Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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Shit. Friend of a friend has been taken to the hospital with diabetic complications ):

EDIT: She's okay-ish now, will be out the hospital soon. Thank god.


Shit. Friend of a friend has been taken to the hospital with diabetic complications ):

EDIT: She's okay-ish now, will be out the hospital soon. Thank god.
Sorry to hear that Wahad. Glad its working out tho. The diabetis can be tough. :(
When the hell did I become a rockstar? Of the 5 girls I thought might be interested, I have managed to confirm my suspicions on 3. This complicates things. I know what I want to do, but turning down two girls doesn't strike me as the most fun I could be having.
When the hell did I become a rockstar? Of the 5 girls I thought might be interested, I have managed to confirm my suspicions on 3. This complicates things. I know what I want to do, but turning down two girls doesn't strike me as the most fun I could be having.
If you were a real man, you wouldn't have to.
I love it when people send emails that are in giant red letters.
I was helping a user the other day to set up a printer. After I installed it I wanted her to test. I just asked her to print the first Email in her inbox. 14 pages later... I pull the print job off the printer and see that it is 4 pages of email addresses, 9 pages of a 20 line, pro-Christianity poem (yes the font was blue and HUGE,) one page of random garbage (lines and <'s) from all the fowards...

I was fricken mad. The addresses were mostly agency addresses with a few hotmail and yahoo personal addresses thrown in, just to be sure to spread our addresses to spammers and hackers I guess.

But it is the Director's secretary, so there is no way I am going to raise a stink over this. Because nothing will happen.
I have been showering my secret santa with gifts and homespun poems, so I cannot wait until next week to reveal myself!!!!

I sent two third grade students to give my victim her present this morning telling them that whatever they do, don't tell her it came from me.

They came back and told me that they told her anyway. WHAT THE FUCK

I almost cried.... right there in front of my students....
Secret Santa, or Kris Kringle, is where everyone who wants to participate puts their name and interests in a hat. When they draw a name, they have to SECRETLY give that person presents every Friday until the big reveal! The presents have to be under five bucks, but the big reveal present should be around $15.

Kinda cheesy, but at the same time you are getting presents yourself from an anonymous Santa as well.

I've never done it, but this year I know my Kris Kringle "victim" and was excited to give her presents all month.

Is that what you were asking about? My brain is so confused right now...

Wasabi Poptart

I hate being sick, especially with it being chilly and threatening to rain today and all weekend.
I have been showering my secret santa with gifts and homespun poems, so I cannot wait until next week to reveal myself!!!!

I sent two third grade students to give my victim her present this morning telling them that whatever they do, don't tell her it came from me.

They came back and told me that they told her anyway. WHAT THE FUCK

I almost cried.... right there in front of my students....

She's not talking about the halforum secret santa - probably one she's in with her co-workers at school.

Sorry to hear that they messed it up for you Vytamindi - it can be so frustrating to put so much effort into preparing a surprise for someone, and have it deflated.
I love it when people send emails that are in giant red letters.
There's something that happens to internal emails around here. I don't know what the problem is, but every time something gets replied or forwarded the font size in all previous emails jumps up by one.

>So you'll get an email in a decent size, but if you read the email before that it's slightly larger.

>>It's generally not an issue, but if you've been copied in an email that has been circulating for a while it causes problems.

>>>Even four or five re:'s and it gets ridiculous

>>>>Of course, everybody knows that there is no limit to re:'s or fwd:'s

>>>>>It is my cross to bear


Staff member
I just went to Taco Bell. I made my order (#10 with Dr. Pepper) and waited for the girl to read it back.

"#10 with a Mountain Dew?"

"No, " I said, "Dr. Pepper."

"Oh! Sorry."

I get to the window, pay and get my order. then I head back to work. Yes, I eat at my desk.

I take a big bite of my food and go to wash it down with my Dr. Pepper and discover to my dismay that - although it looks brown - it is actually a strange tasting beverage. I realize that instead of getting a new glass and starting over, the girl simply moved to finish filling up my glass with Dr. Pepper. Not sure how much Mountain Dew was in it beforehand, but Dr. Pepper & Mt. Dew does not mix well.

*sigh* To the vending machine for soda.


Staff member
That's the first thing I thought of, too, Ame. I used to drink the shit out of suicides. But you lose the taste for those when you reach double digits in age.
I just went to Taco Bell. I made my order (#10 with Dr. Pepper) and waited for the girl to read it back...
They FUCK YOU at the drive-thru, okay? They FUCK YOU at the drive-thru! They know youre gonna be miles away before you find out you got fucked! They know youre not gonna turn around and go back, they dont care. So who gets fucked? Ol Dave!

Occasional Poster

I just went to Taco Bell. I made my order (#10 with Dr. Pepper) and waited for the girl to read it back...
They FUCK YOU at the drive-thru, okay? They FUCK YOU at the drive-thru! They know youre gonna be miles away before you find out you got fucked! They know youre not gonna turn around and go back, they dont care. So who gets fucked? Ol Dave![/QUOTE]

It's just been revoked!
Oh. Wow.

Just found out a good friends father has been distributing child porn.

He is an gay Anglican priest who divorced her mother years ago.

At her graduation party a few months ago he kept mentioning over and over again how sad he was that we didn't bring Jet along. That he would have loved to meet him.

I am fucking creeped out.
He was in custody.

The article says he's been released to his parents. They paid a 25,000 dollar bail for him. It also says he not allowed access to the internet or an building with the internet and can't go with in 25 meters of a school or a minor.

So I guess he has to stay inside all the time.
I'm on nights for the next 3 days and it's still supposed to get below -40 all three nights. The only positive thing I can think of is is people usually don't go out to commit crimes. However, I am still expecting a large influx of domestics. Sigh.
I'm on nights for the next 3 days and it's still supposed to get below -40 all three nights. The only positive thing I can think of is is people usually don't go out to commit crimes. However, I am still expecting a large influx of domestics. Sigh.
Whenever I read your posts about your work, I keep thinking that you're a cop here.
Went to bed last night feeling a little chilly, then started getting really bad fever chills and felt sick to my stomach (to the point I didn't want to take any medicine because I prefer fever over nausea). Bizarre dreams for the next few hours involving streamlining engineering processes in the 'Favela' map on CoD: Modern Warfare 2 (I get bizarre fucking fever dreams), then woke up and was sick as a dog for about half an hour.

Woke up about 2 PM today (nothing I had to do, thankfully), and feel like I have a hangover with none of the fun in getting there. My head's killing me.
Wind ripped my asphalt roll roofing off the shed a few days ago. Since it's too cold for anything to be wet (just snowy) I figured I'd wait until next week.

Weather is going to be very rainy tomorrow, though, so I had to spend 3 hours outside stapling the ripped pieces back on today.

3 hours I was planning on spending on consulting work ($90/hr). :mad:

Originally I attached them using about 300 staples.

This time I burned through about 3,000 staples, and had to disassemble and clean the air stapler in the middle due to misfiring after the first 2 thousand. :rolleyes:

If it doesn't stay up then nothing will. Too cold for construction adhesive, unfortunately, or that roofing material would have been more than permanent...
Right now I have enough friends as to have several plans on the same night and having to decide. I never had that problem... for most of my life, just one group. When I studied journalism, everybody there was, more or less, one big group, so I had to worry about my "classic friends" and them. Now I have new friends at my master's class, wich are divided in several groups. With us splitting after we finished journalism, my university friends have slowly started to get segregated in different groups. And my classic friends are always there.

I don't know how to handle all this people!
I'm on nights for the next 3 days and it's still supposed to get below -40 all three nights. The only positive thing I can think of is is people usually don't go out to commit crimes. However, I am still expecting a large influx of domestics. Sigh.
Whenever I read your posts about your work, I keep thinking that you're a cop here.[/QUOTE]

Well, on the positive side it's been completely dead here for the past couple of nights. Which is a fantastic change of pace. The only upside to shitty weather.

Anyone doubting my stories of cold.

I live just north of Edmonton.
I'm on nights for the next 3 days and it's still supposed to get below -40 all three nights. The only positive thing I can think of is is people usually don't go out to commit crimes. However, I am still expecting a large influx of domestics. Sigh.
Whenever I read your posts about your work, I keep thinking that you're a cop here.[/QUOTE]

Well, on the positive side it's been completely dead here for the past couple of nights. Which is a fantastic change of pace. The only upside to shitty weather.

Anyone doubting my stories of cold.

I live just north of Edmonton.

I pray that you never have to police a reservation.
Dude, my little town is surrounded by no fewer than 3 large reservations, a metis colony and untold multiple small ones, all of which fall upon our jurisdiction. To make matters more fun, this little burg is also the only non-dry spot for about 100 km. AWESOME MCPOSSUM!


Staff member

Grr, the girl who's supposed to be dating my brother is dating someone else. Don't they know they're made for each other?! Stupid children.
Hurry up, DHL! I'm supposed to be at work, not at home waiting for you! And I need to poop. Also, why is it I can't pick up my package at your facility? It's obviously in town, and I missed you yesterday. Why can't you be like all the other mail services in my life, DHL?

And why was that customer service rep so short on the phone?

Him - "Can I have the tracking number, sir?"
Me - *Gives tracking number*
Him - *Conspicuous silence*
Me - "Did you catch that? Should I read it again?

At that point, I think he may have sacrificed a small child on an altar of undelivered packages.
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