Kitty Sinatra
Better yet: Make SJ draw up a picture of SJ drawing up a "you win one internet" picture![/QUOTE]better yet: Make SJ draw up a "you win one internet" picture
Now do it. :boink:
Better yet: Make SJ draw up a picture of SJ drawing up a "you win one internet" picture![/QUOTE]better yet: Make SJ draw up a "you win one internet" picture
This just in, dumb animal beats PhD. Film at 11.My fucking dog ate my sandwich today. There I am, sitting in my underwear on my day off, eating a delicious Lebanon Bologna sandwich on a kaiser roll; minding my own business. I reach over for the remote control to switch on some good ol' Die Hard and the damn dog takes a chomp while I let my guard down. Little fucker bite on my finger too. I jump up in surprise and drop the sandwich. He wolfs it up and makes a mad dash for the kitchen. I chase the bastard to the kitchen and corner him. As soon as I lunge, he makes a break for it and darts between my legs and up the stairs. He's currently hiding under the bed in the far corner where he knows I can't reach him. Little fucker.
My fucking dog ate my sandwich today. There I am, sitting in my underwear on my day off, eating a delicious Lebanon Bologna sandwich on a kaiser roll; minding my own business. I reach over for the remote control to switch on some good ol' Die Hard and the damn dog takes a chomp while I let my guard down. Little fucker bite on my finger too. I jump up in surprise and drop the sandwich. He wolfs it up and makes a mad dash for the kitchen. I chase the bastard to the kitchen and corner him. As soon as I lunge, he makes a break for it and darts between my legs and up the stairs. He's currently hiding under the bed in the far corner where he knows I can't reach him. Little fucker.
You were very, very lucky. Last year my wife & I went grocery shopping. The next day there was a bad storm that knocked our electricity out for almost a week. We lost everything perishable. We did cook a lot of it up but you can only eat so much.Man stupid fridge!
Me and my brother noticed our fridge was feeling a little warm but at first we thought it was in our heads. So fast forward next day it is definitely warmer so we try turning it to the coldest temp. We than stuck a thermometer in the fridge to check the temp and came back. And even at the coldest setting the fridge was at 60 degrees! Luckily we didn't lose to much food. We lost about a months worth of sandwich materials and some milk, butter, and a few other things. While we are checking that out we decided to check the freezer and it felt cold but we noticed the ice dispenser was dripping water and a few bags of veggies felt like they were starting to thaw. Luckily my parents offered to let us put our freezer food at their house. So we had to grab all of our food out of our freezer and take it their house. After that we call our Landlord and he says he will have someone out there the Monday. Luckily my brother had the day off so he could stay and wait for the repairman. I know we could have lost a lot more food than just what we did but still talk about a headache.
How did you lose butter in a fridge? I don't think we've ever kept butter in the fridge if it is in use.
You don't, hence why keeping it in the fridge is ridiculous.How do you spread the cold hard butter? My bread gets all torn up when I try that.
You don't, hence why keeping it in the fridge is ridiculous.How do you spread the cold hard butter? My bread gets all torn up when I try that.
Man, butter left out in my house will harden overnight when my furnace isn't going full bore to keep the murderous cold at bay and my house only get's down to maybe 10 or so C overnight (the temperature I love to sleep at).Butter's a dairy product, it needs to be refrigerated.
If it's "hard", your fridge is probably set too high (low temp).
Though I have noticed that US butter is quite different than any other butter 'Ive encountered.
That topic really spreads.
i love these posts
Yeah salted butter is the craziest thing.Hang on, I'll bring it back around.
So coming back from lunch I slipped on the ice. My jaw hit the ground and my teeth went *CLACK*!! I checked and all my parts were intact.
I get back to my desk and take a bite of a cookie that had slowly hardened over the course of the day and one of my teeth broke off.
It's times like these I wish I had insurance.hwell:
Even my cold sandwiches never have butter. I hate butter on sandwiches.Y'know, I don't really eat butter in any form. When I make sammiches, they are usually of the warm variety. Hence, no need for butter.
Aw poor Dave.So coming back from lunch I slipped on the ice. My jaw hit the ground and my teeth went *CLACK*!! I checked and all my parts were intact.
I get back to my desk and take a bite of a cookie that had slowly hardened over the course of the day and one of my teeth broke off.
It's times like these I wish I had insurance.hwell: