Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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SO. BORED. If I go downstairs I get stuck as babysitter for 2 of my nieces who do not like me. They only like their mommy who will disappear the moment I show up. If I stay upstairs I have nothing to do.
SO. BORED. If I go downstairs I get stuck as babysitter for 2 of my nieces who do not like me. They only like their mommy who will disappear the moment I show up. If I stay upstairs I have nothing to do.
Wow. Isn't their mother afraid that you'll be a bad influence, what with the constant smoking? Or that you might not be able to control the children due to being only six months old?
SO. BORED. If I go downstairs I get stuck as babysitter for 2 of my nieces who do not like me. They only like their mommy who will disappear the moment I show up. If I stay upstairs I have nothing to do.
Wow. Isn't their mother afraid that you'll be a bad influence, what with the constant smoking? Or that you might not be able to control the children due to being only six months old?[/QUOTE]

You'd think so right?

LB: Sack up? Is that light Suit up but with a potato sack?
Just got a text reading "Wanna come over?" from a friend I haven't seen in a while. I decided that a night out is more interesting than a night in, so I texted back "Sure" and went over.

There is nobody at her house, and now I feel like a creeper for coming around at 2 am. She is not answering texts anymore for me to express my displeasure, either. I guess it's a night in after al.
SO. BORED. If I go downstairs I get stuck as babysitter for 2 of my nieces who do not like me. They only like their mommy who will disappear the moment I show up. If I stay upstairs I have nothing to do.
Wow. Isn't their mother afraid that you'll be a bad influence, what with the constant smoking? Or that you might not be able to control the children due to being only six months old?[/QUOTE]

You'd think so right?

LB: Sack up? Is that light Suit up but with a potato sack?[/QUOTE]

No, I meant instead of hiding in your room, do something. Face up to what's waiting for you.
So, I've kinda been avoiding posting about it so as not to be too much of a downer, but what the hell.

First day back at work after my grandma died a coworker died. It's kinda weird. She was only in her mid 30's, and I haven't heard the full details of it yet. It kinda gets you thinking though. It's too much death at a time that's supposed to be a happy time. I haven't told my mom yet, she worked with her for some time too. I'm not sure how she will react after her mom dieing. I'm waiting for her to come back from my grandpa's to tell her. I don't think it will be a big thing, but like I said it's a lot of death to deal with. I don't know if I'm ready to go to another funeral. The bank is partially closing so people can go to it, but I kinda want to just avoid it. Not that I don't want to go, but it's a bit much right now. I'd feel bad about not going though. I can deal with my grandma, since it was sorta expected as she was old and wasn't doing real well, but my coworker is different. The last two weeks seem like a blurr. Stupid holidays.


Staff member
If I didn't love the guy I'm with so much, I might be a lot more scared right now. The people that his brother married into crashed our New Year's party... no warning at all. They probably think it's an open invitation, but they don't come every year. Seems like if that's the case, they should call or something. They talk about insane things like carpet bombing the middle east because it's "them or us," and they're frighteningly Catholic. And as much as Jake's parents don't like them that much, they're very alike in many ways. It's just hitting me that I'm going to be surrounded by closed-minded, pushy, and boring people for the rest of my life. We are so moving. I've already got an emphatic agreement about that from the fellow.

You know, I always hear that you can expect the same from your SO as you do from his/her family. And in some ways that's very true. He's stubborn, a little superstitious, and a total pack rat. But I'm so grateful for all the things that make him the black sheep of the family. I'm so glad to be out of that house today.
New Years 2008-09, my resolution was to be content where I was. I still wanted to travel, but I decided to take advantage of where I was while I'm here, rather than spend every waking moment wishing I was somewhere else.

I must have accomplished that resolution, since I just realized this evening that in the entire year of 2009, I haven't left the island of Newfoundland. I mean, Newfoundland is no small potatoes: 15th largest landmass on the planet. But for someone who wants to travel the world, it's actually distressing that an entire goddamn year has passed in which I haven't been away from my home. There's something to be said for being content, but there's something altogether else to be said about being complacent.

Note: I did actually spend an hour in Nova Scotia this Christmas on a stopover, but I hardly count that since I landed, waited an hour, and then got on another flight back to Newfoundland.

Kitty Sinatra

Did you have to stop over in Nova Scotia to fly from one place to another in NFLD?
Yerp. Air Canada cut a lot of their direct flights between Deer Lake (west coast) and St. John's (east coast) a few years back. What flights are still available are hideously expensive. Provincial Airlines flies direct, and is relatively cheap, but are nearly impossible to get seats on.

As a result, I had to fly from St. John's to Halifax, then Halifax back to Deer Lake in order to get home for Christmas.

In blue is the route I took (St. John's, Halifax, Deer Lake). In red is what it could have been (direct St. John's - Deer Lake).

Kitty Sinatra

All the way to Halifax even! That's terrible. I had just guessed Sydney.
Alright, don't feel like retyping the whole story again, so here's a little choice cut from a char with a buddy of mine. Americans, please don't be offended by the America remark, my friend is one of those high and mighty Canada rules, US sucks sort so it's easy to converse with him in those sorts of means. I don't have issue one with your country. Except over soft lumber, in that case, fuck you USA.

Frankie: Man, have you ever lost your temper in a store so badly because the clerk couldn't understand a word you say because he's completely devoid of the ability to speak english?
rendus: no i'm pretty laid back you know that
Frankie: I tried to pick up some junk food and drinks for DnD tomorrow and over and over again we try my card and the guy tells me transaction not completed. I'm a little perplexed because I know there's funds in my account.
Frankie: I get home and check my bank statement online. My account was charged 15.61 5 times.
Frankie: So I go back to the store, the guy just grins at me the smuggest asshole grin and broken englishly tells me it's not his problem, it's my card.
rendus: ouch
Frankie: I lost it
Frankie: I lost it so hard on him.
Frankie: I'm really glad I wasn't in uniform too, holee shit would I hear about that on Monday.
rendus: ha ha ha
Frankie: I'm sure people will get a good laugh watching the security tape.
Frankie: I call my bank and apparently BMO is having issues with some debit providers and should be all sorted out in the morning
Frankie: So yeah, if the man had any English at all he could have avoided this problem. Good thing you're allowed to take Canadian citizenship exams in the language of your choice now.
rendus: thats kinda stupid
Frankie: Here comes some American style xenophobia but that is complete nonsense, basic grasp of one of the two of Canada's national languages should be a God damn requirement to live here.
Frankie: Man, the swear bear fit I had in the store though was awesome. The guy behind me was fucking terrified.
Frankie: I've never lost my shit in public like that before.
Frankie: Just wanted to share while it was fresh in my mind. How was your christmas?

I guess I'm just used to being able to communicate with people in one of the two languages I speak. I dunno. I feel really bad for yelling at the guy.
That's amazing that Canada allows citizenship exams in the language of choice. I wonder what they do for some of the languages with no written word.

Regardless of that, if he works there, he should be able to do his damn job.
Frankie, I feel your pain - I usually only interact with the outside world when I'm in uniform, too, which means I USUALLY have to curb my temper. Never had a problem with the Haji-marts around here, though - most of them are very friendly people who make a genuine effort.

The problem comes with people with whom I must interact on the streets. It's worse because I'm a vocal chameleon - my accent and verbiage changes to match who I talk to. Which gets very bizarre when I'm working with thuglets...


Staff member
Xenophobic nothing. You should have the common sense to know the language of the place you live in. It's a respect for the culture, if anything. But yeah, that's a really shitty story. Poor cops, always gotta keep their cool :p
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