Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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Wasabi Poptart

My mom sent packages for the kids since my parents can't make it here for Christmas this year. She wrapped the ones for our daughter and mailed them. The ones for our son were shipped directly from Toys R Us and needed to be wrapped. I did just that last night and placed them under the tree. This morning I told him those were his presents from Mom-mom and Pop-pop. I went to the kitchen to get my coffee. As I walked back into the living room, that little sneak completely tore open the wrapping paper from one of the gifts! There was no asking/begging to open it. No shaking of the box or hovering around like a vulture circling a dying zebra. No. He just went for it! I took the present away from him, asked if it was Christmas yet and when he answered no I sent him to his room. I decided right then that this gift was going to be donated to Toys for Tots. I asked him to come out of his room a few minutes later. I told him that since he opened his gift early and without permission that it would go to a boy or girl who doesn't have presents. I also added that if I caught him opening any other gifts ALL of his presents, including what Santa brings him, will go to children who don't have toys.

I feel like a mean old Grinch, but damn.
Yeah... you did the right thing when he opened it, but it WAS your fault for putting it out so early. That's a lot of temptation for a kid.

Wasabi Poptart

Yeah... you did the right thing when he opened it, but it WAS your fault for putting it out so early. That's a lot of temptation for a kid.
He's not 10. He's 4. We have always put the gifts under the tree when the tree goes up. He also knew better than to open his sister's presents or anyone else's. If I don't teach him this lesson, what''s to stop him from doing whatever he wants any other time of the year?


Staff member
Yeah... you did the right thing when he opened it, but it WAS your fault for putting it out so early. That's a lot of temptation for a kid.
He's not 10. He's 4. We have always put the gifts under the tree when the tree goes up. He also knew better than to open his sister's presents or anyone else's. If I don't teach him this lesson, what''s to stop him from doing whatever he wants any other time of the year?[/QUOTE]

We're on your side. Good parenting! (Totally unsarcastic comments, by the way.)

Wasabi Poptart

Thanks Dave. I wish good parenting didn't make me want to pound my head against a wall.
And that's the rule of thumb right there:

Good parenting is wanting to bang YOUR head against the wall. Bad parenting is wanting to, or outright commencing to, bang THEIR head against the wall.


Staff member
If you don't want to bang your head against the wall then you are not being a parent but a buddy or friend. We all know people who treat their kids like that. They are called fucking BRATS!


Staff member
Aw, man, Wildsoul... sorry, I couldn't help but laugh a little. Reminds me of my little cousins. What a cool way to handle it, though. You're gonna act greedy, this is going to someone who appreciates it. :)
Yeah... you did the right thing when he opened it, but it WAS your fault for putting it out so early. That's a lot of temptation for a kid.
He's not 10. He's 4. We have always put the gifts under the tree when the tree goes up. He also knew better than to open his sister's presents or anyone else's. If I don't teach him this lesson, what''s to stop him from doing whatever he wants any other time of the year?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I realized the ten I saw wasn't about his age, but something else, hence why I changed it. Everyone just caught me while I was changing it, thus leading to everyone jumping in... and like I said, I DO agree with what you did. I was simply saying it would have been simpler not to have the things tempting the kid to begin with.
Piss shit mother fuck.

Why is it that all the wrong girls end up attracted to me? I finally get a date, and while talking to this girl who I have a date with, it comes up in conversation that she doesn't want 'us' to go anywhere (relationship-wise) because she doesn't want to hurt our mutual friend who has been crushing on my for two years.

I wish I could say I should have nipped that in the bud, but I did nip it in the bud. And yet, after two years of nipping, here I am being bitten in the ass by it.

Piss shit mother fuck.
Sorry to hear that Rob. Didn't you make it clear to your date that it was never going to happen with the other girl? And that's she's just a bit.. well.. obsessed perhaps? (I dunno the details).
Well, we've already talked about this friend before, and how I have absolutely no interest in her, so she knows that. I indicated that I thought this girl was past all that, and she didn't know whether she was or wasn't. I'm kinda-sorta hoping that things might change if it turns out that this other girl isn't still interested, but I don't want to count on anything.

The worst thing is that I don't think I've ever been so compatible with another human being in my life. I had chosen not to date, and then broke my own rule because this girl was too damn good to be true. And now I just feel like a fool.

We'll see where things go. I know where I hope they'll go, but tonight everything just sucks.
A little late, but I wanna chime in backing up Wildsoul's absolutely right parenting move. My parents would've done the same and I'd do it too.

My sister's and mine rule was, once it's wrapped, we just gotta wait. Everything else is fair game to look at though :p.
Be a man! Waltz over to the girl's place, kick the door in and go all \"Screw that other chick! You wanna be my girl, babe? Be the queen to this king, honey and let's ride the sky!\"

Yeah.. I know.. I'm no good with guy talk... >.>

That'll either have her call the cops or swoon all over you.

Oh, and it helps if you have a motorcycle and a leather jacket...

[SIZE=\"1\"]...I think I have issues.[/SIZE]
Seriously, I'm trying to sleep and these are the ideas that are coming into my head. I just half-dreamed a giant soliloquy about not living for other people and how perfect we were for each other, and it's just not fair to let this other girl get in the way.

The other thing is that I'm tired. I'm not that enamored with this girl, but like I said ... she's just that perfect that I decided to put aside my no-dating pact.

I mean ... I'm a groomsman for my good friend. The bride is a girl that I crushed on so hard two years ago. But they started dating and I built a bridge and got over it. It wasn't easy, but here I am, able to stand for their wedding. Able to acknowledge that I don't think there are two people in the world more perfect for each-other than those two. I don't expect that things would go similar places for me and this girl, but I would hope that this obsessed-girl wouldn't stand in the way of something that could potentially be so good.

You know what? Fuck it. In the morning, I'm going to the Harley dealership ...

EDIT: I think I'm just going to go sing her this:

You can never go wrong with the boss.
Grrr, I had only a few minutes left on my lunch hour. I decide to whip into one of those coin-op car washes. It was the first rain/mistless days in 2 weeks, so the car was filthy. Break a couple of dollars into change. I start to wash, switched to the foaming brush....

and nothing. I dropped $2 just to get my dirty car wet. Now it is dirty with water spots.
My mom sent packages for the kids since my parents can't make it here for Christmas this year. She wrapped the ones for our daughter and mailed them. The ones for our son were shipped directly from Toys R Us and needed to be wrapped. I did just that last night and placed them under the tree. This morning I told him those were his presents from Mom-mom and Pop-pop. I went to the kitchen to get my coffee. As I walked back into the living room, that little sneak completely tore open the wrapping paper from one of the gifts! There was no asking/begging to open it. No shaking of the box or hovering around like a vulture circling a dying zebra. No. He just went for it! I took the present away from him, asked if it was Christmas yet and when he answered no I sent him to his room. I decided right then that this gift was going to be donated to Toys for Tots. I asked him to come out of his room a few minutes later. I told him that since he opened his gift early and without permission that it would go to a boy or girl who doesn't have presents. I also added that if I caught him opening any other gifts ALL of his presents, including what Santa brings him, will go to children who don't have toys.

I feel like a mean old Grinch, but damn.
My daughter was 18 months old last Christmas and was an unwrapping demon. No presents were safe, which was a bit of a headache at my Mom's with a 15 foot tree surrounded by a present pile for about 30 people. The boy has always been good about it, at least.
Man, I'm so exhausted from the 5-4-5 cycle we have going right on now (as in 5 nights into four days into 5 nights with only a day inbetween) that I just want to stab something. Thank God these assholes only come twice a year.
Man, I'm so exhausted from the 5-4-5 cycle we have going right on now (as in 5 nights into four days into 5 nights with only a day inbetween) that I just want to stab something. Thank God these assholes only come twice a year.
Do the police cover gun range costs at all? Are you allowed to take a generic thug poster and use it as the target?

Might be worth a try...
Sorry to hear that Rob. Didn't you make it clear to your date that it was never going to happen with the other girl? And that's she's just a bit.. well.. obsessed perhaps? (I dunno the details).
Well, we've already talked about this friend before, and how I have absolutely no interest in her, so she knows that. I indicated that I thought this girl was past all that, and she didn't know whether she was or wasn't. I'm kinda-sorta hoping that things might change if it turns out that this other girl isn't still interested, but I don't want to count on anything.

The worst thing is that I don't think I've ever been so compatible with another human being in my life. I had chosen not to date, and then broke my own rule because this girl was too damn good to be true. And now I just feel like a fool.

We'll see where things go. I know where I hope they'll go, but tonight everything just sucks.[/QUOTE]

Be a man! Waltz over to the girl's place, kick the door in and go all "Screw that other chick! You wanna be my girl, babe? Be the queen to this king, honey and let's ride the sky!"

Yeah.. I know.. I'm no good with guy talk... >.>

That'll either have her call the cops or swoon all over you.

Oh, and it helps if you have a motorcycle and a leather jacket...

...I think I have issues.[/QUOTE]

Up until the ride the sky part it sounds solid. That last bit makes it sound like they're going to do cocaine.


Staff member
I feel horrid.

I should have had my thesis done by this week, but whenever I try to work on it I just can't get anything out of me... Goddammit...
Ok. So, when last I ranted (that the forums didn't lose, the bastards) I did so because my local unemployment office decided that my 2 week temporary contract coming to an end should be determined as I quit voluntarily without cause and they should take $1616 back and not pay me anymore. Seeing as how I did not voluntarily quit without cause, I worked a temporary contract that ended at the pre-determined end date for said contract, I appealed.

The good news is (and it really is good news) they have read my appeal and ruled in my favor. I no longer owe them their $1616 back, and they paid me for the two weeks that it took for them to straighten everything back out.

The bad news is, on the same day that I received my redetermination letter, and the direct deposit to my checking account, I also received one letter telling me they think they overpaid me $2424 and they want to know why they did that and whose fault it is; and a second letter wanting to know all about the business that I'm running, where I'm working this self-employment.

See, because my 2 week contract was technically self-employment, they think I run my own business. They sent me a 20 question long questionnaire all about when I started seeking self employment, what the name of my company is, how many people work for me, etc. Oh, and because I have this company, they think that they may have overpaid me not only the original $1616, but also the additional $808 that they just paid me for the two weeks that it took for them to straighten out the original appeal, for a grand total of $2424.

Honestly, if this is what happens when you can only find temp contracts, it's a wonder that people ever accept contract work while on unemployment.

So, now I've filled out all of the new paperwork, and I will print another copy of my contract and send it all back to them and pray, yet again, that they don't decide that I should be punished for finding temp work and relieving them of the need to pay me for those two weeks (during which time I notified them that I was working and notified them how much I made, and they didn't pay me because I made more money than they would have paid me).

Oh, and apparently they have lost my social security number and I can no longer even log in to view my claim status.

Anyone have that picture of the dog with the sprinkler? That's the noise I feel like making right about now.
My ex-girlfriend from two years ago messaged me on facebook last night out of the blue asking for us to still be friends and for an opportunity to talk to me. We broke up after she cheated on me on our two year anniversary weekend (Something I didn't find out was the reason we broke up until 4 months later).

I told her sorry, but I can't trust her, we'll never be friends.

Her response was that she's never been "anything but honest" with me. :der:

1) It was 2 years ago, get the fuck over it.
My brother was born but with a simple defect, he can't feel gratitude. He doesn't even bother to fake it unless it's someone he doesn't know / a boss of his. He's living with my parents, not contributing a dime to the familiar economy (his paycheck goes entirely to his hobbies), they're paying for his studies and necessities... yet he treats them like they owe him their life. Downright insult and psychological abuse (hasn't laid a hand on anyone but me though. If he did as much as shove one of my parents... Ahahah knife goes inside throat).

I don't know what's worse: that my parents keep stalling on dumping him on the street, that he's a medical graduate (or will be in short of a month) yet behaves worse than a child or that he makes me glad yet worried I'm not around most of the year.
Den, is that an actual medically confirmed birth defect (minor brain damage), or is he just being an ass? Regardless of the answer, is he willfully abusing that fact? (I knew someone that did that, actually.)
Oh no no, nothing diagnosed or an actual "defect." I'm just being snarky, sorry if you misunderstood >_<

He's what is plainly called an abusive ungrateful swine. He has no excuse for it, but he doesn't need one anyway.
My brother was born but with a simple defect, he can't feel gratitude. He doesn't even bother to fake it unless it's someone he doesn't know / a boss of his. He's living with my parents, not contributing a dime to the familiar economy (his paycheck goes entirely to his hobbies), they're paying for his studies and necessities... yet he treats them like they owe him their life. Downright insult and psychological abuse (hasn't laid a hand on anyone but me though. If he did as much as shove one of my parents... Ahahah knife goes inside throat).

I don't know what's worse: that my parents keep stalling on dumping him on the street, that he's a medical graduate (or will be in short of a month) yet behaves worse than a child or that he makes me glad yet worried I'm not around most of the year.
I hope the "laying a hand on anybody but you" part is referring to those occasional brothernal situations in wich things may turn slightly phisical...
Twist off bottle caps! Why do we need them? What was wrong with having a bottle opener handy! It showed the world you were prepared and allowed you to open bottles for those less fortunate than you! :mad:

Plastic pop bottles! I am tired of these things! What was wrong with glass bottles and cans! Cans are great! Easy to transport, simple to use and develop character! When you choose to open a can of pop, you are making a commitment to drink that pop, there is no going back, none of this put the lid back on when you've gotten in over your head and can't finish the bottle! :mad:

Grey Goose vodka! I've had it up to here with people telling me it's top shelf. It's just marketing you sheep! If the French were good at making vodka they wouldn't have only started making it 1997! :mad:
Twist off bottle caps! Why do we need them? What was wrong with having a bottle opener handy! It showed the world you were prepared and allowed you to open bottles for those less fortunate than you! :mad:

Plastic pop bottles! I am tired of these things! What was wrong with glass bottles and cans! Cans are great! Easy to transport, simple to use and develop character! When you choose to open a can of pop, you are making a commitment to drink that pop, there is no going back, none of this put the lid back on when you've gotten in over your head and can't finish the bottle! :mad:

Grey Goose vodka! I've had it up to here with people telling me it's top shelf. It's just marketing you sheep! If the French were good at making vodka they wouldn't have only started making it 1997! :mad:
Can I add to that rant?

Whats up with screw on lids on freaking Wine bottles?
Did they do it so hobos can now drink a Pinot Noir out of the bottle,instead of a Tetra Pack? I want my wine to have a freaking cork in it! It worked for Hundres of years,why change it now? There is something classy and exiting over opening a Wine bottle with a corkscrew,but when i twist the top to open it,I just feel cheap.
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