Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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Wasabi Poptart

Oh hell save yourself some money. Go find a secluded spot to park and go for it right in the car/truck/vehicle of your choice.

Wasabi Poptart

Aww CG I was just being goofy. I know you and "the fella" are classier than that. *nudge*
I'm so sorry Shakey. I had that happen a few years ago....

...but my first impulse when I read your post was to ask "Was it a reindeer?"
Thanks guys.

It's been a crazy day trying to get everything done for year end early so I can take a few days off. Tomorrow morning should be an interesting drive from northern Mn down to central Iowa.


I have had a horrible week! I had a gigantic fight with my mom which was epic in it's ridiculousness. I am overworked, tired, and worn out >.< Next week I am going to hang out with my friends and relax. Or play Sims all week and relax... relax is on the menu regardless.

I still haven't gotten my grades from finals last week and that is grating on my mind very badly. And I am supposed to be studying to retake one of the finals because a group of people got to see the test before the test. It sucks!

And on top of all that I have the return of a health problem i thought was taken care of and it is making me miserable.

Yup. Air Canada lost my luggage. No gifts for my family. Or clothes for me.

I blame myself. At Halifax airport, during my stopover, I looked down and saw all the luggage movers on the tarmac. I said to someone nearby "This is where tha magic happens: this is where Air Canada loses luggage."

The luggage gods must have heard me. Out of five people who made the same connection I did, I was the only one who lost baggage.
So, I'm in the process of buying a new car.
There's this magic negotiation dance you do when buying a car. They tell you something outrageously high, and you counter with something outrageously low. You meet somewhere in the middle. It's annoying and takes forever, but i don't mind getting through it.

So, I got done with that part and was supposed to pick up the new car on the way home from work yesterday. It's snowing on the way home, but it's also raining, which is making slush on the road. Me and the guy in front of me hit a sudden huge puddle of water, which pulls us both into a fishtail slide. It was like one of those commercials where the cars are sliding on water and there's some fine print that says "professional driver on closed course. Do not attempt." We both come out of it ok, but as soon as I come out of it, I blow my driver's side front tire. At nearly 60 mph. Yay.

So, I fight the car off the road. I've got a donut spare, so I have to change TWO tires: Put a back tire on the front, and put the donut on the rear. A donut spare is a lot smaller than a regular tire, and while some people would just put the donut on the front, they're very unstable in that configuration, and I had already just experienced a hydroplane situation. So, screw that. So I change both tires, cut my hand all up on the exposed metal in the old tire, and get back on the road.

a quarter mile later, the donut goes out, which causes my brakes to lock up. So, i'm in a controlled drift. Tapping the breaks does nothing. Luckily I'm in the right lane this time, so I just drift off onto the shoulder, and start gently pulling the emergency brake. That does the trick.

An hour later, I finally get a tow to the tire place, where I get both tires fixed/replaced (which was free, thanks to road hazard insurance). But, after all that time spent doing that crap, guess who didn't get their new car yesterday because all that took so long? So, hopefully, I'll get it today. Heh.
I know this is late... but I once got scabies at a cheap motel. My ex came to visit me in college and because I lived in the dorm he didn't have any place to stay...

That was a horrible HORRIBLE experience. I still have phantom itches!

Thank god I didn't get it in my nether regions, but I did get it in my armpit.
That remind me of a joke.

Back in the olden days, we didn't have sex ed in school, so when Johnny Smith got married, he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do on his wedding night.
He asked his father the night before, but the elder Smith just looked uncomfortable and said "well, ahem..just put the biggest thing you have in the hairiest thing she has. You'll figure it out."

The next day, Johnny was looking forlorn, and his father asked "What's wrong, Johnny? Problems in the marriage already?"

"it's not that," Johnny replied. "It's the sex. It's awful. I tried putting my nose in her armpit like you said, but it just stank to high heaven!"
What the hell is wrong with people and public restrooms?!? What makes someone "unable" to flush the commode after they have used it? The handle is RIGHT THERE! IT ISN'T HIDDEN! I shouldn't walk into the restroom at work and be confronted with the remains of what came out of the person before me. I can attest, through observation of the clientèle that comes through the door, that this is usually done by older men. You've been taught better! We aren't your nurse-maids. FLUSH THE DAMN TOILET!
What if the poo is so big you don't want to run the chance of plugging it? Leaving it for later may help it break up a bit and go down better.


Staff member
Yuck... reminds me of something horrible I saw in a Biloxi casino--besides the rows and rows of grandmas throwing their retirement money away in a slot machine.

I was going to the bathroom... I opened a stall, and there was shit all over the toilet, in the toilet, on the floor... it was absolutely disgusting. I cried out, "OH MY GOD!" and a lady in the stall across the room replies, "That's what I said!"

Seriously... gross.

Kitty Sinatra

I never would have expected that in a woman's washroom. Huh.


Having cleaned plenty of both men's and women's bathroom after drunk parties and such, I can assure you women, especially once drunk, can be more disgusting than men, when it comes to bathroom behaviour.
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