Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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Note to Debaters Everywhere: When someone points out a fact that blows a hole in your argument, proclaiming "Nuh- uh" and then calling them a stupid hick and a misogynist is NOT the way to defend your point. Especially when their point had nothing to do with those things.
Note to Debaters Everywhere: When someone points out a fact that blows a hole in your argument, proclaiming "Nuh- uh" and then calling them a stupid hick and a misogynist is NOT the way to defend your point. Especially when their point had nothing to do with those things.
Maybe if you weren't such a hick and a misogynist you would agree with them. Every thought of that? Huh? HUH?
Note to Debaters Everywhere: When someone points out a fact that blows a hole in your argument, proclaiming "Nuh- uh" and then calling them a stupid hick and a misogynist is NOT the way to defend your point. Especially when their point had nothing to do with those things.
I'm going to assume that you were debating on the internet, which is a big ol' waste of time anyways. I always jump right to the 'stupid hick misogynist' card - saves time and energy.
Note to Debaters Everywhere: When someone points out a fact that blows a hole in your argument, proclaiming "Nuh- uh" and then calling them a stupid hick and a misogynist is NOT the way to defend your point. Especially when their point had nothing to do with those things.
Flo's Law: Maybe the person was on their period


Note to Debaters Everywhere: When someone points out a fact that blows a hole in your argument, proclaiming "Nuh- uh" and then calling them a stupid hick and a misogynist is NOT the way to defend your point. Especially when their point had nothing to do with those things.
Deja vu. I got called the two when praising Willam Defoe's AntiChrist movie.

I think I will have to reconsider my plans inviting any of you American forumites over here. We're having such a cold, snowy weather that the sheer shock of it might be deadly without medication.
I posted something to this effect on my friend's facebook the other day, but we are having a pathetic winter. In 1006, the Vikings wintered in Newfoundland, and after a year they turned around and went back to Europe. Winter here was too extreme. That's right, Newfoundland winters were too extreme for the motherfucking Vikings.

And yet, I just drove through town today and saw enough snow to fill three, perhaps four bathtubs. The implications are awe-inspiring.

At least now I know where all the snow went. Finland, apparently.



I think I will have to reconsider my plans inviting any of you American forumites over here. We're having such a cold, snowy weather that the sheer shock of it might be deadly without medication.
I posted something to this effect on my friend's facebook the other day, but we are having a pathetic winter. In 1006, the Vikings wintered in Newfoundland, and after a year they turned around and went back to Europe. Winter here was too extreme. That's right, Newfoundland winters were too extreme for the motherfucking Vikings.

And yet, I just drove through town today and saw enough snow to fill three, perhaps four bathtubs. The implications are awe-inspiring.

At least now I know where all the snow went. Finland, apparently.[/QUOTE]Strange, I googled it up to see how was "hot nordic sex" -

I think I will have to reconsider my plans inviting any of you American forumites over here. We're having such a cold, snowy weather that the sheer shock of it might be deadly without medication.
I posted something to this effect on my friend's facebook the other day, but we are having a pathetic winter. In 1006, the Vikings wintered in Newfoundland, and after a year they turned around and went back to Europe. Winter here was too extreme. That's right, Newfoundland winters were too extreme for the motherfucking Vikings.

And yet, I just drove through town today and saw enough snow to fill three, perhaps four bathtubs. The implications are awe-inspiring.

At least now I know where all the snow went. Finland, apparently.[/QUOTE]

Or it went west. I've had to shovel my fucking driveway 5 times this month already.
my fucking driveway
You must be pretty well off to afford a driveway dedicated to intercourse.

On the other hand, cold hard concrete just doesn't sound that comfy, so I can see where that wouldn't be a priority for me.

But hey, good job keeping it available for use!

Philosopher B.

He probably rents it out now and again to cover the cost. That's what everyone on my street does. There's sex, like, 24/7.

And you'd be surprised how much of a turn on it is to do it on such a hard, unyielding surface.

I think I will have to reconsider my plans inviting any of you American forumites over here. We're having such a cold, snowy weather that the sheer shock of it might be deadly without medication.
I posted something to this effect on my friend's facebook the other day, but we are having a pathetic winter. In 1006, the Vikings wintered in Newfoundland, and after a year they turned around and went back to Europe. Winter here was too extreme. That's right, Newfoundland winters were too extreme for the motherfucking Vikings.

And yet, I just drove through town today and saw enough snow to fill three, perhaps four bathtubs. The implications are awe-inspiring.

At least now I know where all the snow went. Finland, apparently.[/QUOTE]

Or it went west. I've had to shovel my fucking driveway 5 times this month already.[/QUOTE]

There's been fuck all here in south Ontario so far. Made tobogganning tonight real difficult. I remember the winters we used o get when I was a kid, compared to the winters we get now, and I can't understand anyone who denies global warming. The high today was -4! MINUS FOUR! IN JANUARY! It should be like, -17! I should be walking through snow ATLEAST past my knees.

I think I will have to reconsider my plans inviting any of you American forumites over here. We're having such a cold, snowy weather that the sheer shock of it might be deadly without medication.
I posted something to this effect on my friend's facebook the other day, but we are having a pathetic winter. In 1006, the Vikings wintered in Newfoundland, and after a year they turned around and went back to Europe. Winter here was too extreme. That's right, Newfoundland winters were too extreme for the motherfucking Vikings.

And yet, I just drove through town today and saw enough snow to fill three, perhaps four bathtubs. The implications are awe-inspiring.

At least now I know where all the snow went. Finland, apparently.[/QUOTE]

Or it went west. I've had to shovel my fucking driveway 5 times this month already.[/QUOTE]
I think I remember you saying you were; but you're stuck in Edmonton too, aren't you? Stupid winter. Stupid crazy snowfall. At least it's warming the hell up tomorrow. Don't fail me, Josh Klassen!
There's been fuck all here in south Ontario so far. Made tobogganning tonight real difficult. I remember the winters we used o get when I was a kid, compared to the winters we get now, and I can't understand anyone who denies global warming. The high today was -4! MINUS FOUR! IN JANUARY! It should be like, -17! I should be walking through snow ATLEAST past my knees.
I'm not sure very many sane people deny climate change anymore. The sticking issue now is not whether it exists, but if it's our fault, or if it's a problem at all.
I have always been overweight, a situation greatly aided by having a "bad" leg that tended to hurt every time I did some physical exercise. But, during the last year, it seemed to get better and I started going to the gym. Then, almost half a year ago, I hit my bad leg in a stupid way and it has hurt greatly since then. I stopped not only going to the gym, but even some of my basic "movement" things like walking everywere or using the stairs. I gained weight. More weight means a leg that hurts more easily. And that means less movement and that means more weight...

Now I started a diet (designed by a doctor) to reduce my weight (and then, when exercising is less painful, start going to the gym again) and it's KILLING ME. I'm SO FUCKING HUNGRY.

EDIT: And this diet also says I can't drink any coke (not even diet). And I drink Diet cola all the time, like a chain smoker smokes cigarettes. I'm seriously missing my caffeine. And It's affecting my performance. As an example, I have to stop all the time to write these more or less understandable sentences in english.
SJ, I know when I tried to quit drinking Pepsi a few years back, it was HARD TIMES. I mean, back then I never would have presumed to put myself on the same level as a smoker trying to give up the habit, but I've since talked to a friend who has been trying to quit smoking and some of the stuff he says is eerily familiar. Keep it up though: sugary goodness is not worth your general well being

My rant:
I hesitate to put myself in any position that allows me to be painted with the "Anime Fan" brush. I don't talk about it with people in general, even though I still do enjoy the occasional Gundam re-run, and buy Manga occasionally. I'm not ashamed of my interest in Anime/Manga, but life is much easier if I'm not labeled thus. I find that this is true of most labels, but I digress.

I'm exchanging back and forth with one of my friends who is as out-of-the-closet about his Anime fandom as Michael Buckley is about his homosexuality. That is to say, if there is such a thing as Anime flamboyance, this guy is it.

The subject is Cowboy Bebop. My position is that it's an important anime for a variety of reasons, and a masterpiece that deserves a place of honor not only in the Anime canon, but also that of Science Fiction in general and Television as a whole.

He hasn't even watched it. I could accept this, in much the same way I would accept a Science Fiction 'fanatic' not having gotten around to seeing 2001: A Space Oddysey. I believe it is something he should watch, but I understand if he hasn't, or even if it's not high on the priority list. But my 'hardcore' Anime friend refuses to watch it because it 'looks terrible.'

Again, I could accept if he didn't like it. But he hasn't watched it. And as I already said, I could accept that he hasn't watched it, except that he hasn't watched it because he has decided that it's terrible. Even though it's gained critical acclaim on both sides of the Pacific, and has a fanbase both inside and outside the Anime-fan 'community.'

Which I think is the crux of the problem: it's popular outside of 'his' domain of the reject-pile of nerds huddled around the high school caffateria table (which used to be my domain as well, don't get me wrong). Which means his prejudice is based in elitism. Which I hate.
He'll likely hate it even if he sees it then. It's formed a wall that he's not going to get past.

SJ: I don't know if you're referring to coke by the term as applied to all soda/cola/pop, or if you mean the actual brand. I quit Coca Cola when I was a teen, and it was difficult for a couple weeks, but you get to notice not hacking up that awful syrup and it gets a little easier then. So if that's what you mean, hopefully you'll see the benefit soon. If it's Pepsi or something else, then there might be no quick positive, but just hang in there and try to quench your thirst with other sweet stuff. It won't give you the caffeine, but you can at least fake your mouth.
I have always been overweight, a situation greatly aided by having a "bad" leg that tended to hurt every time I did some physical exercise. But, during the last year, it seemed to get better and I started going to the gym. Then, almost half a year ago, I hit my bad leg in a stupid way and it has hurt greatly since then. I stopped not only going to the gym, but even some of my basic "movement" things like walking everywere or using the stairs. I gained weight. More weight means a leg that hurts more easily. And that means less movement and that means more weight...

Now I started a diet (designed by a doctor) to reduce my weight (and then, when exercising is less painful, start going to the gym again) and it's KILLING ME. I'm SO FUCKING HUNGRY.

EDIT: And this diet also says I can't drink any coke (not even diet). And I drink Diet cola all the time, like a chain smoker smokes cigarettes. I'm seriously missing my caffeine. And It's affecting my performance. As an example, I have to stop all the time to write these more or less understandable sentences in english.
I hear you, as a former (and apparently on the way to becoming again....damn my food based relationship) fat kid I hear you buddy. I just weighed in today for the first time in 2 months and learned (quite shockingly) that I'm back up to 225. Fuck. That's 25 pounds of flab in 2 months. I'm in the gym 5 times a God damn week doing cardio and such and I'm still losing the metabolism fight.


Staff member

One day left of the Christmas leave, during which I swore I would finish my thesis. What I still need to do:
- Finish Chapter Five and Conclusions
- Proof-read the text and remove repetitions and such.
- Write a five-page summary in Finnish.

I'm too tired and stressed to do all that tonight, and I know I can't get all that done tomorrow. I'm so close to getting it done it kinda vexes me no matter what. So close, but no cigar. But I want to get this fucking out of the way, it's been an albatross around my neck for 18 frickin' months.

Wasabi Poptart

I hear you, as a former (and apparently on the way to becoming again....damn my food based relationship) fat kid I hear you buddy. I just weighed in today for the first time in 2 months and learned (quite shockingly) that I'm back up to 225. Fuck. That's 25 pounds of flab in 2 months. I'm in the gym 5 times a God damn week doing cardio and such and I'm still losing the metabolism fight.
No more donairs for you, young man.
I hear you, as a former (and apparently on the way to becoming again....damn my food based relationship) fat kid I hear you buddy. I just weighed in today for the first time in 2 months and learned (quite shockingly) that I'm back up to 225. Fuck. That's 25 pounds of flab in 2 months. I'm in the gym 5 times a God damn week doing cardio and such and I'm still losing the metabolism fight.
No more donairs for you, young man.[/QUOTE]

I knooooooooooooow!

It was nothing but turkey and veggies and fucking oatmeal today.
At work. They painted the doors over Christmas. Win: they are no longer a flamboyant purple. Lose: they are now a dreary beige, which makes the basement feel even more like a dungeon than they did before. To make matters worse, one of the office people from upstairs came down to have a talk to me about being careful around the doors. I have to move trolleys and carts of food in and out of rooms and hallways down here, so I told her I would make no promises, but I would try to be careful.

She didn't understand that expecting the painted doors to stay pretty down here would be roughly akin to installing plush carpet in a warehouse and expecting it to be kept clean. It's just not going to happen. Work happens here, and with work comes wear, tear, and dirt.

I'm having trouble adjusting to this whole "you are no longer full time" thing again, too. Started my second job again this past weekend in order to pay the bills. Very soon I'm going to be back to living paycheck to paycheck once more. I'm never going to be able to save enough to go on adventures, am I? I should just quit while I'm ahead, up and leave. But leaving to travel the world with no plan and little money would put both of my parents in the mental.

The only thing keeping me going right now is an email I recieved yesterday. I emailed Maddison Scott Bell (a novelist) with questions about Haiti, since I intend to go back there sometime this year. He got back to me with a few books I should read, and gave me a few leads: people to call and/or email if I have further questions about various subjects.

Networking is pretty awesome. I wish I was better at it.
I called a week ago to inform the financial aid office at my university that, while my fees and tuition had been paid, the remainder had not been distributed to me (it generally goes, "Bills paid, remainder sent to me in form of check, I use check to buy books/supplies/gas/etc). The woman told me it would be okay, and that the check would be sent out Friday (I also inquired as to the subsidized student loan, to hedge against the next quarter, and she said she'd process that as well).

Four days later, I call and find out she not only did she not process the loan, but she didn't even bother to look at my account--there were no holds, no problems, and no reason the money hasn't been sent out yet. The financial aid officer I talked to (super helpful woman) told me that because there were no holds or anything, it should have been sent out the day the bills were paid, and she'd look into it and to call back Friday.

This wouldn't normally be a big deal, but I spent about $500 on books/supplies (classes started a week and a half ago), and I sorta need that reimbursement for both my and my mother's car insurance (due next week), gas, bills, etc. Shit like this always fucking happens at the worst possible time.
Started consulting for the university in October. Between getting all the contract red tape sorted, invoicing, and the massive lag time the university procurement department is allowed (I'm apparently considered a business), I still haven't been paid a dime. Savings are beaten to a pulp, especially after Christmas. Hoping the checks start rolling next week. Fuckers.

At least the guy I'm working for is awesome and tends to be good for free lunches and coffee. And the work might actually save lives in the near future, which is okay. I guess.
I'm none too happy today...or more specifically, a bit disappointed.

So there's this guy at work....he ran into some trouble recently. More specifically, he started running with a real uhm..hardcore group of Chinese guys because apparently he can get cheap meth from them. Well, as one might expect, that turned sour and these guys started to demand he hand over his girlfriend to show his "loyalty", which he refuses and then runs off to Beijing because they started making threats and were staking out his apartment. My first thought was "serves you right" but I suppose that's somewhat of an evil thought. He had a couple of cats at his apartment and I, for some reason, I offered to take care of them while he was away. So I went over and got the two cats and kept them at my apartment. I actually have a minor cat allergy and have to take medication while they are around or i'll sneeze my head off.

A couple days later I hear from a co-worker that this guy was thinking about going back to Canada so I call him up and ask him for the number of someone else that might be able to take care of his cats (apparently this guy plans on coming back in a couple months) and he said he'd send me the number of someone else. I had to do this because my contract is up with my school soon, which means even if I get another job in this city, I still have a plane ticket back home that I'm gonna wanna use to visit my family before I have another stint overseas. Well, he didn't text me the number, and he left for Canada, so I shoot off an email asking him for the number and he replies that I'm a useless person, questions why I even offered to take care of his cats, told me I won't get anywhere in life, and then finally gave me the number of this other guy.

I kind of feel like a dumbass for even offering to help because I know him to have this kind of attitude, but I didn't want anything to happen to his cats while he was away and I had no idea it was to be permanent (in fact, I had made that quite clear). So now I gotta do my best to find someone else to take care of them before I go and it's a little stressful since I'm already busy looking for a new job.
Why did a bunch of books about Philip K Dick in film suddenly appear on Amazon. Or, rather, why didn't they show up when I did my preliminary search when I was trying to decide what thesis to do?

Now I have to read them all and see if I can say anything new and interesting. >: (


Staff member
I'm none too happy today...or more specifically, a bit disappointed.

So there's this guy at work....he ran into some trouble recently. More specifically, he started running with a real uhm..hardcore group of Chinese guys because apparently he can get cheap meth from them. Well, as one might expect, that turned sour and these guys started to demand he hand over his girlfriend to show his "loyalty", which he refuses and then runs off to Beijing because they started making threats and were staking out his apartment. My first thought was "serves you right" but I suppose that's somewhat of an evil thought. He had a couple of cats at his apartment and I, for some reason, I offered to take care of them while he was away. So I went over and got the two cats and kept them at my apartment. I actually have a minor cat allergy and have to take medication while they are around or i'll sneeze my head off.

A couple days later I hear from a co-worker that this guy was thinking about going back to Canada so I call him up and ask him for the number of someone else that might be able to take care of his cats (apparently this guy plans on coming back in a couple months) and he said he'd send me the number of someone else. I had to do this because my contract is up with my school soon, which means even if I get another job in this city, I still have a plane ticket back home that I'm gonna wanna use to visit my family before I have another stint overseas. Well, he didn't text me the number, and he left for Canada, so I shoot off an email asking him for the number and he replies that I'm a useless person, questions why I even offered to take care of his cats, told me I won't get anywhere in life, and then finally gave me the number of this other guy.

I kind of feel like a dumbass for even offering to help because I know him to have this kind of attitude, but I didn't want anything to happen to his cats while he was away and I had no idea it was to be permanent (in fact, I had made that quite clear). So now I gotta do my best to find someone else to take care of them before I go and it's a little stressful since I'm already busy looking for a new job.
Wait, so a gang banging meth head is not a nice guy? I never would have thought it.
I'm none too happy today...or more specifically, a bit disappointed.

So there's this guy at work....he ran into some trouble recently. More specifically, he started running with a real uhm..hardcore group of Chinese guys because apparently he can get cheap meth from them. Well, as one might expect, that turned sour and these guys started to demand he hand over his girlfriend to show his "loyalty", which he refuses and then runs off to Beijing because they started making threats and were staking out his apartment. My first thought was "serves you right" but I suppose that's somewhat of an evil thought. He had a couple of cats at his apartment and I, for some reason, I offered to take care of them while he was away. So I went over and got the two cats and kept them at my apartment. I actually have a minor cat allergy and have to take medication while they are around or i'll sneeze my head off.

A couple days later I hear from a co-worker that this guy was thinking about going back to Canada so I call him up and ask him for the number of someone else that might be able to take care of his cats (apparently this guy plans on coming back in a couple months) and he said he'd send me the number of someone else. I had to do this because my contract is up with my school soon, which means even if I get another job in this city, I still have a plane ticket back home that I'm gonna wanna use to visit my family before I have another stint overseas. Well, he didn't text me the number, and he left for Canada, so I shoot off an email asking him for the number and he replies that I'm a useless person, questions why I even offered to take care of his cats, told me I won't get anywhere in life, and then finally gave me the number of this other guy.

I kind of feel like a dumbass for even offering to help because I know him to have this kind of attitude, but I didn't want anything to happen to his cats while he was away and I had no idea it was to be permanent (in fact, I had made that quite clear). So now I gotta do my best to find someone else to take care of them before I go and it's a little stressful since I'm already busy looking for a new job.
Wait, so a gang banging meth head is not a nice guy? I never would have thought it.[/QUOTE]

Photoshop a series of pictures in wich it appears you are murdering his cats and putting them in boxes. Then tell him you have sent them to the guy.
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