Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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Just FYI, stalkers don't ever stop unless confronted (sometimes not even then), they just get progressively worse.
Well, he hasn't called back yet so we've got time to think out how we're going to deal with things.

And, unfortunately, my grandmother who helped raise me was just diagnosed with terminal lung cancer so I've got something else I have to worry about. Will be trying to spend as much time with her as possible.
When we stopped for the night, the Fairest had managed to run away, the Manikin surrendered after being shot, the Hunterheart is in a coma, the Fairest managed to run away, two cops are dead and one is wounded - and my Mirrorskin is still in the back of the police car, having changed shape to a beat-up older man. I'll see if I can pull off some decent lies about "being beaten up by some punk and shoved into the back of the car" to get the hell outta there.

Oh, and did I mention? We're supposed to deal with the serial killer in the next 24 hours or we'll be kicked out into the street from the safehouse. Not gonna happen, I fear.
Here's the lie you want: When the police ask you how you got in the car, you tell them you escaped from the house of the guy your trying to deal with. He had been holding you hostage for at least a day, but you managed to escape from his basement. You then saw the police car with it's door open and ran for it, hiding in the back for safety. This should be at least enough for the cops to go to his house and ask to look around. If he denies them access, they will go to get a warrant and if he's smart he'll hightail it out of town before they come back... and if he lets them in, they will probably find something incriminating and haul him off. Even if he kills them, you still have two dead cops missing from a routine call, which will have people come looking for them. Simply put... Mission Accomplished.

Oh... and your friends are jerks.
:( Oh, Adam, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Eh, she's had a good life :) She'll be back with my grandfather soon. It's my siblings and my parents I'm worried about more. They weren't speaking to my grandparents when my grandfather passed on, I had to relay messages back and forth. This time they get to deal with it personally.


Staff member
Well that's a good way to think about it. I just hope that she doesn't go through more pain than she has to. I'm sure you'll make her remaining time special, and I'm sure that you'll do everything you can to make this easier for your loved ones. I wish you all the best.


Staff member
When we stopped for the night, the Fairest had managed to run away, the Manikin surrendered after being shot, the Hunterheart is in a coma, the Fairest managed to run away, two cops are dead and one is wounded - and my Mirrorskin is still in the back of the police car, having changed shape to a beat-up older man. I'll see if I can pull off some decent lies about "being beaten up by some punk and shoved into the back of the car" to get the hell outta there.

Oh, and did I mention? We're supposed to deal with the serial killer in the next 24 hours or we'll be kicked out into the street from the safehouse. Not gonna happen, I fear.
Here's the lie you want: When the police ask you how you got in the car, you tell them you escaped from the house of the guy your trying to deal with. He had been holding you hostage for at least a day, but you managed to escape from his basement. You then saw the police car with it's door open and ran for it, hiding in the back for safety. This should be at least enough for the cops to go to his house and ask to look around. If he denies them access, they will go to get a warrant and if he's smart he'll hightail it out of town before they come back... and if he lets them in, they will probably find something incriminating and haul him off. Even if he kills them, you still have two dead cops missing from a routine call, which will have people come looking for them. Simply put... Mission Accomplished.

Oh... and your friends are jerks.[/QUOTE]

Hm. I hadn't thought of that. Maybe I should see how well that goes. Luckily I have the XP to buy that nice Rigid Mask merit that will make it nice an' difficult for people to know when I'm lying.

We were told, however, that the serial killer hasn't gone up to humans yet. He's been killing small animals and such, and the people we work for (the freehold, aka the community of Changelings in the area) fear he might switch to humans soon. But it might give us some edge.

But how do I explain how I ended up in police handcuffs - to which they have the key?
When we stopped for the night, the Fairest had managed to run away, the Manikin surrendered after being shot, the Hunterheart is in a coma, the Fairest managed to run away, two cops are dead and one is wounded - and my Mirrorskin is still in the back of the police car, having changed shape to a beat-up older man. I'll see if I can pull off some decent lies about "being beaten up by some punk and shoved into the back of the car" to get the hell outta there.

Oh, and did I mention? We're supposed to deal with the serial killer in the next 24 hours or we'll be kicked out into the street from the safehouse. Not gonna happen, I fear.
Here's the lie you want: When the police ask you how you got in the car, you tell them you escaped from the house of the guy your trying to deal with. He had been holding you hostage for at least a day, but you managed to escape from his basement. You then saw the police car with it's door open and ran for it, hiding in the back for safety. This should be at least enough for the cops to go to his house and ask to look around. If he denies them access, they will go to get a warrant and if he's smart he'll hightail it out of town before they come back... and if he lets them in, they will probably find something incriminating and haul him off. Even if he kills them, you still have two dead cops missing from a routine call, which will have people come looking for them. Simply put... Mission Accomplished.

Oh... and your friends are jerks.[/QUOTE]

Hm. I hadn't thought of that. Maybe I should see how well that goes. Luckily I have the XP to buy that nice Rigid Mask merit that will make it nice an' difficult for people to know when I'm lying.

We were told, however, that the serial killer hasn't gone up to humans yet. He's been killing small animals and such, and the people we work for (the freehold, aka the community of Changelings in the area) fear he might switch to humans soon. But it might give us some edge.

But how do I explain how I ended up in police handcuffs - to which they have the key?[/QUOTE]

Some (maybe even most) Police cuffs use a standardized key, which works on all the cuffs in a precinct (if not just all cuffs of that type). You could claim that the killer stole a pair of cuffs off a cop at an earlier date and just kept them to use later.

Also, I'd hardly call someone who hasn't actually killed anyone a serial killer. He may be one in the making (or he's some kind of fucked up Vampire) but he's not one yet. Thankfully, they tend to collect trophies at that stage, so it's entirely possibly that he'll have to explain a room full of animal skulls to the cops. If it's a small town, it'll be enough for the cops to try and ride him out of town on a rail.


Staff member
Some (maybe even most) Police cuffs use a standardized key, which works on all the cuffs in a precinct (if not just all cuffs of that type). You could claim that the killer stole a pair of cuffs off a cop at an earlier date and just kept them to use later.

Also, I'd hardly call someone who hasn't actually killed anyone a serial killer. He may be one in the making (or he's some kind of fucked up Vampire) but he's not one yet. Thankfully, they tend to collect trophies at that stage, so it's entirely possibly that he'll have to explain a room full of animal skulls to the cops. If it's a small town, it'll be enough for the cops to try and ride him out of town on a rail.
Okay, he's not a serial killer - yet. But apparently he is under some kind of localised supernatural influence, and our contacts in the freehold want him out before he goes past that moral event horizon. Hopefully once he's out of the area, the influence will stop - or at least he'll be out of the area and the concern of someone else.

And our setting is 'burb close to Chicago :p So I fear the rail option is impossible. I will try out your strategy, though, and see if it nets up the prize. I'm pretty sure our ST will be happy for any excuse not to see us fudge up anymore. I mean, our group's a frickin' walking catastrophe so far - and our benefactor may be slightly pissed at us, considering we accidentally trashed his car :D
SO LAME! I don't care if you're a tiny, tiny old woman who's probably afraid of her computer and teenagers. LEARN TO POST YOUR FUCKING SYLLABUS ONLINE!

The ONE page I need is torn out. I have no goddamn idea where it is. I need information right now and have no way to get it until tomorrow. But no one can say I didn't tear my house and car apart looking for the thing.
I saw this, and in related news, I just issued a decree at our campus that all faculty as of next spring are required to have a "minimal online presence". At this time, it simply means a syllabus online with weekly notes on expected reading and assignments, but it's a start.

However, you would not believe the resistance I am getting from the faculty.


Staff member
Despite all the "good vibes" talk I use on the boards, I do in fact pray. And your little boy's now on my prayer list.
Yeah, we've been under siege for over 3 weeks now. Our kids go to two different schools, and I'm thinking we've had more than one illness hitting us.

Unfortunately he's not responding as quickly as they'd like, so they're putting him on oxygen while he's sleeping.
Got home from an epic Christmas party last night at about 3 in the morning. The driveway was clear, and it had stopped snowing. I thought I would be fine.

This morning I had to do a breakfast program at a local school. Unfortunately, when i looked outside I found that I had been plowed in. I have no idea where the snow came from, but it was piled three and a half feet high at the end of my driveway. I shoveled like a madman, and got sore as all hell. Then I drove to my work to pick up the breakfast foods ... to find that the parking lot had not been plowed. I could not get to the loading door. I had to park at the gas station next-door, and tumble over a snowbank to get into the building, and then do it all in reverse carrying about 200 juice boxes, cheese strings, pudding and more.

Then, traffic was crawling all the way to the school. A highlight I would like to share: an 18 wheeler, 2 cars ahead of me stopped for a red light. When the light turned green ... he didn't move. At first I was angry that he hadn't noticed the lights change, and I silently (ok, not so silently) wished that he would pay attention. Then I noticed that the entire rig was shaking. The light turned red again, but the driver was still gunning it. He was stuck in the snow and ice. The 18 wheeler.

This is why I hate driving in snow while there are other people on the road. Snow-driving isn't so hard. It's snow-driving with a million people in your way that's the issue. The key word is momentum. If you stop, often times you don't start again.

The radio said it was only 38 cm. They did report that a nearby weather station recorded 104 km/h winds, though. I thought that was pretty impressive.

Can somebody who is living somewhere warmer put me up for the winter?


Crap. That all feels so petty after hearing about the Stein-let. Be sure that I'm praying.
We'll take all the snow you got! I love snow.

Feeling jealous, I opened the window just in case and it is indeed snowing.

Hunter looked over and excitedly shouted "It's snowing!" While I doubt we'll get any accumulation, we appreciate you sending it our way.

Looks like we get to spend another night here, though. They had him on oxygen all night, and so they want to keep him until he can spend a night without the oxygen.

The hospital has a nice large room with private bath and shower, a pull out chair (unfolds into a long thin bed), and they provide meals for two each time, so there's a lot of support for the parents as well as the kids. Also, free wifi, cable, and local calls (in the maternity unit everything costs extra...).

For his part, Hunter claims he isn't even sick and feels fine, so at least he's not uncomfortable.
More of an annoyance...

Whoever is my Kris Kringle (or Secret Santa) didn't get a gift to me until this morning when it was due on Friday. It's a votive lampy thing and it was thrown into a plastic bag. Whoever it is smokes like a chimney as the plastic wrapping the lamp is covered in smells like it has a three pack a day habit.

I've washed my hands and the smell is still there..... ew.

Wasabi Poptart

Adam - Glad to hear he says he's feeling fine. Hope he gets to come home soon.
Minor Rant: damn you Cartoon Network!!!

Last nights Venture Bros. was a good 10 minutes off schedule. So my DVR missed the entire ending.
That entire episode was kind of a downer, especially in how "The Master" portrays Dean. Then again, I've always been of the opinion that "The Master" is full of shit and treats Orpheus like shit because he knows he's a failure, but keeps him around because he wants something from him.

Looks like I was right. He wants Triana to study magic and surpass her father, so he'll have a fucking competent servant. Still, the episode isn't all bad: it does show Dean showing SOME emotional growth when he finally talks to a girl other than Triana.
Go go Guild Drama... the old leader of my VG in City of Villains somehow regained the leader position and is dismantling the guild to spite his friend, the new leader. This is AFTER the old one was a total douche to the new one when he was having a throat cancer scare. We have a ticket placed with the GMs to regain the star (and perhaps reform the VG if he finishes the job before it's gone through) but we're looking at losing years of work on our base and billions of Infamy.


Tomorrow is my birthday, and I decided to have a dinner out at a restaurant. Nobody showed up when they said they would. Not like it matters, the restaurant owner closed early anyways. :eek:rly:
Sorry that happened to ya. Same thing happened my my birthday two weeks ago.

I decided from now on, Im gonna spend my birthdays in Atlantic city or Vegas getting drunk and gambling.

Happy B-day though.

I think my Staff Sergeant and my girlfriend's supervisor are working together when they schedule us to make sure we never have more than 10 minutes to see each other before either going to work or going to sleep. It's actually getting very annoying.
So, I got a phone call from my mom yesterday. It seems one of my father's cousins had died on sunday. She had Down's Syndrome and in the later part of her life also had Alzheimer's Disease. The thing is, beyond my empathy for my Great Aunt who had taken care of her all these years, I feel nothing.
We used to live close enough to them for my brother and I to bike over to their house in less then 15 minutes. When we were young, we would go over to their house and while Mom and my Great Aunt talked, my siblings and I would play with her. We went to a Christmas party at their house every year. A piece of my childhood is gone, yet I feel nothing.

Wasabi Poptart

My condolences to you and your family. Don't beat yourself up over feeling "nothing". I had an aunt with DS who developed other major heath problems as she got older. When she passed away, I cried more for my mom's loss than because I felt sorrow over her death (both of my grandparents had already died and my aunt was my mom's only sibling). I felt very sad for my mom, but in a way my aunt's death was a relief because of the amount of care she required. That sounds terrible, but it's the truth.
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