Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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=gets arrested by Frankie=

PICTOU — An elderly Nova Scotia couple says they were accused of attempted child abduction earlier this month after they waved at a child.
Gerald and Patsy McCara of Waterside said they were detained by the RCMP for almost two hours following the incident about two weeks ago in Pictou.
Patsy McCara said it all began when they went to buy groceries and spotted a little boy on a bike outside a Sobeys store.
She said her husband waved at the child as they drove past.
"We parked and both got out of our truck. My husband went into the tobacco shop and I went into Sobeys and picked up several articles," she said in an interview.
When she returned to their truck, an RCMP cruiser was parked immediately behind the vehicle and her husband was seated inside.
A stunned Patsy said she was told to sit in the truck and wait. A few minutes later, she said, four other RCMP cars had surrounded the vehicle.
"It was embarrassing," she said.
"We were right in front of Sobeys and people were coming and going, looking at us like we’d done something really drastic. And all he’d done was wave at a child."
They were taken by RCMP to the Pictou detachment, locked in separate interrogation rooms and questioned extensively.
RCMP Sgt. Phil Oliver said the investigation stemmed from a complaint of an attempted abduction.
"Police went to the scene, where the alleged abductor was present, as well as the person who made the complaint," he said.
Oliver said they had "probable cause" for the arrest but in the end no charges were laid.
"It was one person’s word against another," he said. "We were satisfied no abduction took place. It was a pretty ordinary and by-the-book investigation, as far as I was concerned."
Patsy McCara said they won’t let the experience keep them down.
"We’ll continue to wave as we go in to get our package of tea and our Aspirin," she said.



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Why? Why is it that students are required to embrace technology, but if a teacher doesn't post their grades, syllabus, and assignments online, there are NO consequences, no matter how much it might inconvenience their students who have gotten so attached to using technology for school?


Staff member
SO LAME! I don't care if you're a tiny, tiny old woman who's probably afraid of her computer and teenagers. LEARN TO POST YOUR FUCKING SYLLABUS ONLINE!

The ONE page I need is torn out. I have no goddamn idea where it is. I need information right now and have no way to get it until tomorrow. But no one can say I didn't tear my house and car apart looking for the thing.
Canada gets fairly multicultural, but as far as the turban RCMP thing goes, it was a bit of a watershed moment as I understand it. Canadians had to sit down and decide whether the multicultural identity was more important than their Canadian one.

I am undecided as to how I personally like the outcome. I'm happy that that guy is able to express his religious freedom, and serve in the RCMP, but I wonder about the logic behind the decision. I don't feel like the RCMP would have been infringing on his religious freedoms to tell him he wasn't allowed to wear the turban and serve in the police. I would personally interpret that as infringing on his desire to serve with the RCMP, first and foremost.

But I realize I have not been in that man's shoes. I am very much a WASP, in one of the most British-descended provinces of Canada.


Staff member
Canada gets fairly multicultural, but as far as the turban RCMP thing goes, it was a bit of a watershed moment as I understand it. Canadians had to sit down and decide whether the multicultural identity was more important than their Canadian one.

I am undecided as to how I personally like the outcome. I'm happy that that guy is able to express his religious freedom, and serve in the RCMP, but I wonder about the logic behind the decision. I don't feel like the RCMP would have been infringing on his religious freedoms to tell him he wasn't allowed to wear the turban and serve in the police. I would personally interpret that as infringing on his desire to serve with the RCMP, first and foremost.

But I realize I have not been in that man's shoes. I am very much a WASP, in one of the most British-descended provinces of Canada.
I've always been a tad interested in Sikhism, and if I understand correctly, the long hair and the turban are extremely central to their faith, much in the same way circumcision and kosher rules are to Judaism. In other words, asking a devout Sikh to forgo the turban would be like asking a devout Jew to eat a ham-and-bacon sandwich.

It may be just me, but I think the guy looked quite badass ^^
I've always been a tad interested in Sikhism, and if I understand correctly, the long hair and the turban are extremely central to their faith, much in the same way circumcision and kosher rules are to Judaism. In other words, asking a devout Sikh to forgo the turban would be like asking a devout Jew to eat a ham-and-bacon sandwich.

It may be just me, but I think the guy looked quite badass ^^
Ok. But to translate the issue to Judaism, this strikes me as similar to a Jew complaining of infringed-upon religious freedom when he's told he can't be a taste-tester for a slaughterhouse and just skip the bacon. It's not a perfect analog, I acknowledge. I know a hat is a much more easily resolved issue than diet like that. And I don't think someone wanting to stay kosher would even look for a job where they'd have to eat bacon. And that's all ignoring the fact that I doubt there's such a job as bacon test-taster anyhow.

In both situations, though, a compromise had to be made. But it's important to note that it's not a completely fair compromise: only one side really has to give. The butcher can compromise on the bacon-eating and the man could be a full Jew, or the man can compromise on his religion and commit to the butcher. Similarly, the Sikh could continue being a devout Sikh and ask the RCMP to compromise, or he could compromise on his faith and become a full Mountie.

I'm pleased that the mounties decided that the hat wasn't a dealbreaker: it was big of them. But I feel like they would have been within their rights to not to make that allowance. In that situation, they wouldn't have been demanding that he compromise his faith, they would simply have been asking him to respect their tradition. In that situation, nobody would be saying he couldn't be a Sikh, and nobody would be telling him he couldn't be an RCMP officer. It would just be a situation where he would have to make a decision between mutually exclusive options.

It's similar to something I read about a while back. In some Churches, they don't allow hats to be worn in the sanctuary, but a Sikh wanted to enter with his turban. The church would be well within their rights (as far as I see it) to say "No. Not with that hat on," so I wouldn't hold it against them. If, however, the Church made an exception, offering the compromise, it would inspire much respect from me. If the Sikh showed his respect and didn't enter the sanctuary, I would have respect for him. If he removed his turban and entered the sanctuary, I would have respect as well. But if he brought it to court, I'd lose respect.

This is getting really ramble-ey. To dilute my point: I get that people don't want to/can't compromise on matters of faith. I have a lot of respect for people who stay true, even through adversity. But it is not your right to demand that somebody else should make concessions for you. Yes, they should make those concessions if they can (like the RCMP), but if they have no obligation.
In military and police organizations, the hat (or cover) is part of the uniform, and the entire idea of a uniform is to create a group identity - to foremost identify a member as being part of that group, and whatever else they are secondarily. Uniform standards include body weight or BMI, haircut, even facial hair in some cases.

While it's all well and good that the RCMP made an exception - and yes, what would be the harm of letting him wear the turban instead of the smokey bear hat? - they would have been well within their rights to say that he couldn't.
All of this is actually making me wonder where we could take this in a more foolish direction. Stormtroopers with turbans, perhaps?
Similarly, the Sikh could continue being a devout Sikh and ask the RCMP to compromise, or he could compromise on his faith and become a full Mountie.
That last bit really tells me all I need to know about how you feel about the situation and what the status of Sikh mounties really is, as far as you are concerned.
Similarly, the Sikh could continue being a devout Sikh and ask the RCMP to compromise, or he could compromise on his faith and become a full Mountie.
That last bit really tells me all I need to know about how you feel about the situation and what the status of Sikh mounties really is, as far as you are concerned.[/QUOTE]

I was really hoping someone would pick up on that. It happened as an accident, then I backspaced it, then I typed it again, then I put a little "(hahah)" next to it, and then I backspaced that, and decided that I was spending too much time thinking about an accidental pun.
Similarly, the Sikh could continue being a devout Sikh and ask the RCMP to compromise, or he could compromise on his faith and become a full Mountie.
That last bit really tells me all I need to know about how you feel about the situation and what the status of Sikh mounties really is, as far as you are concerned.[/QUOTE]

I was really hoping someone would pick up on that. It happened as an accident, then I backspaced it, then I typed it again, then I put a little "(hahah)" next to it, and then I backspaced that, and decided that I was spending too much time thinking about an accidental pun.[/QUOTE]

Uhh... there is a joke there?
Similarly, the Sikh could continue being a devout Sikh and ask the RCMP to compromise, or he could compromise on his faith and become a full Mountie.
That last bit really tells me all I need to know about how you feel about the situation and what the status of Sikh mounties really is, as far as you are concerned.[/QUOTE]

I was really hoping someone would pick up on that. It happened as an accident, then I backspaced it, then I typed it again, then I put a little "(hahah)" next to it, and then I backspaced that, and decided that I was spending too much time thinking about an accidental pun.[/QUOTE]

Uhh... there is a joke there?[/QUOTE]

Oh, you were serious? I thought you were referring to the similarity between "full Mountie" and "full Monty."

If you are instead referring to the fact that I in effect indicated that the Sikh man is not actually a Mounty, or is somehow less an RCMP officer than the next guy, then I apologize. That's not how I meant it, although I realize that that's how it reads. I was just trying to establish a contrast between being a "full Sikh" (as opposed to one who compromises his religious duty/belief) and a "full Mountie," i.e. becoming a member of the RCMP (if his turban ended up being an issue). I would have thought it was clear that I was dealing in hypotheticals anyhow, since the RCMP did in reality compromise.

Out of curiosity ... did you stop reading at that sentence, or was your interpretation damning enough for you to just skim the rest? I thought I was fairly clear, and even went so far as to bold the thrust of what I was saying in the last paragraph.
I read the rest, but it really did seem like you were basically saying that you didn't consider them to be Mounties because they put their faith (something they had long before they ever became Mounties and is central to their life and culture) over a very minor part of what being a Mountie entails. I'd have imagined that hard work, dedication to justice, and devotion to principles would have been more than enough.

Since you clearly don't feel that way, it's a moot point... but you DID come off as an intolerant asshole.
I see. Well, apologies for that. I tried to make it clear that I have profound respect for those who hold to their religious traditions, but I guess something must have gotten lost there.
I feel a surge of paranoia, anxiety, and hostility within myself. I want to hurt someone, anyone, badly, and I have no discernible reason for doing so. Need to go home and sleep NOW.
I feel a surge of paranoia, anxiety, and hostility within myself. I want to hurt someone, anyone, badly, and I have no discernible reason for doing so. Need to go home and sleep NOW.
Uh oh, shego's channeling herself again. Try a tinfoil hat...

(man, though, there are just some days where you want to punch a baby, though, so I totally know what you mean...)

Wife's friend is trying to get in touch with her again, called her on her cellphone, she didn't answer, he didn't leave a voice mail. She's now completely freaked out.

I've told her if she sees him physically to call 911 first and then me second. I've also removed her name off of our home voice mail. She's sick with fear. Blah :/
you know, they made stalking laws for a reason.
It's just some stupid kid with a crush. If I can avoid bringing the law into it, I'd prefer to. And as long as it remains phone/internet, there's ways to avoid it. Can block phone numbers, email, etc.

That all changes if he shows up here, then all bets are off.
you know, they made stalking laws for a reason.
It's just some stupid kid with a crush. If I can avoid bringing the law into it, I'd prefer to. And as long as it remains phone/internet, there's ways to avoid it. Can block phone numbers, email, etc.

That all changes if he shows up here, then all bets are off.[/QUOTE]

I'd take something like this seriously. Don't blow it off as just a "stupid kid with a crush", I hope you have taken some pre-cautions.
you know, they made stalking laws for a reason.
It's just some stupid kid with a crush. If I can avoid bringing the law into it, I'd prefer to. And as long as it remains phone/internet, there's ways to avoid it. Can block phone numbers, email, etc.

That all changes if he shows up here, then all bets are off.[/QUOTE]

I'd take something like this seriously. Don't blow it off as just a "stupid kid with a crush", I hope you have taken some pre-cautions.[/QUOTE]

Dude, you really should call the cops so its atleast on record...or get a very high end security system installed.

I won't derail this thread with one of the more horrific "LittleSin Stories" that I have...but my sister was in a very precarious situation and it didn't stop until someone (ie. our father) got hurt.


Staff member
I could also contribute a cautionary tale. It sounds like you're already being careful. I just don't want you to have to resort to... calling off all bets. No sense in you possibly getting into trouble yourself when it could be prevented. Anyway, I hope you're right and that he leaves y'all alone.
He's called 3 times in the last hour, left one voice mail. We haven't answered any of them. Wife now says she just wants me to pick up the phone and tell him to fuck off - well, between the periods where she's shaking like a leaf with fear.

Going to my parents house for awhile for some familial support
He's called 3 times in the last hour, left one voice mail. We haven't answered any of them. Wife now says she just wants me to pick up the phone and tell him to fuck off - well, between the periods where she's shaking like a leaf with fear.

Going to my parents house for awhile for some familial support
I hope you're taking your wife with you.
Yeah, I'd report it either way.
In these cases, it's like with the internet. If there's no pics, it didn't happen. If there's no reports, it didn't happen.
And then you'd be kicking some stalker-kid's ass and get in trouble yourself without the previous stalkery having been correctly documented.

Of course, if the police is invilved, you may lose the possibility of kicking that fucker's ass, and I know that, if I was you, I would really like to have this possibility, at least as an irrational thought.

Do you have caller ID? Where is he calling from?
beating the kid up would probably feel very good. the next 3 years with legal problems up his ass would most likely be alot less funny.
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