Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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Why the hell did I believe that new Italian-American place would serve decent portions? Okay, the steak was really good, but it was so goddamn small I left feeling peckish. I hate feeling peckish when I leave a restaurant, especially with those prices. Should've gone to my old pizza provider; I would have eaten cheaper and would have been pleasantly satisfied.
If it makes you feel any better, I took my brother out for his birthday the other night and we had prime rib that weighed probably a pound and a half, he's a meat monkey so he helped me finish mine afterwards.

We were stuffed.
My shin is fucking sore.

My fiancee's youngest son is at that stage of kung fu where he thinks hitting harder in sparring will make up for technique and get through my blocks.

So he kicked at me so hard that my shin block has left me limping today.

That also means he's at that stage of kung fu where I teach him that I can hit hard too, and I drop him with two full force punches to the face, and then choke him out while he's on the ground.

Bleh, I hate it when they go through this phase--and if they last long enough in class, they always do. It means I spend a lot of time aching. Blocking full-force attacks isn't painless.

On the plus side, he'll get tired of playing the full-force trade-off game (they usually do) and come back to technique in order to find a way to keep me from dropping him like a stone every time we spar. Then, he'll actually start learning some good kung fu again.
Can't think of anything to be for Halloween. The plans were to go to Baton Rouge and party, but I'm feeling wonderfully anti-social.

Hmm... this means that now I can Trick-or-Treat with the nephew and niece.

How is this a rant again? :)

Oh yea. Janitor swept my room, moved all 40 chairs with books under them into the middle... and didn't move them back :(


GRRRR I got an email from my school saying that my parking ticket has doubled since I didn't pay it. Well school I sure would have paid it, had i known about the damn thing. I didn't get the original ticket. I am working on appealing this. I am reasonably certain that I did not park illegally but I am damn sure that I did not get a ticket.

I am so pissed off right now.. seriously /cartman
Just tried to eat some of the britches my uncle gave me. For anyone who doesn't know, 'britches' are essentially the ovaries of a codfish.

I fried them with butter until cooked right through, cut into one tentatively, was repulsed by the sight, took a cautious bite, gagged, fought desperately not to throw up at the dinner table, won by a hair, and tossed them in the garbage.




Picture this: Two people fighting out their disintegrating relationship by dragging everyone else into it. Then I see this on facebook.

[Person A] is really sick of childish games.
:thumbsup: [Person B] likes this.


This is actually just the last and least of things aggravating me about that situation, but I had to tell someone or else explode, and Halforums, it is you.

Picture this: Two people fighting out their disintegrating relationship by dragging everyone else into it. Then I see this on facebook.

[Person A] is really sick of childish games.
:thumbsup: [Person B] likes this.


This is actually just the last and least of things aggravating me about that situation, but I had to tell someone or else explode, and Halforums, it is you.
Facebook often brings out the worst in me.

My cousin's status a day or two ago:
... we will not be getting the vaccine because there are too many unknowns about it. We're going to practice good hygiene, and we will go on with life!

Her status today:
[cousin] is hoping people will have the sense enough this weekend not to send their sick children out Trick-or-Treating, or that sick people won't hand out candy to children.

What I almost commented on her status for today:
Rob King is hoping that people won't deprive themselves or the ones they love of a proven vaccine because of anti-intellectualism and media hype.
Just tried to eat some of the britches my uncle gave me. For anyone who doesn't know, 'britches' are essentially the ovaries of a codfish.

I fried them with butter until cooked right through, cut into one tentatively, was repulsed by the sight, took a cautious bite, gagged, fought desperately not to throw up at the dinner table, won by a hair, and tossed them in the garbage.

If you havin gill problems I feel bad for you, son. I got 99 problems but a britch ain't one.
Just tried to eat some of the britches my uncle gave me. For anyone who doesn't know, 'britches' are essentially the ovaries of a codfish.

I fried them with butter until cooked right through, cut into one tentatively, was repulsed by the sight, took a cautious bite, gagged, fought desperately not to throw up at the dinner table, won by a hair, and tossed them in the garbage.

If you havin gill problems I feel bad for you, son. I got 99 problems but a britch ain't one.[/QUOTE]

holy fucking shit there aren't enough gifs in the world for this post
Just tried to eat some of the britches my uncle gave me. For anyone who doesn't know, 'britches' are essentially the ovaries of a codfish.

I fried them with butter until cooked right through, cut into one tentatively, was repulsed by the sight, took a cautious bite, gagged, fought desperately not to throw up at the dinner table, won by a hair, and tossed them in the garbage.

If you havin gill problems I feel bad for you, son. I got 99 problems but a britch ain't one.[/QUOTE]

Quit your sketch group and live off of this forever.


Staff member
And yeah NR, you want big portions, you're in the wrong country.
It's not like I want to eat something that's bigger than my head... I'm just pissed off because the waitress kinda pumped it up, making it sound really good, delicious and filling. Plus, it's rare that I put more than €20 in a meal... and the motherfucker cost €29.90. And what did I get? A slap of meat not much bigger than two MacDonald's patties put together, a dollop of mashed potatoes and sauce.

I was just expectin' more bang for my buck.
I just got an AIM from Juski that he and Droll are hanging out and I'm jealous because I don't live insanely close to any forum members.

Then he yelled at me.

Pfft, your facebook drama is nothing compared to MY facebook drama.

My bitch of a cousin decided that I was a terrible person and sent me a message stating that there's a reason we can't have kids - because we're such terrible people and that was our punishment.

Phew, it's like the whole family exploded.

It. Was. Awesome.


Pfft, your facebook drama is nothing compared to MY facebook drama.

My bitch of a cousin decided that I was a terrible person and sent me a message stating that there's a reason we can't have kids - because we're such terrible people and that was our punishment.

Phew, it's like the whole family exploded.

It. Was. Awesome.
Mostly on your side, I hope?
Pfft, your facebook drama is nothing compared to MY facebook drama.

My bitch of a cousin decided that I was a terrible person and sent me a message stating that there's a reason we can't have kids - because we're such terrible people and that was our punishment.

Phew, it's like the whole family exploded.

It. Was. Awesome.
Mostly on your side, I hope?[/QUOTE]

Drama doesn't know sides. It's like fire, it burns everyone :)

Wasabi Poptart

My kid probably won't be going trick or treating because he started running a fever. He is going to be heartbroken.
Yo, landlord! Quit lookin' for the last screw for the door n' get outta here! I'm already 10 minutes late for the movie and the damn thing ain't gunna fall off!
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