Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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There's nothing worse than trying to do an assignment and for one reason or another getting completely stuck trying to reconcile your figures with the checksum the textbook provides, only to find out that there's an error in the textbook...


I think I should get extra marks for not killing myself in frustration...
Yesterday, a hot girl was exchaing innuendo with me on facebook. Then I noticed she was drunk, and now she doesn't react anymore. Pfuh!

That post was just a clever ploy of me to get you to post again, so that I have an excuse to look at your signature again, btw.
On the upside, you don't have to know how to play the guitar to get the ladies/men. Just holding one makes you look cool :-P

I ought to get myself a guitar :-P
I just got word today, that my first cousin has died in the hospital. He narrowly escaped death just last summer when his house was set on fire.
The doctors were unsure of the reason for his demise, but they believe it was some illness that he may have contracted today, he simply stopped breathing after being in the emergency.

I feel really bad for my uncle. He's a very humble and polite guy, very easygoing fellow all around. He doesn't deserve to be dealt such a shitty hand. It's probably not going well for my grandparents either, just a few weeks ago they attended a funeral for my baby cousin who died only two days after she was born.

At times like this, I feel like life is one big, stupid, fucking joke.
So, I'm conflicted.

  • Callistarya's youngest son got a 3 day suspension from school today because he got in a fight. That's bad.
  • These kids have been bugging him since day one of this school year--because some chick he dated for like ONE FREAKING DAY has gone all psycho on him and has been egging her friends on to mess with him. So likely, this ass whipping he gave this kid will get the other kids to back off. That's good.
  • We'll have to go to court, where he may get a fine, which we'll have to pay. That's bad.
  • His kung fu worked..he defended himself until the kid wouldn't quit swinging, then he gave the kid the beat down. So his kung fu withstood a real-world test. That's good.
  • He's been itching to fight ever since he started taking kung fu. He beat this kid down far more than was warranted. That's bad.
  • Callistarya is now stressed out at work, and he's acting like it's no big deal and giving her major attitude (telling her she's being retarded about it, etc), so I had to call him and put the fear of me fucking him up into him. That's bad.
Anyway, this is in rant..more bad than good in here.
that's good
The frogurt is also cursed.[/QUOTE]

that's bad

---------- Post added at 11:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 AM ----------

that's good
The frogurt is also cursed.[/QUOTE]

that's bad[/QUOTE]

And, because I don't think anyone is going to come in here and help me finish the exchange:

1: You also get a free topping
2: That's good
1: The topping contains potassium benzoate
2: ...?
1: That's bad
And, because I don't think anyone is going to come in here and help me finish the exchange:

1: You also get a free topping
2: That's good
1: The topping contains potassium benzoate
2: ...?
1: That's bad
2: Can I go now?
you know, at first I thought you guys were just being dicks and teasing me for some inexplicable reason. I don't watch the Simpson's, so I didn't realize that I'd inadvertently done one of their shticks.
absolutely. I can't be mad at him for the fighting. He was defending himself from someone who was bent on fighting.. But even if you're in the right, actions have consequences, and he has to pay for them.
Before you guys go and finish that joke, Read this Comic from start to finish. You will NEVER here someone quote those lines from the Simpsons again... not without wanting to cry.
Oh.... oh God, oh GOD. :waah:[/QUOTE]

I STILL can't read that without wanting to cry. It really shows you how sometimes the most inane things, like quotes from the Simpsons, can mean so much to someone... and how, in the right context, they can be absolutely heartbreaking.
Just found out this evening that the ONLY bookstore in the town I live in is closing after the first of the year. A town of 35000+ people that there won't be a brick-n-mortar bookstore. I read, lots, and this is some of the crappiest news that I've gotten in a while. The manager is my friend, knew him before he went to work there, and this is a freaking stupid time of year for him to be worrying about having to find a new job after the Christmas season. It's a profitable store, makes more money than it spends, that's good, but it isn't making "enough" money so they're going to close it. Stupid, stupid, stupid corporate bean-counters that never see the outside of their tiny little dungeon offices.

---------- Post added at 11:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 PM ----------

Before it's mentioned, yes I can do mail order, but it's not the same. It's not being able to go in a look at the shelves and see what is there, maybe pick up a book by someone that you have never heard of and finding out that you like it, being able to hold the book in your hand and glace through it (no, I don't read in the store, buy it or gtfo) to see if it's what I'm in the mood for. This really ticks me off.
you know, at first I thought you guys were just being dicks and teasing me for some inexplicable reason. I don't watch the Simpson's, so I didn't realize that I'd inadvertently done one of their shticks.
I wouldn't do that, Tin. For reals.[/quote]

Well, here's the thing..I thought "What's up with Allen, Krisken, and Gusto? Why are they all jumping on the 'tease tinwhistler' bandwagon? I usually think of these guys as really cool guys!"

So, when faced with confusion, rather than jump to conclusions, start the nerd rage, and get all pissed off, I just thought "Whatever. I must be missing something. It'll all clear itself up soon enough." And it did! :)

I think there are a couple of us that can learn from that example.
you know, at first I thought you guys were just being dicks and teasing me for some inexplicable reason. I don't watch the Simpson's, so I didn't realize that I'd inadvertently done one of their shticks.
I wouldn't do that, Tin. For reals.[/quote]

Well, here's the thing..I thought "What's up with Allen, Krisken, and Gusto? Why are they all jumping on the 'tease tinwhistler' bandwagon? I usually think of these guys as really cool guys!"

So, when faced with confusion, rather than jump to conclusions, start the nerd rage, and get all pissed off, I just thought "Whatever. I must be missing something. It'll all clear itself up soon enough." And it did! :)

I think there are a couple of us that can learn from that example.[/QUOTE]

Nah. They're all ***s who decided to **** your *** this time. ******.
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