Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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I will never know the ups and downs of pet ownership because I was too allergic as a child and now as an adult, I'm still semi-allergic and have grown beyond the point of caring too much.
I just found out my son has moderate allergies to dogs and cats. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats that we've had for between 6 and 11 years and don't know what we're going to do. I don't like the idea of drugging the dude up, but it will be hard to find homes for five older critters.
There's really no major side effects on whatever my roommate takes. He has a cat allergy, but he's owned cats since he was a kid apparently and just takes a pill every day.

---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:48 PM ----------

As for my own rant, fridge has broken down yet a-fucking-gain. This is...4 or 5 times now. We though it might just be frost build up in the freezer, but after clearing it all out about a day ago the fridge is still not as cold as it should be.

Wasabi Poptart

I just found out my son has moderate allergies to dogs and cats. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats that we've had for between 6 and 11 years and don't know what we're going to do. I don't like the idea of drugging the dude up, but it will be hard to find homes for five older critters.
My son has seasonal allergies. We give him OTC Children's Claratin and it works great. It works for 24 hours. Haven't seen any side effects like tiredness when he takes it at all, but we give it to him before bed just in case. And they are grape-flavored tabs so he actually likes to take it. It's not like you're giving him morphine.
I just found out my son has moderate allergies to dogs and cats. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats that we've had for between 6 and 11 years and don't know what we're going to do. I don't like the idea of drugging the dude up, but it will be hard to find homes for five older critters.
My son has seasonal allergies. We give him OTC Children's Claratin and it works great. It works for 24 hours. Haven't seen any side effects like tiredness when he takes it at all, but we give it to him before bed just in case. And they are grape-flavored tabs so he actually likes to take it. It's not like you're giving him morphine.[/QUOTE]
Does that necessarily mean I should stop giving him morphine, though?


Staff member
Ugh. Freakin group projects. I could teach this chapter on my own, but no, I have to work with four other people, one of whom is a loud-mouthed old woman who won't shut up about her child's birthday party. Yes, yes, I'm sure little whatshisname is a very special little snowflake. Stop babbling so we can finish our meetings on time.

Ok, how many of you think I'm in the wrong line of work now?...


Staff member
Ok, how many of you think I'm in the wrong line of work now?...
That happens in every line of work, dearie :)[/QUOTE]

^_^ Thank you, I feel better. I shouldn't be so mean. I know it's wrong, but I've developed this huge dislike for working with the girls with kids. Somehow the conversation always turns to their kids while we're working, and it gets really really old. But that's the way it'll be when I'm hanging out in the damn teacher's lounge one day... although all my teachers tell me never to do that unless you want to develop a prejudice against students without ever teaching them.

Wasabi Poptart

I just found out my son has moderate allergies to dogs and cats. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats that we've had for between 6 and 11 years and don't know what we're going to do. I don't like the idea of drugging the dude up, but it will be hard to find homes for five older critters.
My son has seasonal allergies. We give him OTC Children's Claratin and it works great. It works for 24 hours. Haven't seen any side effects like tiredness when he takes it at all, but we give it to him before bed just in case. And they are grape-flavored tabs so he actually likes to take it. It's not like you're giving him morphine.[/QUOTE]
Does that necessarily mean I should stop giving him morphine, though?[/QUOTE]
No, I don't think you want to deal with your kid coming off of that stuff. Plus, it's helpful for tantrum-free shopping trips and peaceful sleep.
Work has slowly pushed me down to 15-20 hours a week from the 30+ I was promised. I've been looking for another job, but no luck so far. I'm...not really sure what to do here besides not let it get me down.
I just found out my son has moderate allergies to dogs and cats. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats that we've had for between 6 and 11 years and don't know what we're going to do. I don't like the idea of drugging the dude up, but it will be hard to find homes for five older critters.
Hrm. I can't tell you what to do. I was always allergic to cats and dogs, and we always had them around the house. I just lived with it.

It wasn't until decades later when my Mom saw how I reacted coming into a pet household from no pets for years that she understood just how bad the allergy really was.

One does build up a tolerance.

First, keep in mind that just because he tested positive doesn't mean his allergic reaction is something to worry about. If he's sneezing, congested, etc all the time, then it's obvious, but if he's relatively normal, it may not mean much.

Second, you can do some simple testing yourself to see how bad it is. It's not easy though - he has to live and sleep in a pet free house for a two weeks or so, and not really visit home. Then bring him back and observe him for a few hours.

Lastly, if you keep your place clean (frequently vacuum, clean dust collecting surfaces, groom your pets regularly) then he may have hardly any symptoms.

I love cats, so I choose now to take a daily allergy pill, and we have one cat. We have to vacuum frequently, and I keep the furnace fan running 24/7 replacing the filter every month with a very good (not quite hepa, but close) furnace filter. I do limit petting the cat to petting him with my feet though - even on the medicine if I pet with my hands and then touch my face I'll start sneezing, running nose, itchy eyes, and later congestion, coughing, etc.

If I go to a really poorly kept pet household (several pets, little cleaning) for more than a few hours then I'm pretty much on straight benadryl for a few days after.

I can't say that growing up with cats has made me better or worse. No one else in my family is as affected as I am.

But you might involve him in the choice. He might want to take the medicine rather than give up the cat. A little more cleaning, and it may never be an issue.

I don't know anything about medicines or allergies even for that matter, but I don't think anti-histimines are really "drugging someone up", are they? A lot of people use it to deal with allergies without being zombies like on ADD meds.
Maybe they don't affect others, but even the milder allergy meds do noticeably (to me) affect my brain. It's a trade off. It's a mild effect, so it's worth it. Wish I could have it both ways though.

Just emailed that friend of mine that I might be interested in, suggesting we get together some time this week. I've hesitated before because I really don't want to end up getting tied down here, but after two weeks away (during which I may or may not have watched Ghosts of Girlfriends Past), I feel like I might be willing to give this a shot.

Here's to who-knows-what.


at least 6 more hours before i get some. G'damn it
Ah to be young and able to measure their "when I'm gonna get some" time in hours instead of days...[/QUOTE]

Once, when a friend of mine told me he had proposed his long-term girlfriend, I jokingly quipped: "Why? Are you tired of fucking her?"

It didn't really go over well. :D[/QUOTE]

hmmm....good thing that doesn't include us, my loving soon-to-be husband...:kiss:
at least 6 more hours before i get some. G'damn it
Ah to be young and able to measure their "when I'm gonna get some" time in hours instead of days...[/quote]

Once, when a friend of mine told me he had proposed his long-term girlfriend, I jokingly quipped: "Why? Are you tired of fucking her?"

It didn't really go over well. :D[/quote]

hmmm....good thing that doesn't include us, my loving soon-to-be husband...:kiss:[/QUOTE]

Guess I'll know for sure around June. ;)
I love cats, so I choose now to take a daily allergy pill, and we have one cat. We have to vacuum frequently, and I keep the furnace fan running 24/7 replacing the filter every month with a very good (not quite hepa, but close) furnace filter. I do limit petting the cat to petting him with my feet though - even on the medicine if I pet with my hands and then touch my face I'll start sneezing, running nose, itchy eyes, and later congestion, coughing, etc.

If I go to a really poorly kept pet household (several pets, little cleaning) for more than a few hours then I'm pretty much on straight benadryl for a few days after.
Exact same way here. I love cats but I don't have your restraint. I would be dying every day which is why we can't have any. It would be pure torture for me to not be able to touch them.
I can't get this damn sketch to work out the way I want it to! I know what gags I want in it, but I can't seem to work out the order that well.

Maybe if I introduce Freddie later?

I also need to think of why they wouldn't just call the cops when they saw that people were camping in their living room. Someone has to be doing something illegal on their off time and not want cops around. But what?

I think by the time I work out all of the problems this thing is just going to be like 10 pages long.

---------- Post added at 06:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:09 PM ----------

Does anyone here live in the Austin Texas area and is a police officer or perhaps just has a costume? That would solve a problem or two with this sketch.
I can't get this damn sketch to work out the way I want it to! I know what gags I want in it, but I can't seem to work out the order that well.

Maybe if I introduce Freddie later?

I also need to think of why they wouldn't just call the cops when they saw that people were camping in their living room. Someone has to be doing something illegal on their off time and not want cops around. But what?

I think by the time I work out all of the problems this thing is just going to be like 10 pages long.

---------- Post added at 06:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:09 PM ----------

Does anyone here live in the Austin Texas area and is a police officer or perhaps just has a costume? That would solve a problem or two with this sketch.

What are you writing a sketch for? And in about a week's time you'll be able to find a police officer uniform for real cheap.
I can't get this damn sketch to work out the way I want it to! I know what gags I want in it, but I can't seem to work out the order that well.

Maybe if I introduce Freddie later?

I also need to think of why they wouldn't just call the cops when they saw that people were camping in their living room. Someone has to be doing something illegal on their off time and not want cops around. But what?

I think by the time I work out all of the problems this thing is just going to be like 10 pages long.

---------- Post added at 06:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:09 PM ----------

Does anyone here live in the Austin Texas area and is a police officer or perhaps just has a costume? That would solve a problem or two with this sketch.

What are you writing a sketch for? And in about a week's time you'll be able to find a police officer uniform for real cheap.[/QUOTE]

For my sketch comedy group.

I was under the impression that most costume places don't do discounted costumes after Halloween, and rather just save them for next year. I hope I am completely wrong about that though! Right now I just have the officer talking off screen.


I hate bomb threats.

I was worried I'd get to class late, but the bus was pulling into campus right on time...and it turns out all busses were being turned back from the Commons (a circular road for busses only) because of a bomb threat. And wouldn't you know it, it's in the building for my class. Grrr.

Obviously, someone didn't want to do their mid-term and didn't want to go the healthy or constructive route.


Incredibly petty but here goes. Why the fuck do you back into a parking spot? It just takes you like 5 times as long and Im waiting for your stupid ass so I can get around you. God damn it is it that fucking hard to just park normally?

So i worked out the kinks in the sketch, got a buddy to throw in suggestions to make some of the gags work better and even went through each copy I printed to hand write notes and corrections in each of them.

Turns out? The State did the exact same thing. I still haven't seen it yet because we can't find it online, but Anthony says that my sketch, almost with the exact same gags, is already a sketch by one of the best sketch comedy groups of all time.


So i worked out the kinks in the sketch, got a buddy to throw in suggestions to make some of the gags work better and even went through each copy I printed to hand write notes and corrections in each of them.

Turns out? The State did the exact same thing. I still haven't seen it yet because we can't find it online, but Anthony says that my sketch, almost with the exact same gags, is already a sketch by one of the best sketch comedy groups of all time.

At least you can rest in the fact that the Simpsons probably did it before them.

So i worked out the kinks in the sketch, got a buddy to throw in suggestions to make some of the gags work better and even went through each copy I printed to hand write notes and corrections in each of them.

Turns out? The State did the exact same thing. I still haven't seen it yet because we can't find it online, but Anthony says that my sketch, almost with the exact same gags, is already a sketch by one of the best sketch comedy groups of all time.


At least it wasn't done already on mind of mencia

So i worked out the kinks in the sketch, got a buddy to throw in suggestions to make some of the gags work better and even went through each copy I printed to hand write notes and corrections in each of them.

Turns out? The State did the exact same thing. I still haven't seen it yet because we can't find it online, but Anthony says that my sketch, almost with the exact same gags, is already a sketch by one of the best sketch comedy groups of all time.

At least you can rest in the fact that the Simpsons probably did it before them.[/QUOTE]
I'd take that bet. I watched both shows and The State was a bit more off-kilter than the Simpsons ever was.
Incredibly petty but here goes. Why the fuck do you back into a parking spot? It just takes you like 5 times as long and Im waiting for your stupid ass so I can get around you. God damn it is it that fucking hard to just park normally?
I sometimes back into a parking space because it makes for a quicker/easier escape once it's time to leave.

My real reason, though, is just to see if I can.
At least you can rest in the fact that the Simpsons probably did it before them.
I'd take that bet. I watched both shows and The State was a bit more off-kilter than the Simpsons ever was.[/QUOTE]

I have no idea honestly, just more making the joke that it's all really been done before. If not by Simpsons by Seinfeld or someone else. I was listening to someone tell someone else about an episode of Friends and I was like, I know that episode... but I've never watched Friends... then I realized it was the exact same story as a Seinfeld episode.


Staff member
Again. AGAIN my buddy's ex has pried her way back into his life.

She keeps showing up at the tailgating space that HE and HIS friends paid for. She doesn't bring any beer or food to contribute. She just drinks their beer and eats their food and, I guess, just puts on a show for everyone there. "I don't need Steve anymore," performance #189.

Well she approached him last week, telling him he was a jerk and that he was spreading rumors about her. Thing is, none of her friends sided with her after the breakup, and they were all more her friends than his. Anything they think about her didn't come from Steve. So after she unloads on him, he does the same to her for the first time since their breakup--tells her she's spoiled and does anything for attention (positive or negative), and can't take criticism no matter how much of it she deals out to people. They part ways very bitterly.

Fast forward to this weekend, when she shows up at the tailgating space empty handed again, sloppy and drunk. Steve always ignored her when she came... knew that his friends were still hers too and let her hang with them. But that day was different. At the end of the game, she's even drunker, and she falls to the ground screaming, "That asshole, he was right about me!" Crying all over the place and generally making a scene. They've been broken up for a damn year, and she won't quit doing this stuff. He needs to kick her out of that damn spot if that's how she's going to behave.

A YEAR. SHE broke up with HIM because (hahaha) he needed to grow up... which, honestly, he still kinda does sometimes. But can she not see how childish she's being? He erased her numbers from his phone, he took her off all his networking sites, and he never asked any of their friends to take sides. He even got a better job and went back to school. His life's going really well. She, on the other hand, has continued to drunkenly approach him when they happen to be in the same place (I've been there on a few occasions now) and swear to everyone who knows her that she hates drama.

I don't even hate this girl. I pity her, bigtime. What a goddamn mess you are. And I still fear for the kids that are put in her care every week. Good luck to THAT family.

I know I sound really judgemental and horrible, but I've witnessed so much of her ridiculous behavior myself. She's been completely stagnant since the breakup, crying over how much it "hurt her more than him" while pushing herself back into his life. What was she expecting? Was she expecting him to beg her to come back?

We all said good riddance! Deal with it and GO AWAY goddamnit. :mad:

My buddy actually laughs all this stuff off STILL. I'm just annoyed that she doesn't seem to want him to move on, no matter how much he's trying to. I can't wait for his final closure, when he doesn't have to worry about drunken texts from her or messages from their mutual friends that start with "Kandice says..." BIIIITCH.
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