Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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That sucks Cajungal. Girls like that make the rest of womankind look bad.

I had a question though what is a tailgating space?
a) I've remarked many times, watching both shows, that a lot of stories from Friends could've been on Seinfeld... Or vice versa. Seriously, Seinfeld was Friends for intellectualists.

b) Cajun...I've been on both sides of that. Not in your position, though. Good luck. I supposes/hope/guess/am pretty sure that he's over her, so think positive...It's only her that needs some serious work done. You're clearly the better choice, and he seems to be a somewhat decent guy as far as we've heard from him, so you'll win out in the end ;-) He's yours, don't worry. Now just get her admitted....err, to back off, and you'll be fine :)
Incredibly petty but here goes. Why the fuck do you back into a parking spot? It just takes you like 5 times as long and Im waiting for your stupid ass so I can get around you. God damn it is it that fucking hard to just park normally?
Larger trucks are easier to back in than to pull in, at least to me and my dad. Also it's 74630576345 times easier to drive straight out of a spot with one.


Staff member
That sucks Cajungal. Girls like that make the rest of womankind look bad.

I had a question though what is a tailgating space?
Oh, at my old University, there's limited space for tailgating before a football game (cooking food and hanging out around where you parked). Farther off it's kind of first-come, first-serve, but right up close to the field you can pay for spots to tailgate. He and his friends pooled money together to buy a really good space, and she just shows up sometimes.

---------- Post added at 11:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 PM ----------

b) Cajun...I've been on both sides of that. Not in your position, though. Good luck. I supposes/hope/guess/am pretty sure that he's over her, so think positive...It's only her that needs some serious work done. You're clearly the better choice, and he seems to be a somewhat decent guy as far as we've heard from him, so you'll win out in the end ;-) He's yours, don't worry. Now just get her admitted....err, to back off, and you'll be fine :)
OH, haha, this isn't even about Jake (the fellow ;P). It's about his best friend, Steve. Steve's ex girlfriend is doing all this. I just don't like seeing this kind of crap happen to my friend. He is most definitely over her and is trying to move on, but she won't let him. I'm tired of her pathetic antics. When we happen to be in the same bar all together, she's been known to come up and confront him while we're all having a good time.

If this was a girl who kept following JAKE around and texting him... I can't say for sure that I would have resorted to violence, but I would have at least made her cry. (Seriously, a rant that huge for a guy being tormented by his ex who's NOT my boyfriend?.... can you imagine if it had been Jake? Y'all would have a novella-sized rant on your hands.)

Thanks for the very sweet words, though. ^_^ I'm going to Steve's next tailgating party if I'm in town, and if she shows up after being banned from the area, I promised to help keep her out. *Evil laugh*

Ya know, generally I'm a nice, softie of a person who easily folds. It's kind of nice to have a true enemy to face from time to time... the kind of enemy that really makes you stick to your feelings on a situation. Bitch crazy = my feelings.


Incredibly petty but here goes. Why the fuck do you back into a parking spot? It just takes you like 5 times as long and Im waiting for your stupid ass so I can get around you. God damn it is it that fucking hard to just park normally?
Larger trucks are easier to back in than to pull in, at least to me and my dad. Also it's 74630576345 times easier to drive straight out of a spot with one.[/QUOTE]

yeah, but its people with cars that do it. but if its that much easier to pull out of, isnt it difficult to back into?
At least you can rest in the fact that the Simpsons probably did it before them.
I'd take that bet. I watched both shows and The State was a bit more off-kilter than the Simpsons ever was.[/quote]

I have no idea honestly, just more making the joke that it's all really been done before. If not by Simpsons by Seinfeld or someone else. I was listening to someone tell someone else about an episode of Friends and I was like, I know that episode... but I've never watched Friends... then I realized it was the exact same story as a Seinfeld episode.[/QUOTE]

True, I mean, everything has been done before in one way or another. Plus most of us haven't seen the sketch in question because apparently it's not really one of their more famous ones. So there might still be a chance that the two are only really alike in basic ideas.

Really I'm just disappointed because it's been so long since we've used a sketch that I wrote and I was really hoping that this could go in the November episode.

I've still got a time travel sketch in the works though, so I can present it this weekend perhaps before the rest of the episode is all planned out.
@Cajun: well, okay than. Sorry, my mistake :-P I read that at 05am, after coming home from a party, so blame the alcohol, I guess :-P

As for me: well, my grandmother who's been living about 9 months since the doctor said she had 3 months to live? Just had acute kidney failure, not likely to see the end of the month. Well bah.
but if its that much easier to pull out of, isnt it difficult to back into?
Technically, no. The wheels in the rear of the car are fixed - they don't turn. Mechanically speaking in narrow spaces it's always easier whether coming or going if the fixed wheels go in first and leave last.

Try it out with a hotwheels car. If you go with the steering side in first you have to overshoot the spot to get the fixed wheels in the right spot.

Bubble181, My wife's grandfather has been having suspected kidney failure for awhile, but the doctors could find the reason (it's the VA, and I guess they aren't trying very hard for a 90 yr old man anyway).

Turns out he has a softball sized tumor in his lungs that's at stage four. He's also not likely to last more than a week or three, and those will be on heavy pain meds so he's not liable to be lucid for even the short time he has left.

Life is complicated. Death even moreso.

@Stien: we can start a club, huzzah ;-) Or, you know, not so much. But, nicely said.

On a different note: my work just decided to start blocking Facebook. Bah!
@Stien: we can start a club, huzzah ;-)
Wooo! I'm in!

We should have club meetings. When do we start betting on who dies first?

The best name I've got is "Waiting for death" but surely there's something more entertaining that we can name our club as...

We can start a Facebook page and start a marketing machine! We'll make millions! We just need a catchy name and slogan...Where's Allen when you need him?

Death Attendants?
Deathwaiters Anonymous?
No, please don't. I was just here, stalking quietly away, when this drunk guy came up to me and asked me for directions home. I was just helping him, I swear! Sorry!
You should go throw things at them.
I almost called the cops on them... they were carrying a perfectly LOUD conversation that WOKE ME UP at 3:10....

And what really gets me is the fact that my apartment complex is super super tiny and this should not be a problem...
Had a mild sore throat for the last day or two, but today I actually started taking cough drops.


I blame Allen, who is Sick.



Staff member
Someone please tell me something wise like...

"Get your nose out of your friend's business."


"Don't sweat the small stuff."


"Bitch don't be crazy."



Staff member
:confused: Well I'm no longer worried about that, thanks... but it's partially because I have some new crap to distract me.

Just got an email an hour or so ago from a classmate who's in my presentation group for tomorrow. 'Turns out her kid has the flu and she won't be coming to class. AND she has the book our lesson is centered around. AND our props.

Our teacher hasn't emailed us back about what to do? Is she going to make us improvise and center the lesson (which is about elements of a story/writing a story) on a different book? I hope not, because every activity in this lesson was centered around one story.

Now I can't cut up these oranges, because I don't want them to go to waste.... (It's a pirate story. We're giving out oranges as snacks to "protect from scurvy...")



So it's almost 9 p.m. right now and one of my co- bosses just calls me on my personal phone asking about lab reagents and inventory. It's not an important call, but she's in lab right now doing this shit. I have no records of our lab inventory on my home computer or laptop. I tell her this, and I ask her to not call my private phone unless it's an emergency i.e. that's what my Blackberry is for (email, texting). She gets all huffy and tells me she'll find it herself.

Seriously, I think calling people about shit that can wait till morning is really crossing a line. She could tell that I was pissed off. I just can't believe she justly thinks that it's ok to fucking do that kind of shit, just because I report to her.

Sorry I just needed to vent.


Staff member
Just got an email an hour or so ago from a classmate who's in my presentation group for tomorrow. 'Turns out her kid has the flu and she won't be coming to class. AND she has the book our lesson is centered around. AND our props.
can somebody go pick the things up from her home?[/QUOTE]

She lives like 45 minutes away. BUT one of my super awesome partners just found a single copy at the children's library. :D Now we just have to split up her parts.
One of my "bosses" (quoted since he's only a supervisor, not a manager) is getting on my nerves. Someone will ask him to do something, and he immediately tells me to do it so his fat sweaty ass can stand around texting and doing fucking nothing. One of the laziest people I've ever worked with and I'm sure he makes twice as much as I do.
One of my employees keeps glaring at me for asking him to do stuff that I'm told to do. Doesn't he get that I'm a "delegator" here? It's my real skill.

Besides, I have all this texting to get too.


Staff member
Why the hell did I believe that new Italian-American place would serve decent portions? Okay, the steak was really good, but it was so goddamn small I left feeling peckish. I hate feeling peckish when I leave a restaurant, especially with those prices. Should've gone to my old pizza provider; I would have eaten cheaper and would have been pleasantly satisfied.
Why the hell did I believe that new Italian-American place would serve decent portions? Okay, the steak was really good, but it was so goddamn small I left feeling peckish. I hate feeling peckish when I leave a restaurant, especially with those prices. Should've gone to my old pizza provider; I would have eaten cheaper and would have been pleasantly satisfied.
move to america


Staff member
Why the hell did I believe that new Italian-American place would serve decent portions? Okay, the steak was really good, but it was so goddamn small I left feeling peckish. I hate feeling peckish when I leave a restaurant, especially with those prices. Should've gone to my old pizza provider; I would have eaten cheaper and would have been pleasantly satisfied.
move to america[/QUOTE]

Not even tempted, Charlie ol' boy. Not even tempted...
Why the hell did I believe that new Italian-American place would serve decent portions? Okay, the steak was really good, but it was so goddamn small I left feeling peckish. I hate feeling peckish when I leave a restaurant, especially with those prices. Should've gone to my old pizza provider; I would have eaten cheaper and would have been pleasantly satisfied.
move to america[/QUOTE]

Not even tempted, Charlie ol' boy. Not even tempted...[/QUOTE]

I can guarantee our restaurant portions are obscenely large
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