Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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And another thing, what's with these new energy efficient dryers? Sure they use less energy but when I go to get my clothes out of the dryer they aren't warm, the dryer has just removed the moisture from them? How are my children going to enjoy the sensation of a warm winter coat that Mom tossed into the dryer while they eat lunch in between making snow men? :mad:
Actually, that reminds me of something funny: the energy efficient bulbs they now put in traffic lights don't generate waste heat - so now they get covered by snow and ice that would previously have melted. Dozens of injuries and at least 1 fatality are blamed on that.
Similarly, in northern climes those spirally fluorescent bulbs are actually no better than incandescent, I have been told. The waste energy/heat there just contributed (albeit slightly) to the heating of your house. Energy efficient ones not so much.
Holy fucking crap.

So 2 days ago my dog ate 3 justaburgers that had been left out while the rest of us were in another room. Yesterday he started throwing up and has been doing so all today.

Because he's been throwing up so much he hasn't been getting his seizure medication, and just had a seizure.

To add to that, I've been at my friend's place the whole time and too afraid to move my dog. So he's thrown up on the couch in Sean Hardaway's room 3 times, and when he had his seizure while on the living room couch he lost control of his bladder and peed all over it. Luckily the couches are really shitty anyway and no one really cares because they're all concerned for Shadow's health more than anything.

except for McCoy who is luckily gone right now. If he finds out that shadow pissed on the couch he's going to give me shit for it and talk about how shitty I trained my dog. It'll be all in jest, sure, but it's still going to make me pretty angry.

What I also hate about the situation, besides my dog being all around in the dumps right now, is just that I keep trying to blame various things in my head, which is stupid and I just need to accept what's happening, know that it won't actually last, and move on.


I guess the silver lining though, is that the seizure was pretty mild and if he were going to have more tonight they (typically) would have happened by now. If they keep up there's a 24 hour vet place just a mile or so from here so in a worst case scenario I can take him there and they can just give him an injection of the liquid form of his medicine.

Ugh it felt good to just get that all out and into prospective. Time to go cuddle my puppy who kind of covered in barf and piss.
My main computer broke. Just a few days before christmas, too. Grrrrr.

It's on the short list to be replaced anyway, but due to budget issues I can't replace it now, and fixing it when it's due for replacement only means I'm spending 20% more money on it than I was originally planning on.

Most of my client work is done on it, too, which means I can't even wait until after Christmas to deal with it.

Wasabi Poptart

Our dryer broke :thumbsup: The "repairman" won't be out until Wednesday. I know they are just going to give us an estimate rather than actually fixing it then and there. I can almost guarantee that the repair won't be done until after the New Year. Even if we order the heating element and fix it ourselves we wouldn't get it until January. I miss when you called the repair service and they actually fixed stuff same day.
Our dryer broke :thumbsup: The "repairman" won't be out until Wednesday. I know they are just going to give us an estimate rather than actually fixing it then and there. I can almost guarantee that the repair won't be done until after the New Year. Even if we order the heating element and fix it ourselves we wouldn't get it until January. I miss when you called the repair service and they actually fixed stuff same day.
And you still have about a 50% chance that the repair will be as expensive as the same model.
Our dryer broke :thumbsup: The "repairman" won't be out until Wednesday. I know they are just going to give us an estimate rather than actually fixing it then and there. I can almost guarantee that the repair won't be done until after the New Year. Even if we order the heating element and fix it ourselves we wouldn't get it until January. I miss when you called the repair service and they actually fixed stuff same day.
If you know whats broken, most dryers can be fixed very easily. I recently replaced every major part on the back of my dryer for about ~125$, because I couldn't figure it out.
Man sometimes I just hate my family. My dad just doesn't seem to want to take care of himself like he should. For the past years he has had real bad asthma and other medical issues. When I was growing up he would be in and out multiple times in the same year. Lately he starts doing better than something happens and he starts acting weird. He starts wheezing and he starts dozing off and forgetting conversations and he starts talking about stuff that makes no sense.

Now this stuff used to happen all the time but recently it had gotten better but a couple of days ago he started acting a little weird but instead of going to the doctors that day he decided to wait and try some nebulizer treatments. Well fast forward to today and he is back to acting weird and is having to go into the ER. I don’t quite know what is causing it although it seems to coincide when he is stressed and drink acidic drink and salty foods. He doesn't listen when we tell him and he gets defensive.

I don't live at home anymore and I can't hound him 24/7 and personally I don’t want to but this whole thing is just driving me nuts and I know it is worse on my mom who has medical issues of her own but it just is so ugh. I just want to scream at the top of my lungs and than I want to ditch my family and move far away. Now I can't/won't ditch my family but at times like this it really is tempting.
Try and get him checked for Alzheimer's. If he doesn't want to get it checked himself, mention it to the doctor next time he is in. Maybe they can talk to him about it.
Our dryer broke :thumbsup: The \"repairman\" won't be out until Wednesday. I know they are just going to give us an estimate rather than actually fixing it then and there. I can almost guarantee that the repair won't be done until after the New Year. Even if we order the heating element and fix it ourselves we wouldn't get it until January. I miss when you called the repair service and they actually fixed stuff same day.
Aw, that sucks! I live right next to http://www.repairclinic.com ("next to" meaning within 15 minute drive) so everything is same day for me, as long as they're open.

Their shipping costs aren't great, but if you know what's wrong, can fix it, and really need it now, they do ship same day, and you can get next day air parts.

Sounds like you'll be draping clothes over furniture to dray for a few days, though. We have a retractable clothesline in our basement that we used when our dryer broke on us, and also when unemployed (dryer uses a significant amount of electricity/gas, we found out). They are pretty cheap, so if you have someplace to hang one, you might get a clothesline.

Wasabi Poptart

I wish we had room for it, Adam. I'd stick it outside, but we are having non-typical weather southern CA this time of year. The majority of our laundry got washed yesterday and, luckily, we have 2 laundromats within 5 miles of our house. It was only $1.75 to get it all dried, which isn't bad at all. I guess I should be happy it's not the washing machine instead. At least if the baby has a "blow out" I can get it cleaned up at home.
Try and get him checked for Alzheimer's. If he doesn't want to get it checked himself, mention it to the doctor next time he is in. Maybe they can talk to him about it.

I am pretty sure it's not Alzheimer's. I seems to happen when he drinks real acidic drinks/ salty foods. It makes his legs swell and he starts wheezing. And when he wheezes he doesn't get much oxygen and the lack of oxygen makes him confused/tired. I personally think it it is possibly caused by a reaction to his medicine but the stupid VA doesn't seem to care enough to figure that stuff out. I mean they almost killed him a couple of times by giving him medicine he was allergic to. Some times even after we tell him not to give him a medicine becuase it reacts badly they decide to give it to him anyways.
So, I came home to the bitter cold north to visit for Christmas, from the 17th of December to the 4th of January. Apparently Santa got me a job interview back in Texas for December 30th. So I figured, no big deal, I'll just change my outbound flight for that morning, and pay the 100 dollar transfer fee. So I call up the airline, explain what I needed done, that I had to change my flight to an earlier one to make a job interview. Easy peasey.

Then I get my confirmation e-mail. Departure date January 30th. UGH.

So I call them up right away, and they tell me they need a supervisor to go over the call, and call me back. Surprise surprise, they do, and tell me that it was my mistake and they don't owe me anything. So I ask to hear the recording myself, and they tell me it would be a security risk to give it to me. YEAH, a risk to them! It's my farking voice on the damn thing, who is going to complain??? So I tell them to just use the 100 that they have, and book the flight for the DECEMBER 30th, to which they politely told me that the 100 I gave them was for the transfer to January 30th, and it'd be another 100 to change to December. :frusty:

Wasabi Poptart

Try and get him checked for Alzheimer's. If he doesn't want to get it checked himself, mention it to the doctor next time he is in. Maybe they can talk to him about it.

I am pretty sure it's not Alzheimer's. I seems to happen when he drinks real acidic drinks/ salty foods. It makes his legs swell and he starts wheezing. And when he wheezes he doesn't get much oxygen and the lack of oxygen makes him confused/tired. I personally think it it is possibly caused by a reaction to his medicine but the stupid VA doesn't seem to care enough to figure that stuff out. I mean they almost killed him a couple of times by giving him medicine he was allergic to. Some times even after we tell him not to give him a medicine becuase it reacts badly they decide to give it to him anyways.[/QUOTE]

Has he had his blood sugar checked?


Staff member
Sometimes I hate being the runt of the litter... I'm supposed to be leaving for my parents' place in the countryside tomorrow for our traditional Christmas get-together. And apparently the weather forecast promises bad weather for tomorrow.

How does my mom react to such news and her 26-year-old son driving in such weather? She offers to drive here and pick me up. I know she means well, and I know she is worried because I drive quite rarely (everything in the city being within walking distance, and the public transportation working like a song). But for God's sake, gimme some slack, woman!


Staff member
I'm not really angry... just peeved. I was having a bad day, and I held it all in all morning, afternoon, and evening. The fella knew it when we met up, too, and told me (like he always does when he can see I don't want to talk about it), "Just let it out if you feel like it, ok?"

So finally when we left the store, I did. I just kind of unloaded everything in the parking lot of a grocery store. Then he gave me a hug and I felt better. THEN some guys in a truck right behind me screamed, "GET A FUCKIN' ROOM!"--and not in a funny way, but a really nasty way. We weren't even doing anything that would prompt someone to say that... just... hugging briefly. And I really didn't need another reason to be irritated.

Why do people do that? :( What did he gain from that?

Funny thing is, when Jake looked back at the truck, he was pretty sure it belonged to a guy at his restaurant... a guy who antagonizes everyone and is universally hated. It's a small world... a small, impolite world today.

---------- Post added at 12:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 AM ----------

(Also, sorry NR. I'm not the youngest, but I know how you feel. I'm the youngest daughter and was kind of treated that way. At least it's cuz they love you. But it CAN be very trying, I know. Merry Christmas!)
I'm not really angry... just peeved. I was having a bad day, and I held it all in all morning, afternoon, and evening. The fella knew it when we met up, too, and told me (like he always does when he can see I don't want to talk about it), "Just let it out if you feel like it, ok?"

So finally when we left the store, I did. I just kind of unloaded everything in the parking lot of a grocery store. Then he gave me a hug and I felt better. THEN some guys in a truck right behind me screamed, "GET A FUCKIN' ROOM!"--and not in a funny way, but a really nasty way. We weren't even doing anything that would prompt someone to say that... just... hugging briefly. And I really didn't need another reason to be irritated.

Why do people do that? :( What did he gain from that?

Funny thing is, when Jake looked back at the truck, he was pretty sure it belonged to a guy at his restaurant... a guy who antagonizes everyone and is universally hated. It's a small world... a small, impolite world today.
Shannow lives in your city?
Well, I'm off to drive 12 hours through incredibly terrible conditions while it snows pure ice onto all the highways. So, if I never post again, you'll know why.

I'll be dead.


Staff member
Your Fella should have winked and give the assholish point at the douche and said, "Oh yes I will."
:rofl: I love y'all. He would have if they hadn't sped off. As for actually getting a room... well, it's christmas, and there are relatives in every damn corner.

And thanks, NR and General! :hug:

In fact, :hug: for everybody! It's CHRISTMAS!
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