants to drink water? Fish make love in that.

Do you listen to the radio/white noise when falling asleep?


Nope, I require 100% utter silence. Even the fans must run silent. Noise drives me nuts.

Cats or Dogs?
That's racist, there's lots of minority content on the radio!

Do you enjoy intentionally misinterpreting other people's questions just for fun?

Cats rule, and dogs drool.

How do you feel about drool?
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